St. Monica pray for us! Praying for our husbands....

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Ephesians 5

22 Wives should be subordinate to their husbands as to the Lord.
23 For the husband is head of his wife just as Christ is head of the church, he himself the savior of the body.
24 As the church is subordinate to Christ, so wives should be subordinate to their husbands in everything.


And this helps, HOW???
Day 9:

God, our Father, we turn to You seeking Your divine help and guidance as my DH looks for suitable employment.
He needs Your wisdom to guide his footsteps along the right path, and to lead him to find the proper things to say and do in this quest. Help him to use the gifts and talents You have given him, but he needs the opportunity to do so with gainful employment.
Do not abandon him, dear Father, in this search, but rather grant him this favor we seek so that he may return to You with praise and thanksgiving for Your gracious assistance.
Grant this through Christ, our Lord.


Praying for all of you. :grouphug:
Found this and thought you ladies (and gents, if there are any around 😛 ) would like this:

“Be steadfast in true friendship, because there is nothing so precious in human relations. It is a great consolation in this life to have a friend to whom we can open our heart.”
~ St. Ambrose

Day 9

A Prayer For Employment

God, our Father, we turn to You seeking Your divine help and guidance as Belle’s DH looks for suitable employment.
He needs Your wisdom to guide his footsteps along the right path, and to lead him to find the proper things to say and do in this quest. Help him to use the gifts and talents You have given him, but he needs the opportunity to do so with gainful employment.
Do not abandon him, dear Father, in this search, but rather grant him this favor we seek so that he may return to You with praise and thanksgiving for Your gracious assistance.
Grant this through Christ, our Lord.
Prayer to Saint Joseph for all sick husbands to find help.

O glorious St. Joseph,
friend of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
thou whose power renders impossible things possible,
come to our aid in our present trouble and distress.
Take these important and difficult affairs
which we recommend to your protection,
that they may end happily.

O dear St. Joseph,
all our confidence is in you.
Let it not be said that we have invoked you in vain,
and since you are so powerful with Jesus and Mary,
show that your goodness equals power.


St. Joseph, friend of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
pray for us and for all who invoke your aid.

St. Joseph, friend of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
pray for us and for all who invoke your aid.

St. Joseph, friend of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
pray for us and for all who invoke your aid.

Dear St. Monica,
troubled wife and mother,
many sorrows pierced your heart during your lifetime.
Yet, you never despaired or lost faith.
With confidence, persistence, and profound faith,
you prayed daily for the conversion
of your beloved husband, Patricius,
and your beloved son, Augustine;
your prayers were answered.
Grant me that same fortitude, patience,
and trust in the Lord.
Intercede for me, dear St. Monica,
that God may favorably hear my plea for

the conversion of my husband, healing and salvation of our marriage, and the strong faith of our son, the conversion of all sinners in our families and of the spouses being prayed for here by CAF members,**

and grant me the grace to accept His Will in all things,
through Jesus Christ, our Lord,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever.


Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.

Jesus, I trust in You!
Jesus, I trust in You!
Jesus, I trust in You!
A Prayer For Employment Day Nine

God, our Father, we turn to You seeking Your divine help and guidance as Belle’s DH looks for suitable employment.
He needs Your wisdom to guide his footsteps along the right path, and to lead him to find the proper things to say and do in this quest. Help him to use the gifts and talents You have given him, but he needs the opportunity to do so with gainful employment.
Do not abandon him, dear Father, in this search, but rather grant him this favor we seek so that he may return to You with praise and thanksgiving for Your gracious assistance.
Grant this through Christ, our Lord.
You left out a few verses… 😉
21**Being subject one to another, in the fear of Christ.
22Let women be subject to their husbands, as to the Lord:
23Because the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ is the head of the church. He is the saviour of his body.

24Therefore as the church is subject to Christ, so also let the wives be to their husbands in all things.

25**Husbands, love your wives, as Christ also loved the church, and delivered himself up for it:**
Yes I certainly did leave it out! Bless you all for praying for your husbands! Christian women are the greatest in the world!

You left out a few verses… 😉
21**Being subject one to another, in the fear of Christ.
25**Husbands, love your wives, as Christ also loved the church, and delivered himself up for it:**
Pixie- Don’t make me go to Proverbs …haha

Ok Paladin…fess up, how did you come to choose this for a name? I ask totally out of interest for your choice.

Hi Ladies,

Novena for Belle’s dh, day 4.

How is everyone doing? You ladies are always in my prayers.

Pixie & Paladin:

You two are hilarious! A little jab here and there keeps things interesting! (just kidding, of course!)😉
Whew…good to know, thought we had a rebel on our hands!:whistle:

God bless!

A rebel? If I were a rebel I would have quoted the following:
1 timothy 2
11 A woman should learn in quietness and full submission.
12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent.


1 Corinthians 14
As in all the congregations of the saints,
34 women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the Law says.
35 If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church.

or one of these:
Passage Proverbs 21:9:
9 Better to live on a corner of the roof
than share a house with a quarrelsome wife.

Passage Proverbs 21:19:
19 Better to live in a desert
than with a quarrelsome and ill-tempered wife.

Passage Proverbs 27:15:
15 A quarrelsome wife is like
a constant dripping on a rainy day;

But I’m not a rebel, so I won’t say them… 😃

( running for the door …)
Ok Paladin…fess up, how did you come to choose this for a name? I ask totally out of interest for your choice.

Hi Lana,
Look at the definition of Paladin
  1. any one of the 12 legendary peers or knightly champions in attendance on Charlemagne.
  2. any knightly or heroic champion.
  3. any determined advocate or defender of a noble cause.
  4. A paragon of chivalry; a heroic champion.
I must admit, I first started using the name after I earned that title in a video game. I developed a liking to that name.

Hi Lana,
Look at the definition of Paladin
  1. any one of the 12 legendary peers or knightly champions in attendance on Charlemagne.
  2. any knightly or heroic champion.
  3. any determined advocate or defender of a noble cause.
  4. A paragon of chivalry; a heroic champion.
I must admit, I first started using the name after I earned that title in a video game. I developed a liking to that name.

World of Warcraft, perhaps? :hmmm:
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