I am a gay man, and I am Catholic, and YES a person can be BOTH and still find favor in God’s eyes.
And who has told you this? Do you have some access to God that other Catholics do not?
I am OPEN about my sexual orientation (God created me this way, I did not CHOOSE to be gay) and I am VERY ACTIVE in my church and I am part of the paid staff.
Have you sought rehabilitation? There are many groups devoted to curing homosexuals, and the fact that many avowed “I didn’t choose” homosexuals ARE cured lends little credence to your claim that you were “born that way.”
And for me, my spouse would be another gay man. We have the same exact love any man and woman share, and love is never wrong.
How can you know you have the same love as a man and a woman? You do not, because you have never had this. Much of the homosexual culture reeks of anything BUT love. The following article might provide you some perspective:
I constantly have the same Bible versers quoted to me over and over… It always strikes me that when it comes to homosexuality, it seems it’s ok to take things out of context and to attach extraordinary moral value to a few lines of Biblical text. This is not done for any other issue except for homosexuality.
I have rarely heard Catholics speak so contemptuously of the Bible. What is taken out of context in those passages? Is the assertion “to lie with a man as with a woman is an abomination” unclear? And to say moral importance is not attached to any other issue is absurd. Teachings about incest, adultery, etc. remain intact. Teachings about the dietary law were disposed of by the Lord Jesus as part of the New Covenant.
In some of my religious education classes in high school and college, I remember teachers saying how many of the laws (like not planting two different crops in the same field) were part of an older system of moral teaching that is no longer applicable to God’s people today.
So you trust your high school teacher’s judgments about the Church but not the Magisterium’s? The LAST place you want to take your faith teachings from is the misinformed, secular, anti-Catholic public education system.
The Catholic Church is not perfect. I believe it’s only a matter of time before the Catholic Church wakes up and changes it’s stand on homosexuality and same sex marriage.
“When the Church wakes up”? Is that “faith” in the Church Christ established/
Once we become equal under the law, we’ll deal with making same sex marriage an equal sacrament in the Church. It will happen someday. I believe it is God’s will.
Who is going to “deal with” making homosexual “marriage” a sacrament? This is a deposit of the faith and will NEVER be changed because two men or two women CANNOT be spouses.
If marriage is such a sacred institution, a sacramental covenant between God, a woman and a man, why is the divorce rate so high? Why are so many couples unfaithful to each other? Why doesn’t the Catholic Church speak out about these things?
If you honestly think the Catholic Church does not speak out against divorce, adultery, etc., you truly need to begin paying attention.
The Catholic Church has lost it’s hold on the bedroom. Many Catholics disregard Church teachings about contraception, sex outside of marriage, adulty and divorce. Yet there is no outcry about these issues either.
This paragraph could be a particularly virulent tract IN THE NEW YORK TIMES. A faithful Catholic does not say things like this. That people disregard the teachings of the faith they profess to believe is the problem of those people, NOT THE CHURCH.
It’s enough to make me ashamed to be Catholic or even a Christian. And people ask me why don’t I just leave the Catholic Church and join one that is more accepting. Well, my honest answer is this: God has made it clear to me that He wants me to stay in the Catholic Church, to speak out and to help correct what is wrong, and I say to Him “Thy will be done…”
Do you profess that the Lord has given you direct revelation that YOU need to change the perceived “wrong against homosexuals” in the Church? This I do not believe. There is nothing natural and normal about homosexual acts. There is nothing natural and normal about homosexuals having to wear diapers because of fecal incontinence from having submitted to so many acts of anal intercourse. I pray for every person with this disordered affection, because it IS a DISORDER. Please, speak with a priest you trust, because your post reveals a person deeply out of touch with the Church’s teaching. I pray for you.