The Novus Ordo Mass-What do you like about it?

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Oh, don’t worry, Exporter: so do I. And NotaBene, I became a Catholic in 1998, and disagree with all those points I expounded in my post.

I fear that my besetting sin (a temptation to irony which is common to most of us English) has deceived you more sincere Americans. The point I was trying to make - and obviously failed to do so - was that all the things which Nota Bene likes about the NO Mass are Protestant preoccupations. I’m not accusing him (her?) of Protestantism; but I do wonder why s/he is dissatisfied with so many of the things which marked out the Catholic Church and her children for so many centuries.

Don’t worry I think most people got your subtle irony! At least I did!!
That was aa beatiful post, and I dont know of any TLM in which we have ever got out in 20 minutes-that is the Novus Ordo Mass- as I have seen people come in at the consecration and go up and receive. When you are at a high mass or even a low mass-everybody is in a deep state of prayer and reverence and you can hear a pin drop-and anyone coming in that late would be denied-I have seen it personally, as that is a mortal sin and does not count as attending mass-check your examination of conscience-if anyone even knows what that is anymore.

As far as the TLM-I have been there for almost 2 hours for a high mass and about 75 min for the low mass-the sermons are long, thoughful, and always touch on sin and how we can be better and more reverent. The traditional priests always touch on God, Jesus, Mary and the Saints. The NO sermons are always about Jesus only. Last week the sermon touched on sacrifices for Lent-and how when we sin-how much we are hurting God-and instead of giving up that little piece of chocalate or whatever for Lent-think when you talk, watch what you say-give up hurting others and sin- as that would be the greatest sacrifice you can make for God for Lent-changing your own ways as well as giving up that piece of chocolate.

The NO Mass is a feel good mass-the Traditional Masses are thoughtful and provoking-you really feel that there is a sacrifice taking place-every time I am at a NO mass and when the priest talks about making this sacrifice acceptable to God and how he says it so fast-facing the laity-it does not really inspire me-as right after that you go into the Our father and then the handshaking and backslapping good old free for all sign of peace-it leaves not time for reflection-when in the TLM-you do go into the Pater Noster and then go and kneel at the altar rail and receive our Lord on your tongue. You reflect.
Catholic Dude:
I admit with all the lingo thrown around I dont know the full answers to #1 & #2.

Here is where I get sucked in to these topic angain and again…#3.

First of all something doesnt sound right about all those TLM masses that are in and out in 20min. People have told me its true, but my head and heart dont agree.
I honestly cant understand why we needed the NO mass in the first place. I just emailed my priest on all the abuses where I go. I couldnt put up with it anymore. I dont know if the same stuff happens at a TLM, but here is what put me over the edge:
Here is what I deal with where I go:

1)Beginning music is not a hymn, I look at all the music we sing/hear and the date at the bottom of the page says they were written in the last 10-30 years. Almost no traditional music used throughout.

2)The “Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy” is sung in a nursery rhyme tone, added words, rushed, no reverence, etc.

3)The Gloria does not follow the text in the missal. It is sung to a beat with clapping and extra words. In a lot of the sacred parts, the missal it says “Omit if not sung” and “some appropriate alternative can be used instead” Why is this?

4)For the homily the priest has started to walk around, and even ask questions where people raise their hand. (HELP!)

5)Offering hymn is not a hymn but a semi-New Age sounding song.

6)Eucharistic Prayer is different each time and the first half doesnt follow the missal.

7)For the Our Father the priest says " let us join our heart and our hands" before we begin, some people do, some dont.

8)EMs moving around or pouring wine while the priest is talking or receiving.

9)Lamb of God is sung to a nursery rhyme new age tone, words are added, half is in English the other in Latin, very offensive.

10)Closing hymn is rushed, usually 2 out of 4 of the verses are sung, mad dash to the exit once the priest leaves, mad chaos at the end before the music has ended.

I hope this isnt just me?
I listen to mass on EWTN and im fine with it, respect, reverence, etc.

Why were things like Psalm 42 thrown out. I read Ps42 all the time and it helps me concentrate and gets me in the right mindset. Nobody knows why
I’m still waiting for a Vatican II Mass -

recall Vatican II said we are to have latin, gregorian chant, polyphany etc.
You are?
The Traditional Latin Mass is the Mass of Vatican II!!!

