I’m very confused as to how you can claim to be catholic and yet reject some of it’s most basic teachings.
You claim wherever people are in love, God approves. Is that so? So when a married man has an affair with another married woman, does God approve? And even if He approves of the love itself, does He not expect them to stand by their sacred obligation to their original spouses? To not act on that love they may feel for the other person out of deference to His Will?
You claim that so many Bible passages no longer apply so why should this one? You do not want true catholicism, you want to make it into a pick and choose religion. This arguement reeks of, “other people do it, so why can’t I?” You feel entitled because if people don’t follow the Bible’s dietary rules (your example, not mine, which Christ Himself negated, by the way) then why can’t I have a homosexual relationship? Neither has anything to do with the other. We are entitled to nothing. Anything we have, we have through God’s grace.
You seem to say marriage is not a sacred institution. So there is another teaching you deny. And if it is not a sacred institution, then why are you so ardently preaching for it to change?
You say there is no outcry about divorce and abuse from the church. Methinks you do not read many catholic websites or periodicals. The Catholic Church is at the forefront of decrying these things.
You say you will “deal” with making homosexual marriage a sacrament in the church. You most certainly will not. What you want, friend, is not the ideals the church teaches, but rather you want the church to teach YOUR ideals. Are you God that you can decide what the teachings should be? Tell me, when you attempt to change the church to what you want it to be (a more selfish thing I have never seen) will you post it in essays on the door of St. Peter’s? That is not catholicism, it’s protestantism.
Now, there is room for change in the church. The church has never denied that. But, changing the Word of God to alter it’s intent is something even the church cannot do. That seems to be what you want. I’m sorry my friend, it cannot happen, and if it did happen, the church would cease to be the catholic church. It’s that simple really.
You say the teachings make you ashamed to be catholic. How about a different approach? What I would like for you to explain is why, if you claim to be catholic, are you not ashamed of yourself for wanting to mold the church to fit your ideas instead of God’s own? You claim to be catholic, if that is so, then you believe Jesus gave Peter the Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven. If that is so, and the popes are Peter’s heirs, and therefore imbued with the same ability due to apostolic succession, then how can you say that what they teach doctrinally is wrong? Is this not a condemnation of the authority Jesus gave to Peter and his heirs? Is this not saying that Jesus “got it wrong?”
I’d imagine right about now you’re thinking I’m an intolerant jerk. I assure I’m not a jerk, but I am intolerant. The entire concept of saying someone must tolerate something they disagree with is nothing more than intellectual slavery. I have absolutely no problem with you being homosexual. Indeed, you and I could sit down and have a beer and just chat the day away, I’ll even buy the beer. I do however, have a problem with people demanding other people change because they feel entitled to it. Jesus saw what the moneychangers were doing to the Temple of God. He did not tolerate it. Nor will I tolerate you, or anyone for that matter, trying to change the House of God, His Holy Church, into something they want it to be as opposed to what God wants it to be.
I will pray for you, my friend. Not for you to “not” be homosexual, but for the Word of God to fill you to bursting that you may glorify His name above all others. For myself, I will pray for guidance and mercy for my own sins, for they are many.