The reporter reminds Hawking that on the one hand in History of Time, he wrote we might one day know “the mind of God”, but then in The Grand Design he said that the Universe could create itself out of nothing by spontaneous generation without the need for God. The reporter asks if, given this apparent contradiction, Hawking changed his view, and whether he thinks of himself as agnostic or atheist. The reporter then writes:
‘His answer is very clear, that although many have come to describe as “a miracle” the fact that Hawking is still alive, half a century after being diagnosed with a disease where life expectancy is usually a couple of years, the astrophysicist rejects all religious beliefs: “In the past, before we understood science, it was logical to believe that God created the universe. But now science provides a more convincing explanation. What I meant when I said we would know the mind of God was that we would understand everything God would be able to understand if he existed. But there is no God. I am an atheist. Religion believes in miracles, but they are not compatible with science.”’