Tell an Outrageous Lie About the Previous Poster

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Mary_Gail_36 was once a crew member of the Calypso, and frequently went diving with Jacques Cousteau. She was often mistaken for a mermaid by passing seafarers and pirates.
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christofirst is from a small rust belt town with one old traffic light on Main Street. Recently, on a visit back to his hometown he got the idea to organize an Octoberfest for the locals he felt so sentimental about. He gathered all the schnitzel, beer and polka musicians he could find. But when the wenches refused to wear the dirndls, and the men refused to wear the lederhosen, that christofirst had bought them, he threw a tantrum knocking over and ruining all of the sauerbraten and currywurst he had prepared the day before.
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1Lord1Faith has all the leftover “brown acid” from the 1969 Woodstock music festival in a small converted dairy barn, and is in the process of using it as the main ingredient in “Lord and Faith” brownies, available soon where fine pastries are sold.
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Joeybaggz is named that because he sells knockoff designer bags at the corner of Lexington and 53rd street. Unless it rains, then it’s in Grand Central station. 👜👛👝👜
The movie “Nightmare on Elm Street” was inspired by Mary Gail’s junior year at Our Lady of Perpetual Motion high school in Hackensack, New Jersey.
Joeybaggz originally got his name when he worked at a supermarket in Hackensack (that is where he first witnessed Mary Gail’s nightmare antics.) He started out at the local A & P, back when they used paper bags. He was famous for how quickly he could pack up the groceries while still managing to juggle the items in the air first, and never made the bags too heavy for little old ladies. They would all flock to whatever register he was at “where joeybaggz.” The name stuck, and he opened his bag business to capitalize upon it, as Mary Gail already mentioned.
Irishmom2 is behind the fiend named autocorrect which tried “correcting” ‘Pius’ to ‘Pig’ in Pope Pius XII. She was offered the job of designing autocorrect after creating phone menus for large companies, where one wrong press gets you lost in the maze.
mVitus is the reason why there is a drugs epidemic in the country. He organised a meeting with the bloodz and the cribz and the CIA and often supervises the logistics of large quantities of cocaine…and after a hard weeks worth of toil he goes to sunday mass and shares his earnings with the top five bishops in return for their silence…
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IWantGod was hired by MI6 to infiltrate conspiracies theorist circles. She(?) is currently working on a conspiracy theory that world governments are infiltrating conspiracist groups and causing them to churn out so many wild ideas that the truths blend in.
mVitus is the only person on the planet who can sing the words to Billy Joel’s song, “We didn’t start the Fire”… backwards.
joeybaggz has a new hobby…his collection of coloring books has overwhelmed the house. So, in the evening, when everyone is out in the neighborhood, he sits on his front porch giving away pages from his coloring books to anyone who walks by his house. Most of the pages he gives out were never finished, and were colored a little “outside the lines”, but Joey doesn’t pay attention to stuff like that. People just smile and give him a hearty, “Thanks Joey, that’s really good coloring!” when he hands them a page.
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1Lord1Faith likes to stand outside the city mall and wave at people, hoping that they wave back.

They never do.
Bartholo once raised his hand as if to wave and then smacked 1Lord1Faith instead.
mVitus got lost on his way to this post, but not because it was moved to the “Casual Discussion” subforum. It was because of a momentary lapse of lucidity caused by watching a 9 hour marathon of “Real Housewives of Ridgeville Kentucky”.
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1lord1Faith was behind the interesting configuration I saw today where the table to encourage blood donation was about 9 ft. away from the Jehovah’s Witness recruitment booth. He has also been in charge of putting the Amish booth next to Apple, Skeptic Society booth next to New Age Practices R Us, and putting realtor ads on bus benches because he knows people who can’t afford cars are looking for houses.
mVitus walks through the neighborhood picking up litter and then depositing it on the front step of whoever he thinks was the litterer.
Bartholo can solve a Rubik’s Cube in under 60 seconds, but can’t figure out the recipe for ice cubes or toast!
Joeybaz has a separate shed where he stores his most prized possessions, the bags he’s had like first bag he ever bagged, the bag he slept in on Oct 26 1998, and the first bags under his eyes.
mVitus’s umbrella factories went out of business. Being that he used his last one as a bat, he is going to have to either settle with cheap umbrellas that don’t hold much weight or turn into chicken little shouting "The sky is falling! The sky is falling! And hope that people won’t chuck too many acorns at him.
younsterat16 is actually aboard the Cassini spacecraft, and has been for the last 20 years, sending valuable scientific data about the planet Saturn back Earth, and posting on CAF in her spare time. Phase 2 of her mission is about to begin, wherein she will establish the first manned colony on Enceladus. Due to the secrecy surrounding her mission, NASA is telling the gullible general public that Cassini is being destroyed by crashing through Saturn’s atmosphere in a few hours, but we know the truth.
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