Man did not bring himself into existence, and he can not rationally deny that he exists. For is doing so, his denial is proof of his existence, for he could not deny if he didn’t exist. By reason he can come to the reasonableness of faith, we understand to believe, and we believe to understand what we believe. We can only come to the concept of an eternal hell and all it implies by belief. Belief in the Truths of Christianity is a super-natural gift. Assuming that we have that gift, we can come to the understanding that God is our Creator, and we are created by, and for Him. God we learn is a our final end. To achieve this final end, we need to co-operate with His grace (the Holy Spirit), and we learn we have an enemy who hates us, and most of all God. This involves the power of choice, our free will. In this action of choice we can reject, or accept the conditions for our salvation. God uphold our choices, even evil ones. In our choices, the movement of the will, the seat of love, we exhibit our desires. Since our negative choices, those choices that do not exhibit love for God, we create our own hell by turning our backs on the One who is Love, Beatitude, End, Beauty, Truth, Goodness and all we truly desire, and for which we were created. To be separated from our destiny and end is to frustrate what we were created for,God. We contradict our very nature, we would destroy ourselves if we could, to live in total hatred, total darkness, total insanity. And it’s all of our own making, and we blame God who gives us what we desire. What He creates He sustains eternally. Even in this mortal life we can experience some of this Hell. Satan through our spiritual weaknesses, our ignorance, our passions, our illusions of happiness can only with our co-operation lead us to the choices that will lead us to an eternal Hell of suffering. Jesus Christ came to destroy his works, and lead us back to Our Eternal Father. Faith is a super-natural gift that comes only through Jesus Christ, and there is no salvation apart from Him.