(((((((((((((((((((Jules)))))))))))))))))))) :crying:
He is unbelievable.

I’m so, so sorry you are going through this. I was going to look up Catholic Charities to see if they help with legal issues at all (or could at least refer you to where you could get low-cost or no-cost aid) but then I remembered you’re in Australia and I don’t know if you have the same thing there as we do here. I definitely think you need to speak with your priest and find out what options are available (if the church can help you find legal representation). I highly recommend you not speak with his lawyer or him anymore until you have a lawyer yourself. Unfortunately, you can’t trust them to be honest and amicable in these dealings it seems, so protect yourself best with silence for now.
I pray that you have family and friends who can help you during this difficult time. Please know you’re in my prayers (and everyone’s here).
St. Michael the Archangel
Defend Jules and her children in battle
Be their safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil
May God rebuke him we humbly pray
And do thou, O prince of the Heavenly Host
By the power of God
Cast into hell satan and all the evil spirits
Who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls
Angels of God
Who are Jules’ and her childrens’ guardians
To whom Merciful God entrusted all of them
Enlighten and keep them this day
Guard and lead them
I just began another novena to St. Rita, the patron saint of many things, including: abuse victims, against loneliness, desperate causes, difficult marriages, forgotten causes, impossible causes, lost causes, parenthood, sick people, victims of physical spouse abuse, and wounded people.
“Among the other areas, Rita is well-known as a patron of desperate, seemingly impossible causes and situations. This is because she has been involved in so many stages of life - wife, mother, widow, and nun, she buried her family, helped bring peace to her city, saw her dreams denied and fulfilled - and never lost her faith in God, or her desire to be with Him.”
As I said, I just began (another) novena to St. Rita because I’m feeling desperate lately and like our situation is seemingly impossible. Her feast day is May 22 (that’s why I’m doing another one now) – which if you double up today, you’ll finish the novena on that day. Just thought I’d mention it (I’m sure St. Monica won’t mind – after all, they’re all up there together praying for us, right?).
May God bless all of you this day and help us to find peaceful solutions to all our troubles.
