St. Monica pray for us! Praying for our husbands....

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We accept your apology(sincerely) and blessings go out to you, too! God bless!šŸ˜‰
Helllooooo all!
Iā€™m back!
I had a wonderful time in Sydney with my lovely friends. It was great! I went somewhere new everyday. I havenā€™t prayed as much as I would have liked as by the end of a day of running after a 2yo, I was exhausted! We went to a wildlife park, the sydney aquarium, to Katoomba to visit a fellow CAF. I met aboverubies! She was lovely!
We went on a chair lift through the Blue Mountains, went to the Taronga zoo in Sydney and also went to a few beautiful Latin Massā€™s and thoroughlly enjoyed myself and so did my son.
Then I get back to realityā€¦ ahhhh!
Oh well, I had a lovely break and my friends were so spiritually uplifting. I havenā€™t cooked in 9 days!
I hope all of you are well and I have remembered you in my quick and very tired prayers.
Where is Diana?
Jules, this is 11 days Diana has not been here, and we have been praying ferverently for her, and her family, as well as her situation.

We are in deep demand to ask as many to interceed where she is concerned, to bring her back to us safely, and with her pure heart.

Prayer to Saint Joseph for all sick husbands to find help.

O glorious St. Joseph,
friend of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
thou whose power renders impossible things possible,
come to our aid in our present trouble and distress.
Take these important and difficult affairs
which we recommend to your protection,
that they may end happily.

O dear St. Joseph,
all our confidence is in you.
Let it not be said that we have invoked you in vain,
and since you are so powerful with Jesus and Mary,
show that your goodness equals power.


St. Joseph, friend of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
pray for us and for all who invoke your aid.

St. Joseph, friend of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
pray for us and for all who invoke your aid.

St. Joseph, friend of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
pray for us and for all who invoke your aid.

Dear St. Monica,
troubled wife and mother,
many sorrows pierced your heart during your lifetime.
Yet, you never despaired or lost faith.
With confidence, persistence, and profound faith,
you prayed daily for the conversion
of your beloved husband, Patricius,
and your beloved son, Augustine;
your prayers were answered.
Grant me that same fortitude, patience,
and trust in the Lord.
Intercede for me, dear St. Monica,
that God may favorably hear my plea for

the conversion of my husband, healing and salvation of our marriage, and the strong faith of our son, the conversion of all sinners in our families and of the spouses being prayed for here by CAF members,**

and grant me the grace to accept His Will in all things,
through Jesus Christ, our Lord,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever.


Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.

Jesus, I trust in You!
Jesus, I trust in You!
Jesus, I trust in You!

Glad to have you back! So nice that you had a break, too. About Diana - Iā€™m worried. Weā€™re all praying for her and her family. God bless!šŸ™‚
hi all šŸ™‚

I am a born Catholic and my husband is too. we have been married for 5 months but know each other for over 5 years. Eever since we go married i have been praying for his convension because he has become the person i dont know. He has resorted to drinking alcohol and not going for Mass at all. When it does happen that he does go for Mass, he will just go and recieve Communion as if nothing happened to him, without even going for confession or anything. So thank you very much for the prayer to St Monica, I have found my pole to keep my balanced because i was clearly loosing it.

thank you very much šŸ˜ƒ
Well hello Zizi, welcome here with usā€¦and this is where you posted first, so this must be where your heart is hurting the most.

For this i am sorry, but here we can help each other out without even realizing it, just by telling our stories of what we went through that day, and comment and pray for others here.

We need our husbands to be a part of our lives, and our children, and when they are not, we really are not complete. To aknowlege that there is help in leaning on a group of friends going through the same thing is something that will help us cope.

So stick around hun, and i am praying for you and yours!


