Dearest Debbie,Hi Ladies,
I wanted to let you know I am here. I check in every day and pray for your intentions at night as I fall asleep. I’ve been sitting back and sort of regrouping. I haven’t been in to my spiritual director for over a month and am trying to remain calm in my spirit.
Things are up and down and quite frankly I have no idea where DH is in his thinking, drinking or spirituality, therefore I have no idea where I stand with him. At times he seems like he is reaching out and connecting only to draw back and “bite”, if you know what I mean.
I only reach out a hand when he reaches out to me at this point. If it gets rejected I simply step back and wait. The reaching out is happening more often but isn’t lasting for long. A day or two at most.
Tell me if you think this is awful. DH has had work obligations recently which have taken him away from home, out of town, for several days in a row two different times. He is leaving again this week. Him being gone has been like a mini vacation for me, and I look forward to it on some levels. I miss him when he’s gone, but it’s nice to not tip toe around wondering how he is going to be, wondering if he’s drinking, etc., etc. What
do you think? Is it wrong/bad for me to feel the way I do? I have a sense of guilt. I never stop praying for him, loving him. I just want our marriage to be solid, healthy, supportive and loving, so I guess it kind of feels like I’m betraying my own desires and prayers by enjoying his time away from us.
I just ask all of you to continue to pray for me. I get a sense something really important is around the corner. I just don’t know how long the road is ahead before I get to the corner. After all, this has been going on intensely for over a year and in my blindness for around 10 years, so the road is long.
On another note, I struggled and bit my tongue when we were being attacked here at St.M’s but I was so proud of all of you who responded with grace, peace and beautiful kind answers. You go girls!!
Oh, and jules, thanks for the list. It gives a greater sense of how real this is. I’m sure for each of us who have posted here, there are many many who have stopped in, read all or part of the thread and have been affirmed and/or prayed for us.
Do not feel guilty at being relieved when he is gone. It is only NATURAL and human to feel that way!
Noone wants to live on edge all the time, not knowing what will make your husband blow up, lose his temper or hurl abuse at you. Do not spend this time feeling guilty but use it to relax and calm your soul so you can be better equipped for the next battle. Time to spend with God and renewing your strength and resolve.
I know so much how you feel!
You want the marriage to be happy and a place of love and comfort but it is not to be at the moment so the only time you get the happiness and comfort is your time with God, not your husband.
Please do not feel bad. Your feelings are not wrong. They are normal. One does get tired of battles. You need time to rest.
God bless you