Perhaps parishioners ought to keep absolutely silent about everything because someone might find whatever you say “controversial,” even more than what you wear.Given that, I think it’s better if people don’t wear clothes containing slogans or anything connected to what is currently controversial, or even things that advertise commercial products and personalities, at least at Mass. Their Sunday best would be much better.
That implies all serious and important topics for discussion ought to be avoided completely because it might stir discord and controversy. We ought to be limited to bland talk about the weather and issuing polite complements on attire, then?
Superficial and insipid conversation so that we all become superficial and insipid?
Whatever happened to “food for thought?”
Does God want us to search for truth at all cost, or merely whitewash it to make it acceptable to everyone?
There was a reason why Jesus was crucified, and it wasn’t because he kept his “sloganeering” (parables and teaching) to himself so as not to offend anyone. He spoke the truth without concern for how it would be received. He also said, “If they persecuted me they will persecute you.”
Perhaps the reason the Church is in decline in the western world is because members of the Church here are saying nothing meaningful, significant or controversial, but are letting the secular world impose a strict code of silence upon us?