Stars pay tribute to Pope John Paul II

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I prefer to trust Jesus-Christ :

“And I also say unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.” (Mt 16:18)
Ah… the “new springtime”!

Well it sure seems like 40 years of cold cold winter to me.

“May St John the Baptist protect Islam” is indefensible - anyway you care to look at it. Islam is a religion of lies.
Watch it:tsktsk: Maybe John the Babtist will help convert them:mad:
“And I also say unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.” (Mt 16:18)
I hope this doesn’t mean you think Popes never make mistakes.

Because history proves otherwise.

The Church shall never be overcome - this is true, Our Lord promised it. (Although he never said anything about its size and state, well he did wonder if he would find any faith when he returned).

But sometimes Peter has to be resisted to his face if he is clearly mistaken.

And Popes John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul II have been mistaken. They have each promoted novelty as orthentic Catholic teaching. Something they are not entitled to do.

Its like the Arian crisis.
Watch it:tsktsk: Maybe John the Babtist will help convert them:mad:
Unfortunately JPII didn’t say that!

He never told anyone they need to convert. That isn’t “the spirit of Vatican II”.

Does the Vatican believe Muslims (or anyone) need to be converted anymore.

Be careful - you need to look up Cardinal Walter Kaspers pronoucements.
But sometimes Peter has to be resisted to his face if he is clearly mistaken.
And you think that Peter and his successors can be heretics?

Jesus promised that “the gates of Hades shall not prevail against” the Church build upon St.Peter.
God converts not us we should be an example and alot of people from other religious backgounds converted because they were inspired by the late Popes love.So I really feel you would do well to learn from that.:nope:
Does the Vatican believe Muslims (or anyone) need to be converted anymore.
“The Church has received this solemn mandate of Christ to proclaim the saving truth from the apostles and must carry it out to the very ends of the earth. Wherefore she makes the words of the Apostle her own: “Woe to me, if I do not preach the Gospel”, and continues unceasingly to send heralds of the Gospel until such time as the infant churches are fully established and can themselves continue the work of evangelizing. For the Church is compelled by the Holy Spirit to do her part that God’s plan may be fully realized, whereby He has constituted Christ as the source of salvation for the whole world. By the proclamation of the Gospel she prepares her hearers to receive and profess the faith. She gives them the dispositions necessary for baptism, snatches them from the slavery of error and of idols and incorporates them in Christ so that through charity they may grow up into full maturity in Christ. Through her work, whatever good is in the minds and hearts of men, whatever good lies latent in the religious practices and cultures of diverse peoples, is not only saved from destruction but is also cleansed, raised up and perfected unto the glory of God, the confusion of the devil and the happiness of man. The obligation of spreading the faith is imposed on every disciple of Christ, according to his state.” (Lumen Gentium)
God converts not us we should be an example and alot of people from other religious backgounds converted because they were inspired by the late Popes love.So I really feel you would do well to learn from that.:nope:

John Paul II discouraged conversions. Cardinal Walter Kasper - appointed by JPII - is very anti-conversions.

The Apostles were told to “Go and make disciples of all the nations - baptise them in the name of the Father and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit”.

That is the Churchs mission - to make converts.

You don’t do that by praising other religions for their “goodness”. By asking for the protection of religions that are explicitly anti-Christ.

That is promoting indifferentism.

“I feel you would do well to learn” from the Catholic matrys who thought the faith was so important they died for it rather than submit to some heretical/schismatic sect.

John Paul II discouraged conversions. Cardinal Walter Kasper - appointed by JPII - is very anti-conversions.

The Apostles were told to “Go and make disciples of all the nations - baptise them in the name of the Father and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit”.

That is the Churchs mission - to make converts.

You don’t do that by praising other religions for their “goodness”. By asking for the protection of religions that are explicitly anti-Christ.

That is promoting indifferentism.

“I feel you would do well to learn” from the Catholic matrys who thought the faith was so important they died for it rather than submit to some heretical/schismatic sect.
…and this has what to do with Steven Tyler honoring JPII?

If you ask me, It’s nice to think of famous people honoring JPII, but I tend to think their example will water down his message.
And Popes John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul II have been mistaken. They have each promoted novelty as orthentic Catholic teaching. Something they are not entitled to do.

Its like the Arian crisis.
Rad trad rubbish, intended to cast doubts on the part of the faithful in their Shepherds and the Second Vatican Council. They promoted no novelty, as much of the liturgical modifications were supposed to harken back to the earliest Church, though I’m certain it does no good to explain that to you, who most likely thinks the Church started with Trent, who probably buys into the Bugnini “conspiracy,” etc. You confuse the council with the “spirit” of the council. Granted, we need a “reform of the reform,” esp. in this country, but not an abbrogation of the Council. And I should be careful laying error at the feet of these popes, since you’ve never carried the burden of the Church. Yes, Peter can be rebuked to his face, but by no less than a Paul, not you or Marian Horvat.

