The Great Reset

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I’m sure you do. I bet you also have a job.

What of those who don’t?
Why don’t they have a job?

There are plenty of jobs to be had, and even during COVID-19, there are ads by companies seeking to hire.

E.g., all the online delivery services are desperate for more workers, and most hospitals have a list of openings a mile long!

Home-remodeling is huge right now. During COVID-19, when we are forced to stay at home, we are finally making decisions to do things like fix up our moldy bathrooms or refinish that dungeon of a basement. Same for landscaping, although now that winter is here, that will have to wait until spring for many of us.

There are plenty of blue-collar and white collar jobs out there–hence the number of employment agencies. If there were no jobs, there would be no employment agencies.

Anyone in the U.S. has access to a free public school education through high school, and there are still plenty of jobs that require only a high school diploma. These jobs don’t pay much, and even if minimum wage is raised to $15, that’s not much. But there are plenty of community colleges that offer scholarships based on financial need, and there are trade schools and apprenticeships in the skilled trades. One example of a skilled trade is electrician–we have had several people quit working in our hospital lab when they were accepted as an apprentice (7 years!) electrician–the pay is amazing!

And there are people who, with only a high school education (sometimes less!) do really well starting up a business! Yes, they work 24/7 for months to get things off the ground, but when it succeeds, they do well!

In the United States, there are plenty of jobs, and plenty of ways to get the education needed to land those jobs.

Oh, and by the way, if someone is truly disabled in the U.S., there are government provisions for these people. No one is kicked to the curb here.

There are a few bad paths that people can choose that make getting a job really hard–(1) getting involved with gangs or other criminal activities (2) addictions, especially drugs or alcohol and (3) sexual activity resulting in pregnancy. There are roads to success even after these bad choices, but it’s not easy to travel down those roads and regain a good life (serving time in prison, rehab to overcome addiction, giving up a baby for adoption, ec.). Sometimes because of life circumstances (e.g. poverty, abusive parents, peer pressure), it seems that these bad choices are the ONLY choices, but that’s a lie. A GOOD FAMILY, even if they are poor, can raise children to make good choices (stay in school, work hard, stay clean, stay sober, stay out of criminal gangs, avoid pre-marital sexual activity, etc.).
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It’s a terrifying thing to vote for anyone who advocates abortion. Think hard before doing this.
It is more terrifying to vote for someone who is undermining our American democracy and confidence in public institutions and national unity. And to be clear, Democrats do not advocate for abortion. The real decision makers and the ones responsible for those abortions are the mothers who seek abortions and the family members who might have pressured them into it.
Why don’t they have a job?

There are plenty of jobs to be had,
Not for everybody. That is a myth.
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And to be clear, Democrats do not advocate for abortion. The real decision makers and the ones responsible for those abortions are the mothers who seek abortions and the family members who might have pressured them into it.

It is the DEMOCRATS and some very liberal Republicans who have made abortion a legal option in this country. They will answer to God for that someday. Making and keeping the murder of innocent human beings legal is a grave sin.

I certainly agree that everyone makes their own choices in life, but it’s a lot easier to choose abortion when it is legal, supposedly safe (according to organizations like Planned Parenthood), and when almost every prominent celebrity in this country labels it “women’s health” and calls pro-life activists “anti-women.”

Isn’t it interesting how Democrats talk about “following the science,” but they ignore the science of embryology and human genetics in order to keep abortion legal?
Even Archbishop Vigano is worried about it:
“Even”? When one uses “even” in a case like this, it’s to imply that the person in question is normally not a worrier about this sort of thing. But Vigano, as far as I know, has a reputation for buying into odd conspiracy theories.

It’s like saying “even Donald Trump is worried about there being too much immigration.”
It’s a terrifying thing to vote for anyone who advocates abortion. Think hard before doing this.
It is more terrifying to vote for someone who is undermining our American democracy and confidence in public institutions and national unity.
We hear this all the time but it never seems to be explicated in a way that makes sense.

How is he doing these things, exactly?

I don’t see Donald Trump out on the streets looting and rioting all dressed in black with a balaclava covering his face. I am quite certain that his red hair and orange complexion would peek out somewhere.

Blaming Donald Trump for the rioting disunity is akin to blaming the “punchable face” of the victim for the bully’s actions. Is this you advocating the Reza Aslan approach to countering “disunity” by punching the uncomfortable smirking of those caught in difficult situations?
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Do you see this as an opportunistic attempt to use COVID19 as an excuse to impose socialism?

Here is a quotation from the World Economic Forum:

“ the world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions. Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short, we need a “Great Reset” of capitalism.”
Politicians use world events for their own purposes all the time.
So yea, socialists will use the pandemic to further state control over the individual and the economy. Capitalists will capitalize. Etc…
Government doesn’t give up newly discovered power easily, and governments have discovered that illnesses can be reasons to wield power over business, religion, etc…
The way US state governments used the pandemic to shut down small businesses was draconian and biased in favor of large corporations (like walmart for instance). The appeal to health is disingenuous: smoking kills boatloads of people, but an effort to ban smoking is not underway. So, hypocrisy.
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I think socialism as a term might be somewhat tattered. What these people are advocating is a world-wide top-down micro-management of all aspects of our lives, so yes, a socialistic system in which some or maybe all will be permitted to retain ownership but not control.

