Chewchoo, thanks for the welcome back.
Jesus was a rabbi??? Wow I didn’t know that… I mean I know they call him “Rabbi” in the Gospels but I didn’t realize he actually
was a rabbi… I thought it was just a title of respect his followers gave him.
I think rabbi simply means teacher. In Latin the word is majester. So you will soon encounter the word majesterium, as in the majestium of the Church. Jesus gave authority to His apostles to teach. This is in the Bible. He commanded them to go into all the nations of the world and teach what He taught them. He told them that He would stand behind their teaching. He said what they bound on earth He would bind in heaven. So we are taught the faith and you two thousand years later are learning it through the apostolic teaching authority of His Church. He said to them that there was much He wanted to tell them, but they could not bear it (understand) yet. He said He would send the Holy Spirit who would lead them into ALL truth, and He would be with them until the end of time. He said He would never leave us orphans, but be with us. How do we know what the Church professes in the form of doctrine or dogma is true? Jesus made these promises to us. The Church can not teach what is false in matters of faith or morals, or His promises have failed.
I have thought about how you came to this point, from the time your mother was expelled from her family or community in Brooklyn and what became of her, to the time you started this now lengthy thread and the reception you have received. Everyone is thrilled that you want to be one of us. No one cares a bit about what your past is or your mother’s. You could be a Jew or an Eskimo, a drug addict or prostitute, a math genius or mentally handicapped. We don’t care. God does not care. We want you, welcome you, and you make us happy simply because you want us. That is evident from the things people have written. God wants you. He made you, He loves you and He wants to be with you forever.
There is one qualification you must have if you are going to enter the Church. This will make you like the rest of us, your priest and the nun who teaches you. You have to be broken, fallen, sinful. Jesus came to heal the wounded. Who did Mother Teresa love? Who did she serve? The wounded and most needy. She knew how valuable they are to God.
If you are not wounded and in need you are wasting your time with Christianity. You should play golf on Sundays, or go to the beach. Jesus said to the pharisees that He came for sinners, but they said they had no sin, so they had no need of Him. There was nothing He could do for them. So if your soul needs mending and care you have come to the right place. If you are whole, or see yourself that way, you are making a mistake.
There is one other thing that is necessary according to Jesus if you want to come to Him. He says we have to be like little children.
The reason God saves us is He pities us. We are proud and don’t want to be pitied. Can you imagine anything more pitiable than a wounded child? God has had His eye on you for a very long time, even before you were born. He has always loved you.