It is a fact-try checking the guide-and the worst part is that these shows-Our Moslem Neighbors, The God Squad, the Orthodox Jewish show, Life on the Rock are the shows that are on Prime Time. You have to wait till after 11PM to maybe catch Father Corpai or I caught a show the other night maybe at midnight with an Italian sister talking about Pope Pius XII. The other times you get Scott Hahn-a converted Protestant who I now understand has taken over for Mother Angelica or at least has something to do with the programing from what I read in another forum.

And maybe stop being so hostile Nota-but if I had to defend the last 40 years of the Vatican II church and the free for all that is going on today-I guess I would feel a bit unsettled as you do
Nota Bene:
Your comments about EWTN are nothing more than garbage-filled conjecture. Either back them up with proof (please, no Geocities websites) or back off altogether.
Nota Bene:
You source is also wrong. the Mass is unique to the Latin Rite. The Byzantine Catholic Churches (there are more than 10) celebrate the Divine Liturgies.
Mass and Divine Liturgy are synonyms. That means they is the same. They are also interchangable. I have seen Greek Catholic church bulletins say Mass not Divine Liturgy.
Dr. Bobmbay,
I apologize! Thank you for clarifying. :bounce:
Nota Bene:
Your comments about EWTN are nothing more than garbage-filled conjecture. Either back them up with proof (please, no Geocities websites) or back off altogether.
Go order a copy of Life on The Rock and listen for yourself or are you too lazy to do that? I told you the episode was from this week. Have a blast finding it. If you call my comments garbage, then fine. It’s a compliment to me. I don’t need your approval last time I checked. I’m not going to follow blindly when folks are in error. St. Peter was put in his place by St. Paul and all wen well, but if you say something today against EWTN or anyone (or organization) else you’re agaianst the Church and everything.
Go order a copy of Life on The Rock and listen for yourself or are you too lazy to do that? I told you the episode was from this week. Have a blast finding it. If you call my comments garbage, then fine. It’s a compliment to me. I don’t need your approval last time I checked. I’m not going to follow blindly when folks are in error. St. Peter was put in his place by St. Paul and all wen well, but if you say something today against EWTN or anyone (or organization) else you’re agaianst the Church and everything.
I have watched Life on The Rock and have found nothing heretodox about it, the same goes for EWTN. So if anything that doesn’t meet with your approval, it has to be heretical. Oh well, it doesn’t matter who you are or what you believe, you will always be considered in error by somebody. But I will just go on being obedient to the Rock of Peter and Jesus Christ the best I know how to regardless of what a EddieArent or a BulldogCath has to say about it, so being labeled a heretic by one of them or their ilk would be a badge of honor.

I guess one bright side to this is since the Communions at my Novus Ordo Mass are probably not considered valid by your estimation, at least I won’t eat and drink judgment unto myself without discerning the body(1 Corinthians 11: 29).
Why the negative comments about the Mass? I understand that many attend places where they do not like this or that, but wasn’t this particular thread supposed to be about what we like about it? I was looking forward to a little positive good-will.
You can reflect in the NO mass though I would not use that term, but rather you pray is a better word or way. IMHO. You do have some time but its depends. For example, after bowing and receive the Blessed Sacrament, I would thank God for letting me receive Him while walking back and then start a series prayers while offering up the Divine Wealth for conversion of sinners, souls in purgatory and other intentions. but I maybe not able to do additional intentions because its daily mass so the church maybe not have as many people compared to a Sunday or Saturday Vigil. Also you always say a quick intention during elevation including “My Lord and My God” (and bow of the head 🙂 )

oh nice nickname 😃
That was aa beatiful post, and I dont know of any TLM in which we have ever got out in 20 minutes-that is the Novus Ordo Mass- as I have seen people come in at the consecration and go up and receive. When you are at a high mass or even a low mass-everybody is in a deep state of prayer and reverence and you can hear a pin drop-and anyone coming in that late would be denied-I have seen it personally, as that is a mortal sin and does not count as attending mass-check your examination of conscience-if anyone even knows what that is anymore.

As far as the TLM-I have been there for almost 2 hours for a high mass and about 75 min for the low mass-the sermons are long, thoughful, and always touch on sin and how we can be better and more reverent. The traditional priests always touch on God, Jesus, Mary and the Saints. The NO sermons are always about Jesus only. Last week the sermon touched on sacrifices for Lent-and how when we sin-how much we are hurting God-and instead of giving up that little piece of chocalate or whatever for Lent-think when you talk, watch what you say-give up hurting others and sin- as that would be the greatest sacrifice you can make for God for Lent-changing your own ways as well as giving up that piece of chocolate.

