I’m not trying to say that homosexual acts are not deviant, I’m saying that they are not the epitome of deviance. The statistical reference I made was with regards to the ways in which some studies are flawed. One of the references you gave had to do with homosexuals in San Francisco. San Francisco is one of the most left wing, outrageous places on the face of the planet! That’s like saying I went to a sadism club and found 90% of those attending beat up other people. Well, duh.
I could also argue with your 7 times more likely to be promiscuous statement. I’m sure that heterosexuals who are not in a relationship are many times more likely to be promiscuous than those who are (in a committed relationship). So were these homosexual subjects in a serious relationship, or were they like many “free and easy” heteros who are so happy to sow their wild oats? These are the types of “context” I was referring to. Is the sampling basis the same, or is the study skewed to begin with because the sample subjects are not representative of the whole? This is why I ask for references so I can read the studies and become more educated as to their methods!
I agree with you that a professed, active homosexual should not be a priest, any more than a professed active heterosexual should be. My point is that a homosexual who is devoted to a life of chastity should not be penalized for an inclination that he has no intention of pursuing.