I haven’t hijacked the thread if you even care to read what I have said.
The reason John Paul II is so surprisingly popular amongst some surprising people is that he actually didn’t teach Catholicism. John Paul’s main theme throughout his pontificate was human dignity, liberty, equality and fraternity (look it up), he used those words all the time. Sometimes he could give whole speechs and not mention Jesus once (especially to Muslims).This is what is so appealing to “the world”. Forget all that Jesus Christ stuff (shame about that), he was a man of peace and love building a “civilisation of love”.
He taught something else whose seeds can be found in the second Vatican Council. He had a utopian vision of some kind of human brotherhood where all men are united in a pan-religious-all-religions-are-worthy kind of way. A very masonic ideal if ever there was one.
He promoted people like Walter Kasper to high positions in the Church - now there is a radical no-need-for-conversions person if ever there was one.
Now you can call me “rad trad” and anything else you like, it doesn’t make any difference.
I am a person who can see the difference in what the Church safely taught for over a thousand years before 1965 and what it has taught since.
The only crime I am guilty of is following the tradtions of the fathers. (a paraphrase of St Basil during the Arian crisis).
So I can see perfectly well why Britney finds him so appealing - what he taught was “safe” from a purely human point of view. Oh… and he had a kind face.
This thread has NOT been hijacked - much as you would like to dismiss me so easily.
So if I’m a radical how come you all believe Muslims worship the same God as us?
Now that IS a radical teaching!