I want to bear my soul for just a second to all you ladies.
We ALL woke up yesterday morning, I ironed and ironed clothes to get us all ready for Mass…
Well, we arrive early. Sit, not on the back pew but next to last, so we have a pew behind us.
I thought we were doing well. My 2 yo, was talking a little, my 3yo was talking very, very little…but we were making it. My oldest, acting a gem.
Then a couple sits right behind us. Now, the church WAS NOT full and there was plenty of pews to choose from. Well, the women kneels (as I expected) but she stays there and stays there. My kids continue to be kids (not rowdy at all, just going from my lap to my DHs, things like that) …church HAS NOT started yet and she remains kneeled, praying, to the point that any noise my kids made, made me feel uncomfortable.
Then I hear my 3yo tell DH that he wants to go. My DH jumps up, takes him, oldest one follows, next thing I know, my 2yo is running out of the vestibule, and I’m trying to catch him. Church has not started yet, but everyone was lining up in the back…
I hand little man to DH and go back to get my belongings in the pew…Mass is about to begin.
DH, buckles everyone in the truck and says “we can’t do this, we HAVE to come at a different time (this was 11 am Mass), the church is full of people and we are interrupting them”
I was fuming! I told him that we got there early enough that if someone didn’t want to be around kids, they had plenty of pews to choose from…
What it was, that woman who continued to kneel was praying in my husband’s ear, well whispering. Well, not to him, but praying her Rosary out load. He said that he felt like she was trying to ignore us, like she was trying to not pay attention to our Heathens as he called them.
I don’t understand what happened…but we are going to try again next week…my family NEEDS to be in church together and I just feel like things just keep happening to keep us away.
I cried all the way home. My kids weren’t being horrible.