Welcome! You are most certainly not alone in your situation. I will include you in my rosaries and petition for you at Mass! God bless you and hang in there!šŸ™‚
Oh Dear, where is Diana? She was last online on April 23rdā€¦ and Debbie, Lambe serenade, I havenā€™t seen her post for a while. I could have missed it as I have just skimmed through.
I will write a list of those that have posted this year so we can remember who to pray for.
I do hope Diana is ok. How worrying.
God bless everyone. Still praying.
Here is everyone that has posted from the beginning of this year.
I am up to page 87 but will finish tomorrow as its time for bed.
I left a couple out that seemed to post to encourage but not necessarily have unbelieving husbands.
Those in bold are regularsā€¦ so if they go MIA we will know.

Sorry if I have missed anyone. I have yet to finish though and I do not know of a quick way of doing this except going through each page.

Lamb Serenade

Diana Lynn
Pixie Dust

Run Mom
WOW, you certainly are the Fairy landing pixie dust on me this morning. I prayed for this listā€¦hehe.

I will copy and paste the final lists together when done, into a word document. This will be easier to keep adding new arrivals to. I can print them off when ever i need to update. So when my mine is failing, God sees the intentions of all. Not that he does not know what i am thinking, but you get the jist of it.

Thanks Julesā€¦

actually my mind thanks you too!

12 days for Diana and still prayingā€¦

praying for our newly defined list of membersā€¦

Prayer to Saint Joseph for all sick husbands to find help.

O glorious St. Joseph,
friend of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
thou whose power renders impossible things possible,
come to our aid in our present trouble and distress.
Take these important and difficult affairs
which we recommend to your protection,
that they may end happily.

O dear St. Joseph,
all our confidence is in you.
Let it not be said that we have invoked you in vain,
and since you are so powerful with Jesus and Mary,
show that your goodness equals power.


St. Joseph, friend of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
pray for us and for all who invoke your aid.

St. Joseph, friend of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
pray for us and for all who invoke your aid.

St. Joseph, friend of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
pray for us and for all who invoke your aid.

Dear St. Monica,
troubled wife and mother,
many sorrows pierced your heart during your lifetime.
Yet, you never despaired or lost faith.
With confidence, persistence, and profound faith,
you prayed daily for the conversion
of your beloved husband, Patricius,
and your beloved son, Augustine;
your prayers were answered.
Grant me that same fortitude, patience,
and trust in the Lord.
Intercede for me, dear St. Monica,
that God may favorably hear my plea for

the conversion of my husband, healing and salvation of our marriage, and the strong faith of our son, the conversion of all sinners in our families and of the spouses being prayed for here by CAF members,**

and grant me the grace to accept His Will in all things,
through Jesus Christ, our Lord,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever.


Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.

Jesus, I trust in You!
Jesus, I trust in You!
Jesus, I trust in You!
Here is everyone that has posted from the beginning of this year.
I am up to page 87 but will finish tomorrow as its time for bed.
I left a couple out that seemed to post to encourage but not necessarily have unbelieving husbands.
Those in bold are regularsā€¦ so if they go MIA we will know.

Sorry if I have missed anyone. I have yet to finish though and I do not know of a quick way of doing this except going through each page.

Lamb Serenade

Diana Lynn
Pixie Dust

Run Mom
Ooops! Forgot the return between Erazo and BeeSweet!

Will fix that later.
The final list I think. I apologise if I have missed anyone. Please feel free to add yourself if I have.

Lamb Serenade

Diana Lynn
Pixie Dust

Run Mom
Gloria Lucy
Hi Ladies,

I wanted to let you know I am here. I check in every day and pray for your intentions at night as I fall asleep. Iā€™ve been sitting back and sort of regrouping. I havenā€™t been in to my spiritual director for over a month and am trying to remain calm in my spirit.

Things are up and down and quite frankly I have no idea where DH is in his thinking, drinking or spirituality, therefore I have no idea where I stand with him. At times he seems like he is reaching out and connecting only to draw back and ā€œbiteā€, if you know what I mean.