John Paul II discouraged conversions. Cardinal Walter Kasper - appointed by JPII - is very anti-conversions.

The Apostles were told to “Go and make disciples of all the nations - baptise them in the name of the Father and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit”.

That is the Churchs mission - to make converts.

You don’t do that by praising other religions for their “goodness”. By asking for the protection of religions that are explicitly anti-Christ.

That is promoting indifferentism.

“I feel you would do well to learn” from the Catholic matrys who thought the faith was so important they died for it rather than submit to some heretical/schismatic sect.
"But the Church, to whom this truth has been entrusted, must go out to meet their desire, so as to bring them the truth. Because she believes in God’s universal plan of salvation, the Church must be missionary”. Inter-religious dialogue, therefore, as part of her evangelizing mission, is just one of the actions of the Church in her mission ad gentes. Equality, which is a presupposition of inter-religious dialogue, refers to the equal personal dignity of the parties in dialogue, not to doctrinal content, nor even less to the position of Jesus Christ — who is God himself made man — in relation to the founders of the other religions. Indeed, the Church, guided by charity and respect for freedom, must be primarily committed to proclaiming to all people the truth definitively revealed by the Lord, and to announcing the necessity of conversion to Jesus Christ and of adherence to the Church through Baptism and the other sacraments, in order to participate fully in communion with God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. " (Dominus Iesus)
Do you know any Church history?
You ask this question of Sarah Jane, yet I would ask it of you. None of the scandalous popes altered the dogma of the Church. They weren’t heretics, they were reprobates. If a Pope can, as Pope, teach heresy, then Christ’s promise has indeed failed.
This thread has been hijacked!! HELP!! send for help!!!

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John Paul II discouraged conversions. Cardinal Walter Kasper - appointed by JPII - is very anti-conversions.

The Apostles were told to “Go and make disciples of all the nations - baptise them in the name of the Father and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit”.

That is the Churchs mission - to make converts.

You don’t do that by praising other religions for their “goodness”. By asking for the protection of religions that are explicitly anti-Christ.

That is promoting indifferentism.

“I feel you would do well to learn” from the Catholic matrys who thought the faith was so important they died for it rather than submit to some heretical/schismatic sect.
What ON EARTH does this rad-trad mumbo jumbo have to do with Brittney Spears and Steven Tyler or the pope’s tribute?!?!? If you prefer to profane the memory of our beloved John Paul II, or if you have a beef with Vatican II, or if you have a beef with St. John the Baptist interceding for Muslims, then perhaps you should start a different thread on a different forum.
Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa for the thread hijack! I don’t like barbs shot at the old Holy Father, esp. when they are unjustified and serve an agenda contrary to the Church’s good purpose. I should have left the gauntlet lying in the dust.
Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa for the thread hijack! I don’t like barbs shot at the old Holy Father, esp. when they are unjustified and serve an agenda contrary to the Church’s good purpose. I should have left the gauntlet lying in the dust.
Me too I apologise for the hijack:o
Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa for the thread hijack! I don’t like barbs shot at the old Holy Father, esp. when they are unjustified and serve an agenda contrary to the Church’s good purpose. I should have left the gauntlet lying in the dust.
I haven’t hijacked the thread if you even care to read what I have said.

The reason John Paul II is so surprisingly popular amongst some surprising people is that he actually didn’t teach Catholicism. John Paul’s main theme throughout his pontificate was human dignity, liberty, equality and fraternity (look it up), he used those words all the time. Sometimes he could give whole speechs and not mention Jesus once (especially to Muslims).This is what is so appealing to “the world”. Forget all that Jesus Christ stuff (shame about that), he was a man of peace and love building a “civilisation of love”.

He taught something else whose seeds can be found in the second Vatican Council. He had a utopian vision of some kind of human brotherhood where all men are united in a pan-religious-all-religions-are-worthy kind of way. A very masonic ideal if ever there was one.

He promoted people like Walter Kasper to high positions in the Church - now there is a radical no-need-for-conversions person if ever there was one.

Now you can call me “rad trad” and anything else you like, it doesn’t make any difference.

I am a person who can see the difference in what the Church safely taught for over a thousand years before 1965 and what it has taught since.

The only crime I am guilty of is following the tradtions of the fathers. (a paraphrase of St Basil during the Arian crisis).

So I can see perfectly well why Britney finds him so appealing - what he taught was “safe” from a purely human point of view. Oh… and he had a kind face.

This thread has NOT been hijacked - much as you would like to dismiss me so easily.

So if I’m a radical how come you all believe Muslims worship the same God as us?

Now that IS a radical teaching!
The reason John Paul II is so surprisingly popular amongst some surprising people is that he actually didn’t teach Catholicism.
:mad: Anyone who reads the encyclicals of John Paul II knows he was teaching Catholicism!
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