The NO Mass is a feel good mass-the Traditional Masses are thoughtful and provoking-you really feel that there is a sacrifice taking place-every time I am at a NO mass and when the priest talks about making this sacrifice acceptable to God and how he says it so fast-facing the laity-it does not really inspire me-as right after that you go into the Our father and then the handshaking and backslapping good old free for all sign of peace-it leaves not time for reflection-when in the TLM-you do go into the Pater Noster and then go and kneel at the altar rail and receive our Lord on your tongue. You reflect.
Regarding the negative comments about the Novus Ordo, maybe there are not many who have seen or experienced it as designed, let’s hope the new Roman Missal is on “Rush Order”, the draft copies look promising.

Why the negative comments about the Mass? I understand that many attend places where they do not like this or that, but wasn’t this particular thread supposed to be about what we like about it? I was looking forward to a little positive good-will.
Guilty as charged. I wasnt thinking when I posted.

What is good about the NO:
  1. We can hear it in our own language so we can understand more.
2)Things like Catholic Answers would not exist, because it relys on the average Joe to be able to follow the Mass and get interested in Catholic teaching.

3)I have not been to an TLM, but from what I hear in the NO there are three regular readings Old, Letter & Gospel usually. Which exposes people to more Bible. (I dont know if it is because of the TLM or what, but I have senn horror stories of how Catholics dont know hardly a lick about the Bible).
I grew up going to Prot “churches”, and we didnt make any progress in the Bible, but we went over more than what I see many Catholics know…When I noticed how the Mass had three different readings that came together with such harmony and revealing light I said this is a God send. All these readings that the Prots are scared to touch. I still remember last year when I looked on the calendar and it was the Exaltation of the Holy Cross day, well I decided to check out the readings, the Old one was when the Jews had to look up to the bronze snake to be healed from their sickness, then the Letter: Phil2:6-11 which was about Christ’s mission in a nutshell, beautiful.
and the Gospel readingJohn 3:13-17:
And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of man be lifted up, that whoever believes in him may have eternal life."
John 3:15.
After reading this the utmost respect and reverence fell on me. I said those Catholics have their stuff together to organize stuff like this. Look at the reference John3:13-17 , you know what all those Prots did all my kid life, they jumped to John3:16 and had a hay day memorizing and repeating it and totally ignored the surrounding verses. (I dont want to turn this into a Protestant bashing page). I see this kind of stuff all the time. All this because the mass was in English if it was in Latin I dont know where I would be. I would probably be one of those guys who was unfulfilled in his childhood Christian experience and as he got older saw all this confusion among Protestants so he stopped even going to Church, Bible, etc… But the Catholic Church was there to save me…
-Thank you St Agatha School and Church.

4)What can I say for #4 after #3? I try to be the conservative type, the NO can be good if it is done with respect and orderly, like on EWTN everyday. I live in a place where I have to get up at 5am sharp to hear the Angelous and daily Mass, I am one of those guys who stays up late, not gets up early! Those who stay up late know what I am talking about!

5)About those people who say that Vatican 2 caused people to leave the Church I dont really buy. These were troubled times in the world facing severe secularism. The average american joe was more worried about V2-Rockets fired from the USSR than from the V2-Bishops talking about how to pis-off ArchBishop LeFevre.
Catholic Dude, Great Post , Dude!

This past week I received my set of 48 CDs from Father Capori. It cost quite a bit. But not one of the 48 CDs said a thing about the various Masses. He didn’t talk about Novus Ordo or the Traditional Latin Mass. So I suppose he (Father Corapi) does not think it is important.
In Spirit Daily today-Gee it seem that Sister Lucia had a prediction right around 1957, with an increase in the influence of the Devil and a falling away from the faith-and what happened a few years later…Hmmm Vatican II, and what has that produced-A falling away from the faith-the sex abuse crisis and the corruption of the seminaries by the Modernists and the Ecumenical push.

Lucia said her two cousins always saw the Blessed Mother as sad because of the offenses of mankind and the punishments that consequently threatened.
God would chastise the world, she fretted as mankind neared the 1960s, and it would be “terrible.”

Whether that concern – whether the specific chastisement she saw – still holds true or was a worry attached to the rise of atomic weapons in the subsequent Sixties is fodder for interpretation. At least for a “period,” the Russian threat has been dismantled.

