Story: "Louisiana Church Uses Crop Duster/Plane To Spray Holy Water"

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What is disrespectful about this isn’t where the physical water lands. What is disrespectful is the presumption that the entire geographical area WILL BE blessed in this manor, regardless of whether those within that geographical area want it or not.
I do this everyday of my life. I pray for the dead. I pray for my family. I pray for world leaders. I pray for people struggling with sins and addictions. I don’t ask their permission. So do parishes. They make lots of public intentions and they don’t ask for the community or the world’s permission. And it’s not only Catholics who do this. Other faith groups also make such prayers, including public prayers. Entire countries are consecrated to Mary or to St Joseph or to other saints, among other things.

Thought crime is not a crime at all and people are allowed to express their religion and have conversations with each other like adults.

The supposedly great offense here is that this parish uses a foreboding substance that is more commonly known as water.
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Merry Christmas everyone! (Hope that didn’t offend any errant anti Christmas Scrooge’s here🤨) What a sad commentary on our society that anyone would be offended by a sprinkling of holy water.
That this is even being debated here is equally sad.
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That’s hilarious. Spells aren’t real man you don’t need to worry about that. By all means sign the cross over your food but no ones casting spells on food.
1 Corinthians 19-22

What do I imply then? That food sacrificed to idols is anything, or that an idol is anything? 20 No, I imply that what pagans sacrifice, they sacrifice to demons and not to God. I do not want you to be partners with demons. 21 You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons. You cannot partake of the table of the Lord and the table of demons.
That priest should come out to Oregon and Washington and bless the clouds and rain into holy water, and then we can all go out and bask in the resulting gentle holy rain. 🙂
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If you are going to attend a catholic Liturgy(whether that be a funeral, wedding, etc.) don’t be surprised or offended because the Catholics practiced their faith at their liturgy. Just so happens that catholics use the sprinkling of holy water at their liturgies. So if your going to attend there’s a chance you might get blessed with some holy water.
If I went to a baptist camp meeting I wouldn’t get offended and all up in arms because they were praying in tongues and their pastor maybe got a little riled up and started shouting.
As someone has already stated, there are entire countries and peoples consecrated to Our Lord and Lady, not every one of them is going to be catholic, but that doesn’t stop you for consecrating you’re country(if you have that authority) to God. Especially over the notion that you might “offend” somebody. This is especially true since Holy Mother Church has the fullness of truth.
Babylon Bee or Eye of the Tiber material right here.
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Which part is true? That non-Catholic’s (ie non-Catholic Christians) don’t have faith or that their rights are irrelevant?
How disrespectful to people of other faiths
Do you find it offensive that Mormons posthumously baptize everyone by using ancestry records, including those who would never have accepted Mormon baptism? (Honest question. I was trying to think of a somewhat comparable situation from another faith.) Personally, I don’t find it offensive because I don’t believe it is efficacious in any way, but perhaps you may consider it differently because they only do so to deceased people? (Whereas on the other hand, the crop-dusting holy water plane is blessing living people.)

P.S. Correction: I didn’t realize that they baptize only their own ancestors, though of course that could include people who had no interest in baptism during their lives.
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I’m surprised that Traddy’s think using a crop duster to spray holy water is appropriate to be honest. Especially when the proper use and dispensing of other sacramentals is so important to them. I have to confess that I’m a little uncomfortable with dispensing holy water from a crop duster…
I guess they must believe differently on that score. But they are famed for the vast wealth of genealogical information that they have acquired, which is handy for anyone who wants to use it just for researching their family trees. According to this article, they have 32 times more information than they Library of Congress. (I should also amend what I wrote above to say that I believe they are only supposed to baptize their own ancestors.)

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I remember reading about a priest blessing tonnes or roadsalt at a storage facility before it was used to spread on the roads in winter.

If you don’t believe that Catholic sacramentals are anything special, then essentially you believe that you have just been sprinkled by ordinary water etc (although distributed from a plane you wouldn’t even notice it) so why get all offended by it?
Can you think of a more efficient way of mass distributing holy water? When we actually get to the mechanisms, how much different is it than the flinging of it with the other various tools used?

Perhaps in a more reverent way that doesn’t present it to the general public as a superstitious novelty. That would be my concern.
While I wouldn’t have the least bit of problem getting “vapored” with Holy Water, obviously some people might. What I personally would worry about more is if some disaster or major weather even happened soon after and people started blaming the Catholic Church for it due to the spraying! Too many fundamentalist Christians go overboard with every disaster already. They’d love to blame the Catholics for something like this.
. (I should also amend what I wrote above to say that I believe they are only supposed to baptize their own ancestors.)
That’s because they were taken to court when it was discovered they were Baptizing dead Holocaust survivors. They were ordered to stay within LDS families. I sure hope they do so now! It was extremely offensive!
That’s because they were taken to court when it was discovered they were Baptizing dead Holocaust survivors. They were ordered to stay within LDS families. I sure hope they do so now! It was extremely offensive!
Interesting! I think I had read that somewhere, now that you mention it.
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