It is complete totalitarianism, and I think we should call it out as such.

Socialism is an ugly thing to people who understand it, but all too many people think socialism is a good thing, a utopia in which all their cares will be removed and everyone will be nice and peaceful.

Totalitarianism is not a term that has been used much of late.

Nothing I have read bodes well for this enterprise, which is presented as a glorious project while covering up that actual real details are not being made public, if they are even known to these capitalists (who until now have been considered evil monsters by those who are in favor of this reset [srsly?!?!?]).
It’s a terrifying thing to vote for anyone who advocates abortion. Think hard before doing this.
It is more terrifying to vote for someone who is undermining our American democracy and confidence in public institutions and national unity. And to be clear, Democrats do not advocate for abortion. The real decision makers and the ones responsible for those abortions are the mothers who seek abortions and the family members who might have pressured them into it.
Why don’t they have a job?

There are plenty of jobs to be had,
Not for everybody. That is a myth.
To my knowledge there are plenty of jobs for everyone who really wants one. Go to any employment or staffing agency and ask them. The issue is the willingness to work and stay with a job more than a day or two. The rise of staffing agencies is due to the loss of the work ethic. Employers do not want the hassle of the employee revolving door.
They have options such as Medicaid, chips, lots of state and city programs also. I have long advocated an additional 1.5% from each employees check, none from the employer. And to change it would take 3/4 approval from both houses and signed by the president.

This amount would be used to cover those people below a certain dollar amount to get them into Medicaid.
To my knowledge there are plenty of jobs for everyone who really wants one. Go to any employment or staffing agency and ask them. The issue is the willingness to work and stay with a job more than a day or two. The rise of staffing agencies is due to the loss of the work ethic. Employers do not want the hassle of the employee revolving door.
I’ve always wondered about the whole staffing agency thing…

Case in point, my roommate, a nurse, has been working through a staffing agency for the last few months for $45/hr (his cut). My completely uneducated guess would be that the agency must have been charging $60-80/hr or maybe more… Meanwhile, the going rate I’m pretty sure for his job (he’s not an RN) is less than $30/hr.

I would understand if it were just a short-term thing to fill a gap - paying a large premium for a quick fix might make sense, but this was going on for several months…
I believe the cost of staffing services is about 30% but I don’t have any firm statistics for that.

The employer uses the staffing service to avoid the revolving door. On-boarding, paperwork, and drug testing are time consuming and costly for the employer. You have many people who work for a week then decide the factory floor is too hot for them. You might think this is a silly or exceptional example, but talk to anyone who owns a staffing service. This kind of work ethic loss is pandemic.
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I believe the cost of staffing services is about 30% but I don’t have any firm statistics for that.

The employer uses the staffing service to avoid the revolving door. On-boarding, paperwork, and drug testing associated with it are time consuming and costly for the employer. You have many people who work for a week then decide the factory floor is too hot for them. You might think this is a silly or exceptional example, but talk to anyone who owns a staffing service. This kind of work ethic loss is pandemic.
Right, so in that case, if I’m understanding, the agency would be charging about $65/hr, whereas the normal hiring rate is about $25/hr, meaning the care home is paying about a 160% premium to avoid the revolving door. But I’m not sure elderly care homes are comparable to factories - I would expect random turnover to be much, much lower… although maybe nurses are switching employers every other day because of the super competitive labour market… but I doubt the effect would be that large.
Hmm… I wonder if I could go back to my old landscaping boss and ask for 160% raise in return for signing a long-term contract… He’s got some "revolving door " problems… 🤔
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Hmm… I wonder if I could go back to my old landscaping boss and ask for 160% raise in return for signing a long-term contract… He’s got some “revolving door problems”… 🤔
A great example of the cost of non-productivity. Employers must pay more to keep employees. Costs go up. Consumers at all levels will pay those costs. And the poor get poorer.
A great example of the cost of non-productivity. Employers must pay more to keep employees. Costs go up. Consumers at all levels will pay those costs. And the poor get poorer.
CERB here in Canada, and the CARES in the States have aggravated that problem severely.
A great example of the cost of non-productivity. Employers must pay more to keep employees. Costs go up. Consumers at all levels will pay those costs. And the poor get poorer.
CERB here in Canada, and the CARES in the States have aggravated that problem severely.
Socialism never works. Subsidiarity is the best way. Solving problems at the level closest to the human being. The problem arises when we don’t take care of people at that level.
There are many more progressives which deal with a much wider range of pro-life issues than most conservatives as a whole.
That is just simply untrue. They can not be considered pro-life when they advocate the slaughter of babies and infants. What exactly do they support that negates this evil?
It is more terrifying to vote for someone who is undermining our American democracy
You are aware that the Obama administration tried to undermine the First Amendment by the HHS contraception mandate?

And Biden clapped his hands at this move?
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