Lone Catholic, Hang in there… it does get easier. I had 4 children under 5 and my husband left me when the youngest was 5months old. It was hard. But I had to accept a lot of help from family and friends. If I didn’t, the children would have suffered.Lone Catholic said:Thanks Jules and JMJ. I’m having a really hard time right now. This is my 4th baby in 6 years. I have had help since he was born 3 weeks ago, but I’m very frightened about next week when I am on my own with the 4 of them. The youngest are 2 (almost 3) and 19 months. So I have a batch of little ones and boy are they draining!! Someone always needs something! And I’m trying to homeschool my oldest who is 5.
I cried a lot and relied on God to get me through, and He did.
I wish I was near you, I would love to help.
But because I’m not, I’ll send prayers instead.
My eldest is 16 (the others are 15,13 and 11) and I have a 6month old and I enjoy him so much. He is so beautiful. But I am much more relaxed now, (second marriage)
It is a cross at the moment for you, but do not take on the guilt of not being a good wife too. You have enough to cope with.
It’s a cop out for your husband to say you are not a good catholic. It means that he has an excuse not to become one (or he thinks he does) Remind him that he should base his behaviour on Christ, not you.
Maybe you should suggest that he become a catholic to show you how its done!!!
I’ll be praying for all the wives on here! God Bless you all!