But there are now other, equally pressing concerns, as well as the questions. Will that “period of peace” last? And what may now come?

As one author and Fatima expert Frere Michel de la Sainte pointed out, Lucia was “not talking about the ‘end of the world’ properly speaking, which is identified with the return of Christ in glory for the last judgment. This indicates only that we are entering the last great period of the world’s history, without being able to judge how long it will last.”

There are now secrets from sites such as Medjugorje in Bosnia-Hercegovina that are expected to unfold in the near future – secrets that are more numerous than those from Fatima and by all indications at least as serious as the three Lucia related.

“Father,” Sister Lucia once said in reported conversations with a Mexican named Augustine Fuentes, “the Most Holy Virgin did not tell me that we are in the last times of the world but she made me understand this for three reasons. The first reason is because she told me that the devil is in the mood for engaging in a decisive battle where one side will be victorious and the other side will suffer defeat. Hence from now on we must choose sides. Either we are for God or we are for the devil.” prophetically indicated that the intense part of the struggle would focus on consecrated souls. She made that prediction in 1957 – as it turns out, the period during which the current sex-abuse crisis had its germination. Such was also forecast in a recent book the seer wrote.

“The devil does everything to overcome souls consecrated to God because in this way, the devil will succeed in leaving the souls of the faithful abandoned by their leaders, thereby the more easily will he seize them,” she said on December 26, 1957, with chilling prescience.

“That which afflicts the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Heart of Jesus is the fall of religious and priestly souls,” she told Fuentes. “The devil wishes to take possession of consecrated souls. He tries to corrupt them in order to lull to sleep the souls of laypeople and thereby lead them to final impenitence.”

Her main mission, Sister Lucia said, was to indicate to everyone not so much earthly chastisement as the danger of losing one’s soul for eternity. The devil does his best, she warned, to distract people from prayer and take away the love for it. “We shall be saved together,” she said, “or we shall be damned together.”

There were always indications that Lucia was especially concerned about the loss of faith in Europe – although, as predicted at Fatima, her homeland of Portugal has remained faithful.

The devil, she lamented, had focused his assault against the Rosary, which she described as the prayer, after the holy liturgy itself, “most apt for preserving the faith in souls.”
BullDog, good article. But I’m not sure about the events in Bosnia. You want to talk about a loss of faith? On the feast of the conversion of St. Paul, the bishop here celebrated an eccumenical celebration. The same very same day, Father Angelus spoke in his homily about how years ago in Pennsylvania (I believe) a diocese purchased a Protestant church dedicated to St. Paul and the bishop re-named the church to the Conversion of St. Paul parish or something of that nature. It just shows you how everything has been turned upside down in a generation’s time.
I attended the “guitar assisted” Mass today, amazing how the wording of the Pater Noster resembled one used by evangelicans, and the celebrating Priest did more sitting then participating.

I was also amazed to see a female Eucharistic Minister open the Holy Tabernacle and remove/replace Hosts.

Truly eye opening and …


Give it time before you see the priest sitting in the first row of the pew and the entire mass being performed by females and laity. I had someone blast me for having my child be baptised both in the NO and then in an independent or schismatic or whatever Traditional Mass Baptism under the old Rite, but I am convinced withing 10 to 15 years that is where most good, traditional conservative catholics, not those that want to make it up as we go-and admire the sacrifices of the martyrs and all who came before us will be going as the New Vatican is gone and so has the mass and the liturgical abuses. The things we are calling abuses today will be the “Norm” in 5 years-like communion in the hand or female altar girls, eucharistic ministers-if you had thought that was crazy 20 years ago-now it is the norm. Forget about GIRM , SQUIRM whatever I keep hearing-no one enforces it and no one really cares. My church is so bare-and it is the main church for the diocese-and they bring out the incense and it is funny to watch the Bishop try to act a little traditional during the Novus Ordo Mass when I go-he tried to use a little Latin not to long ago and he flubbed it so bad that he actually made Newday and a traditional website and he was using the wrong words.
I attended the “guitar assisted” Mass today, amazing how the wording of the Pater Noster resembled one used by evangelicans, and the celebrating Priest did more sitting then participating.

I was also amazed to see a female Eucharistic Minister open the Holy Tabernacle and remove/replace Hosts.

