St. Monica pray for us! Praying for our husbands....

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I am in need of desperate prayers for my husband. I thought he was becoming more kind and compassionate due to my illnesses and other family stresses, but today he reared his ugly head!:o
It happend on our way back from a neurology appointment I had for migraines and suspected fibromyalgia. Yuck! Anyway, it wasn’t a pleasant ride home to say the least. Thank you all for praying for him. Please pray for me, too, that I will keep my mouth shut when he says horrendous things to me and about me.

God bless all and you are all in my prayers!

Sorry you had this along with your health problems. I will include you in my prayers tonight.
I am in need of desperate prayers for my husband. I thought he was becoming more kind and compassionate due to my illnesses and other family stresses, but today he reared his ugly head!:o
It happend on our way back from a neurology appointment I had for migraines and suspected fibromyalgia. Yuck! Anyway, it wasn’t a pleasant ride home to say the least. Thank you all for praying for him. Please pray for me, too, that I will keep my mouth shut when he says horrendous things to me and about me.

God bless all and you are all in my prayers!

Oh, dear, I will pray for you! :crossrc:

My mother suffers from that. It’s really hard to make everyone understand the suffering from it.
I am in need of desperate prayers for my husband. I thought he was becoming more kind and compassionate due to my illnesses and other family stresses, but today he reared his ugly head!:o
It happend on our way back from a neurology appointment I had for migraines and suspected fibromyalgia. Yuck! Anyway, it wasn’t a pleasant ride home to say the least. Thank you all for praying for him. Please pray for me, too, that I will keep my mouth shut when he says horrendous things to me and about me.

God bless all and you are all in my prayers!

I’m so sorry that happened! Your’re in my prayers tonight.
I am in need of desperate prayers for my husband. I thought he was becoming more kind and compassionate due to my illnesses and other family stresses, but today he reared his ugly head!:o
It happend on our way back from a neurology appointment I had for migraines and suspected fibromyalgia. Yuck! Anyway, it wasn’t a pleasant ride home to say the least. Thank you all for praying for him. Please pray for me, too, that I will keep my mouth shut when he says horrendous things to me and about me.

God bless all and you are all in my prayers!

I am so sorry Mom4Truth!! I will pray for you when I say the rosary today! I will PM you later this morning. Hang in there!


My husband, David, was a lapsed Catholic when we met and married. I had no faith, sort of agnostic, but not really caring that much. It wasn’t important to me. God took me by the scruff of the neck and gave me a good shake and brought me to the Church. I was baptised and confirmed in 1980. By God’s great goodness, David agreed to have our marriage regularised in the Church so at least on paper we have a Sacramental Marriage, although he still was not receiving the Sacraments. Since then, I have prayed and prayed and prayed for him to come back to the Church. I must admit to being of two minds about it, generally thinking that it will take something traumatic to bring him back and not wanting something bad to happen to him. Sure enough, he was arrested DUI and after much soul-searching on his long walk home that night, he returned to the Church, going to Confession and receiving the Sacraments. However, he is a very liberal cafeteria Catholic. He says that all we must believe are the points of dogma - everything else is a legitimate matter of opinion which he can decide for himself. I don’t think he has gone to Confession for many years. He is constantly trying to get me to back off on the practice of my faith, saying that I am over-the-top. When I started going to daily Mass, he said I was going to wear it out. He thinks that all he needs to do is go to Mass on Sunday when he can and he’ll be alright. Even so, he works in a remote location that has no access to a church so he only goes to Mass when he is home on his break, once every 3 weeks. When he is home, he refuses to leave home early for Mass so we arrive barely 5 minutes before the start and leave ASAP now that his obligation is fulfilled. He gets impatient with me because I want to either pray for a while after Mass or stay to talk with people outside. He keeps saying - “Can we go now?” He is lukewarm about his faith and is in danger of lapsing again.

He is also drinking very heavily again, 4 1/2 to 5 bottles of whiskey in the 6 days he’s home on his break - so even though he is physically here, he is so drunk that he might as well not be. This is the real stumbling block to the practice of his faith and impediment to having a sacramental marriage. His mind is too clouded by alcohol to understand what he is doing.