I only reach out a hand when he reaches out to me at this point. If it gets rejected I simply step back and wait. The reaching out is happening more often but isnā€™t lasting for long. A day or two at most.

Tell me if you think this is awful. DH has had work obligations recently which have taken him away from home, out of town, for several days in a row two different times. He is leaving again this week. Him being gone has been like a mini vacation for me, and I look forward to it on some levels. I miss him when heā€™s gone, but itā€™s nice to not tip toe around wondering how he is going to be, wondering if heā€™s drinking, etc., etc. What
do you think? Is it wrong/bad for me to feel the way I do? I have a sense of guilt. I never stop praying for him, loving him. I just want our marriage to be solid, healthy, supportive and loving, so I guess it kind of feels like Iā€™m betraying my own desires and prayers by enjoying his time away from us.

I just ask all of you to continue to pray for me. I get a sense something really important is around the corner. I just donā€™t know how long the road is ahead before I get to the corner. After all, this has been going on intensely for over a year and in my blindness for around 10 years, so the road is long.

On another note, I struggled and bit my tongue when we were being attacked here at St.Mā€™s but I was so proud of all of you who responded with grace, peace and beautiful kind answers. You go girls!!

Oh, and jules, thanks for the list. It gives a greater sense of how real this is. Iā€™m sure for each of us who have posted here, there are many many who have stopped in, read all or part of the thread and have been affirmed and/or prayed for us.
Hi Jules! Put me on your list, please??? I somehow got unsubscribed, so I want to get on this thread again!!!šŸ‘‹
O Christ Jesus,
when all is darkness
and we feel our weakness and helplessness,
give us the sense of Your presence,
Your love, and Your strength.
Help us to have perfect trust
in Your protecting love
and strengthening power,
so that nothing may frighten or worry us,
for, living close to You,
we shall see Your hand,
Your purpose, Your will through all things.

Praying for strength, and faith in this very dark and painful time Lord. Be with me, guide me, and hold me close, comforting me with the understanding that this too shall pass.

** Ladies, I ask for your prayers, the last few days have felt like purgatory on earth. My dh, and my son, have both fallen victim to the warm weather and the drinking that seems to always come with it. The drinking turns to fighting, yelling and swearing, insults and every kind of emotional abuse. My spirit has been assaulted from both of them the last few days, and Iā€™m having a tough time hanging on.** As I write this, for that matter as I do anything, the tears well up in my eyes, and I break down again. I feel like I am betraying God, for I believe he wants me to stay and help, but I just donā€™t have it in me. I feel like a fool for staying with a man who is so mean and abusive, so selfish and filled with so much anger and hatred. Forgive me Lord, but I ask again - grant me the means to leave this behind. Grant me the courage to walk away and never look back. He is your son Lord, care for him, watch over him, and be there for him, for I cannot. My heart aches, my spirit is broken, and I need time to heal before I can do anybody any good at all.
Dearest Diana,

I am praying for you.

Regarding what you said in the red bolded text, I have a sense the reason for your absence is that you have in fact been granted the courage, and means to leave. I pray the absence isnā€™t due to what you told us in the black bold text. I pray you are safe and find healing in mind and spirit Diana. Suffering souls are profound ā€œpray-ersā€ and are close to God. Based on what we know about you Diana, I have faith you are still praying for all of us. For all of this, and for what you said in blue bold, I am going to offer my entire evenings prayers tonight for you Diana. Additionally, my time will be spent saying my rosary on my knees which right now is a painful thing to do.

*** Heavenly Father hold Your dear daughter Diana close to Your Heart. Embrace this loving a sacrificial soul and bring relief for her in her pain. Sooth her soul and give her the answers and help she so desperately needs. Send those who are best equipped to aid her in her deepest and fervent time of need. May her Guardian Angel be ever at her side and may a blessed and holy army of Angels protect and guide her through this darkness. Holy Spirit shine Your Light so she may raise her face to the Glory and Love of our Savior, Jesus Christ.***
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