I HIGHLY recommend the CDs from the Bible Christian Society. Start with “One Church” then “Apostolic Authority and the Pope” and go from there.You are welcome!
You know, I think he would listen, but it’s going to have to be a powerful speaker…do you have a suggestion?
My “class” was just 3 women, the one I mentioned, then another woman who’s dh was cradle Catholic and me. I had my 2 girls with me, but no dh. I’ll be going through the “long” program with dh this year so he’s not all by himself. He missed the chance to join me this summer, which he’s suddenly kicking himself for.Thanks my friend! You are right, I am there for fellowship as well. In the class is a cradle Catholic that I’ve known for years. Back about 8 years ago, I asked him if DH and I could go with them to midnight Mass on Christmas Eve. He was so honored for us to attend, he showed us around, I actually think he was shocked…I look back now, and that was the beginning of my intrigue with the Catholic Church.
I am really surprised at the young couples in my class…yes, husband and wife…let me think…well…everyone is a coupleI think I’m the only single…awww, pray for me now, that has me depressed!