But here’s the rub. You can’t be honest and admit that you believe God does not exist. What evidence would warrant that belief? There is none. The decision not to believe in God is not based on evidence, but rather on arrogant and willful desire to deny God. So there is no honesty there. Stop calling it honesty when it is really acting like a fool. The atheist is fooling himself, so please stop calling that an honest act.
The fool in his heart says there is no God." Psalms 14:1
I believed in God with NO evidence, where would you place me?
Would you say that I was arrogant and had a willful desire to believe in God since I had no evidence that God Is.
Personally, looking back on things, I would say that God gave me a gift of faith, just as it is written, “that no man should boast”.
You wrote, “The decision not to believe in God is not based on evidence, but rather on arrogant and willful desire to deny God.”, do you “know” this to be the case of absolutely everyone that ever was, is or will be a non-believer in God?
What about those that believe in “God, god or gods” that are different from the One that you believe in, are they also “arrogant”, a “fool” and have a “willful desire to deny God”?
I still say that anyone who doesn’t believe in God is being “honest” when they say that they don’t believe in God and I would say that they would be dishonest if they kowtowed to you or anyone else and said that they believed in God if in fact they did not.
You can say that they are a fool, according to the bible, you can say that they are “arrogant” and have a “willful desire to deny God”, according to your opinion, but I can not see how you can call them a liar.