Please pray for him, that he be freed from the demon alcohol and all the associated behaviours and health problems that go with it and that he become on fire with his faith, that he be blessed with every grace he needs to return fully to the Church and to open his heart to the Lord. Please pray for me too, that I can cope with his alcoholism and the loneliness. When he is not here, I am very lonely, when he is here, I just wish he’d go again because he is so hard to live with. Retirement is looming and I view it with trepidation. We really need prayers.
My husband, David, was a lapsed Catholic when we met and married. I had no faith, sort of agnostic, but not really caring that much. It wasn’t important to me. God took me by the scruff of the neck and gave me a good shake and brought me to the Church. I was baptised and confirmed in 1980. By God’s great goodness, David agreed to have our marriage regularised in the Church so at least on paper we have a Sacramental Marriage, although he still was not receiving the Sacraments. Since then, I have prayed and prayed and prayed for him to come back to the Church. I must admit to being of two minds about it, generally thinking that it will take something traumatic to bring him back and not wanting something bad to happen to him. Sure enough, he was arrested DUI and after much soul-searching on his long walk home that night, he returned to the Church, going to Confession and receiving the Sacraments. However, he is a very liberal cafeteria Catholic. He says that all we must believe are the points of dogma - everything else is a legitimate matter of opinion which he can decide for himself. I don’t think he has gone to Confession for many years. He is constantly trying to get me to back off on the practice of my faith, saying that I am over-the-top. When I started going to daily Mass, he said I was going to wear it out. He thinks that all he needs to do is go to Mass on Sunday when he can and he’ll be alright. Even so, he works in a remote location that has no access to a church so he only goes to Mass when he is home on his break, once every 3 weeks. When he is home, he refuses to leave home early for Mass so we arrive barely 5 minutes before the start and leave ASAP now that his obligation is fulfilled. He gets impatient with me because I want to either pray for a while after Mass or stay to talk with people outside. He keeps saying - “Can we go now?” He is lukewarm about his faith and is in danger of lapsing again.

He is also drinking very heavily again, 4 1/2 to 5 bottles of whiskey in the 6 days he’s home on his break - so even though he is physically here, he is so drunk that he might as well not be. This is the real stumbling block to the practice of his faith and impediment to having a sacramental marriage. His mind is too clouded by alcohol to understand what he is doing.

Please pray for him, that he be freed from the demon alcohol and all the associated behaviours and health problems that go with it and that he become on fire with his faith, that he be blessed with every grace he needs to return fully to the Church and to open his heart to the Lord. Please pray for me too, that I can cope with his alcoholism and the loneliness. When he is not here, I am very lonely, when he is here, I just wish he’d go again because he is so hard to live with. Retirement is looming and I view it with trepidation. We really need prayers.
I will keep you and your husband in my prayers. I am very sorry to hear about yur husband`s addiction to alcohol. I know the pain that alcoholism brings to a family and wish it upon no one.


Oh, Linda Marie, I will pray for you and your husband…writing your name down right now (hey, that’s the only way I can keep up with prayers, kwim?)

Sounds like your hubby is going through some tough times, then to add alcohol on top, he must be suffering. (and I know that you are as well)

I’ve prayed for my husband to see things and unfortunately it does sometimes take something bad to happen for them to see…I hope that’s not the case again for you, but it might be, so as Jesus said to St. Faustina “Strengthen yourself for combat”
Maybe I can put a smile on everyone’s face this morning…

My DH will be going to Mass this weekend with me…we are going to take all the kids if nothing happens, LOL…

Then I do believe he wants to go with me to the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament on Monday morning…we are going to be there while the nuns pray the Rosary…

That’s awesome, Dana! Truly, God’s grace is at work with your family.


Maybe I can put a smile on everyone’s face this morning…

My DH will be going to Mass this weekend with me…we are going to take all the kids if nothing happens, LOL…

Then I do believe he wants to go with me to the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament on Monday morning…we are going to be there while the nuns pray the Rosary…

Popping in to let the new posters know I’m praying for them! My dh started RCIA last Wednesday night. I, for one, am very glad that Easter 2008 is EARLY! 😃
Popping in to let the new posters know I’m praying for them! My dh started RCIA last Wednesday night. I, for one, am very glad that Easter 2008 is EARLY! 😃
:extrahappy: That’s me and you doing the happy dance! :extrahappy:
:extrahappy: That’s me and you doing the happy dance! :extrahappy:
My oldest (15 yo dd) is also going through RCIA, and my 11 yo dd and 9 yo ds are going to FEP (9 yo ds is also doing RCIC on alternating Sundays since he’s not baptized). Rosey-bud (the 11 yo) said, “That’s not fair! We (both girls) sat through all of those classes with you this summer and you got in and we didn’t!” So it appears that my whole family will be coming into the Church this Easter. 😃 😃 😃 😃

Hard to believe I was a die-hard Baptist 4 years ago, isn’t it? :o
Praying for you both - Mom4Truth & Linda Marie.
Congratulations Dana & Pixie - awesome news!!
St. Gabriel,

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your prayers. You have no idea how much I need them!

much love,

I want to bear my soul for just a second to all you ladies.

