I will look them up next time i am at coles…sounds enchantingly to the heart type of books!
Very much so! You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll ponder…Focus on the Family has done an audio “radio theatre” version of the first book.I will look them up next time i am at coles…sounds enchantingly to the heart type of books!
Okay Pixie, I thought I was the only one who did that!!! LOL I laughed when I saw you do this too! I have the Penguin paperbacks with the orange spine. I’m going to buy the the paperback edition of Light from Heaven even though I have the hard back which was given to me as a gift. How silly is that?..Just got to read Home to Holly Springs last week.I’ll wait for the paperback to buy it so it matches the rest of my Mitford books on the shelf.
Oh Jules hun, i am sorry for the situation, and your childrens little hearts. I will pray for you all. For now, i think the only way you will avoid the distraught feelings in your childrens hearts is for you to be more settled. For your children, you can do this.Please everyone, pray for me and my husband. Things are TERRIBLE. I am so distraught. I don’t think my heart can take anymore and my poor children suffer too.
Oh mom…i am sorry and will pray for you as well. I guess the same ideas might be tried as for jules…it is just ideas to try, as we know, we are at our witts end!jules:
I am praying for you very hard. Please pray for me, too. I’m in the same boat! God bless!
Please everyone, pray for me and my husband. Things are TERRIBLE. I am so distraught. I don’t think my heart can take anymore and my poor children suffer too.
My friends, I’m so sorry. Praying for you now.jules:
I am praying for you very hard. Please pray for me, too. I’m in the same boat! God bless!
That does sound like good advice. Hard to do, but probably the best thing (besides prayer) for now. :grouphug:There is a fine line between giving up and not wanting something fixed, and giving up trying it your way. God knows the difference. Say, “ok God, i give up doing it my way…it hurts so much. I can not change him, i pass him over to you, and will work on my children only for now, as he is sucking the energy out of me, and i can be a better mom if i do not have him on my plate.”
It hurts when we stop doing, as it feels like we are stopping the helping part. But we need to stop that part. He has to help himself.