Judith (Susan Calvin)–
Good for you! And welcome into the Holy Roman Catholic Church (in which subsides the fullness of Christ’s Church). So many things to say, I will try to be brief.
– First, like Christina, I was so excited by your MIRACULOUS story, with God’s providential interventions and “hints” at every turn, that I too stayed up way past midnight last night to read the entire string of messages here. WOW!
– The issue of Church vs. Science is a straw man created by atheistic modernists for political purposes. Modern science as we know it was FOUNDED by the Roman Catholic Church, has been generously supported by her for centuries, and is peopled by many leading researchers and theorists who are priests, religious, and devout lay persons. I can’t prove it, but I believe the whole modern science project has it’s ultimate roots in the decades after the year 1000 A.D., when Our Lord did NOT return to earth as expected and the leading thinkers of the day said to themselves, “Hmm. What’s going on here?” and began to study the earth, plants, animals, the human organism, and the heavens with an intensity and focus that they had not had before. (The business about it all starting during the Renaissance only with the rediscovery of the “treasures” of ancient Greek science is all part of the modernist’s propaganda effort.)
– On a related note, Judith, you said, “Praying still seems a bit weird to me, I’m so new at it.” You may not be “so new” as you feel. Every time you were seeking the truth, winnowing out error and falsehood, in your scientific work and your research studies you were drawing closer to God and practicing a very effective form of active prayer. Likewise, in your efforts of charity and love toward to those around you, especially the friend who has become harsh and rejecting, you were also praying in earnest, acting as a “little-Christ,” a true Christian.
– Formal prayer, improvised prayer, written prayers, rote prayers, solitary praying, praying at mass – they are all GOOD and all effective. Their quality does not depend on their content or their style or their format, it depends on Their Object. ANY prayer directed toward the One True God (and/or His helpers and associates) is a good prayer. The less familiar types that make you “feel a bit weird” will become familiar old friends very soon. And there will always be new ways that God will open up for you to deepen your relationship with Him and with all the Church.
– Someone on the string has said that your conversion experience was rare – that is, a conversion not fraught with doubts, difficulties, and intellectual objections. Among those who have led comfortable lives in cultured and educated surroundings this may well be true. But for those who have had difficult childhoods and significant elements of cruelty in their previous lives, your type of conversion is very common. The Church, after all, is the source of all God’s love pouring out into the world. Once little ones who need that love discover where it’s coming from, they come running as fast as they can with open arms, shouting, “More! Please, MORE!” I mention this only so that you might not question the genuineness of your experience. You have sought the truth and The Truth has revealed Himself to you and drawn you close in His loving embrace. Go for it!
– Last, you may wish to go through the RCIA process and receive confirmation and your first communion at Easter next year. I am sure that you would find this very meaningful, healing, and fulfilling. But . . . if you have already decided to become a Roman Catholic, a Christian, or at that point at which you do make a clear decision, if it should come any time soon . . . I cannot urge you strongly enough to consider being baptized thereafter. Any priest, deacon, or sincere lay person can perform this sacrament for you. You may wish to speak to your priest about it. If you have already reached this stage, it would be truly WONDERFUL and a great blessing for you and for THEM to receive this sacrament when you go to visit the Sisters from your childhood this summer. It can be easily arranged.
– God bless you, Judith, and THANK YOU SO MUCH for sharing your spiritual journey with us. You have filled my heart with so much hope and joy! Peace. – Rusty
PS – You have written SO MUCH already, there is no need to reply to this post point by point. If anything I have said is helpful, use it; discard the rest. Thanks.