Being open to God is far from pretending there is a God. As a Catholic, you do believe that, don’t you?
I think being open to God is a good thing.
I think that not believing in God and pretending to believe in God is not being open to God.
I think that if one did not believe in God and were honest with oneself about it while being open to the possibility of there being a God and even so far as putting it into their own words is what I think being open to God is about, not pretending to believe just because one might not go to the place that so many seem to think that all of those that don’t believe in lockstep with themselves will go.
Isn’t something like that called “hedging one’s bets”?
I, and this is only my opinion, think that one should be not just open but honest and admit that one does not believe if in fact that is the case.
As a human being who happens to be Catholic, I believe that all should be honest with God whether they believe that God Is or do not believe that God Is.
I also believe that the word “catholic” means universal for more than the reason that some seem to think it means universal.
It also seems to me, my opinion, that there are “Catholics” that look down on other denominations for whatever reason rather than thinking/believing that when Jesus said, “I Am the vine, you are the branches”, not branch, that He just might have been saying more than some wish that He had been saying.
Plenty of things that God has said thru others and thru Himself in the Incarnation have more than one meaning.