We ALL woke up yesterday morning, I ironed and ironed clothes to get us all ready for Mass…

Well, we arrive early. Sit, not on the back pew but next to last, so we have a pew behind us.

I thought we were doing well. My 2 yo, was talking a little, my 3yo was talking very, very little…but we were making it. My oldest, acting a gem.

Then a couple sits right behind us. Now, the church WAS NOT full and there was plenty of pews to choose from. Well, the women kneels (as I expected) but she stays there and stays there. My kids continue to be kids (not rowdy at all, just going from my lap to my DHs, things like that) …church HAS NOT started yet and she remains kneeled, praying, to the point that any noise my kids made, made me feel uncomfortable.

Then I hear my 3yo tell DH that he wants to go. My DH jumps up, takes him, oldest one follows, next thing I know, my 2yo is running out of the vestibule, and I’m trying to catch him. Church has not started yet, but everyone was lining up in the back…

I hand little man to DH and go back to get my belongings in the pew…Mass is about to begin.

DH, buckles everyone in the truck and says “we can’t do this, we HAVE to come at a different time (this was 11 am Masss), the church is full of people and we are interrupting them”

I was fuming! I told him that we got there early enough that if someone didn’t want to be around kids, they had plenty of pews to choose from…

What it was, that woman who continued to kneel was praying in my husband’s ear, well whispering. Well, not to him, but praying her Rosary out load. He said that he felt like she was trying to ignore us, like she was trying to not pay attention to our Heathens as he called them.

I don’t understand what happened…but we are going to try again next week…my family NEEDS to be in church together and I just feel like things just keep happening to keep us away.

I cried all the way home. My kids weren’t being horrible.
How disappointing and frustrating for you! YOur husband needs to know he is not a mind reader. I have no young kids now, they are all grown. Sometimes I do sit near families with small children because I know that I will understand that they are restless sometimes where others may not. How does someone else know otherwise? Maybe your husband has an agenda that he will react this way no matter what. Maybe you could alternate: one Sunday together, one separate? You are in my prayers, sister.
I went to 9:00 Mass yesterday morning, and there were all kinds of littles there, making their own vocal contributions to the liturgy! Anyone who has been Catholic for any length of time should expect kids to be in Mass, and expect those kids to BE kids in Mass! Any sound that a little one makes is MAGNIFIED to the parent, but likely not even phasing those around you. Jesus said “Let the children come to me” and he didn’t qualify it by saying “Let the quiet, well-behaved children come to me.” Going to a different Mass time is not going to make a difference if your dh thinks of your dc as “interruptions” rather than “contributions.” They’ll never learn to sit through Mass if they don’t get the opportunity to practice!

I have no doubt that the noises bothered you and your dh a LOT more than anyone around you. As you said, if the woman behind you was truly bothered, they would have sat elsewhere to begin with.

Sounds like your dh just didn’t want to be there and was using the dc as an excuse to leave, IMNSHO. 😦 I’ll be praying!

I want to bear my soul for just a second to all you ladies.

We ALL woke up yesterday morning, I ironed and ironed clothes to get us all ready for Mass…

Well, we arrive early. Sit, not on the back pew but next to last, so we have a pew behind us.

I thought we were doing well. My 2 yo, was talking a little, my 3yo was talking very, very little…but we were making it. My oldest, acting a gem.

Then a couple sits right behind us. Now, the church WAS NOT full and there was plenty of pews to choose from. Well, the women kneels (as I expected) but she stays there and stays there. My kids continue to be kids (not rowdy at all, just going from my lap to my DHs, things like that) …church HAS NOT started yet and she remains kneeled, praying, to the point that any noise my kids made, made me feel uncomfortable.

Then I hear my 3yo tell DH that he wants to go. My DH jumps up, takes him, oldest one follows, next thing I know, my 2yo is running out of the vestibule, and I’m trying to catch him. Church has not started yet, but everyone was lining up in the back…

I hand little man to DH and go back to get my belongings in the pew…Mass is about to begin.

DH, buckles everyone in the truck and says “we can’t do this, we HAVE to come at a different time (this was 11 am Mass), the church is full of people and we are interrupting them”

I was fuming! I told him that we got there early enough that if someone didn’t want to be around kids, they had plenty of pews to choose from…

What it was, that woman who continued to kneel was praying in my husband’s ear, well whispering. Well, not to him, but praying her Rosary out load. He said that he felt like she was trying to ignore us, like she was trying to not pay attention to our Heathens as he called them.

I don’t understand what happened…but we are going to try again next week…my family NEEDS to be in church together and I just feel like things just keep happening to keep us away.

I cried all the way home. My kids weren’t being horrible.
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