Truly eye opening and …

Catholic Dude said:
2)Things like Catholic Answers would not exist, because it relys on the average Joe to be able to follow the Mass and get interested in Catholic teaching.

This is an interesting connection. I like it!
I posted the following as a new thread about a week ago, but only 2 people responded. Perhaps these ideas will draw more comments as part of this thread.

I’ve been reading a lot of material, here and elsewhere, about the relative merits of the Tridentine Mass versus the Novus Ordo Missae, and between Mass in Latin vs. Mass in English - some quite scholarly, some purely polemic. It occured to me that this was yet another case in which Blessed John Henry Newman could be of help. In his Apologia Pro Vita Sua (if I remember correctly), Newman introduces the idea of “the Catholic AND.” During his examination of Catholicism, he discovered that Protestant thought is often expressed in terms of “either/or” - either Faith OR Works, either Scripture OR Tradition. On the other hand, Catholic thought is expressed in terms of “both/and” - Faith AND Works, Scripture AND Tradition. I’m wondering if the same “Catholic AND” could be applied to this controversy as

Here’s my trial balloon: Both Latin AND the vernacular are NECESSARY for a fuller understanding of the dual nature of our Lord. Latin emphasizes the majesty of His divinity, English emphasizes the humility of His humanity. Ideally (…I know, I know…), Latin Mass could be offered on Feast days and Solemnities as well as Advent/Christmas and Lent/Easter; during Ordinary Time, Mass would be exclusively in English. Perhaps Latin Mass could be the first offering on Sunday morning, because those folks who as enthused about Latin would be the most willing to get to early Mass on time.

Several sensible people have noted that this would require a substantial amount of catechesis, something which is sorely deficient in the Church in the United States. Also, so few priests are able to celebrate Mass in Latin (willingness is another matter) that this is an admittedly theoretical exercise. My pastor celebrated Mass in Latin on All Souls Day and, as “traditional” as he is, his Latin pronunciation needed more practice. Even so, he did a good job as he always does, and I hope he will offer Mass in Latin more often.

On the issue of TLM or NO: when our Holy Father celebrates Mass, which one does he use? Pope John Paul II is a man of the Council, and he uses the Mass of Paul VI. Sorry … I agree that the Tridentine Mass is glorious, but if the Novus Ordo is good enough for John Paul the Great, it’s good enough for me. I understand Patrick Madrid has a new book out on our schismatic betheren called “Holier than the Pope” - it may be worth seeking out. Even Fr. Peter Stravinskas, an advocate for Mass in Latin, has stated that the Tridentine Mass was in serious need of revision, and he has never celebrated the old Mass.

O.K., friends, you can start shooting now …
Catholic Dude:
Guilty as charged. I wasnt thinking when I posted.

What is good about the NO:
3)I have not been to an TLM, but from what I hear in the NO there are three regular readings Old, Letter & Gospel usually. Which exposes people to more Bible. (I dont know if it is because of the TLM or what, but I have seen horror stories of how Catholics dont know hardly a lick about the Bible).
I grew up going to Prot “churches”, and we didnt make any progress in the Bible, but we went over more than what I see many Catholics know…When I noticed how the Mass had three different readings that came together with such harmony and revealing light …
  1. "Catholics dont know hardly a lick about the Bible"
    Catholcs know the WHOLE of the Bible, but can’t tell you the verse location That’s why God gave us Search Engines)… Prot’s. know 1/3 of the bible and can tell you the location of the verse.
  2. Let’s debunk this false idea about “more bible in the NOM”:
    Here is the Proper for today in the TLM:
Second Sunday in Lent
Purple First Class

INTROIT ¤ Ps. 24. 6, 3, 22
Remember, O Lord, Thy bowels of compassion, and Thy mercies that are from the beginning of the world, lest at any time our enemies rule over us: deliver us, O God of Israel, from all our tribulations. – (Ps. 24. 1, 2). To Thee, O Lord, have I lifted up my soul: in Thee, O my God, I put my trust; let me be not ashamed. V.: Glory to the Father . . . – Remember, O Lord . . .

EPISTLE ¤ I Thess. 4. 1-17
Lesson from the First Epistle of Blessed Paul the Apostle to the Thessalonians…
[God our Creator and our Lord “hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto sanctification, in Christ Jesus our Lord.”]
Brethren, We pray and beseech you in the Lord Jesus that, as you have received from us how you ought to walk and to please God, so also you would walk, that you may abound the more. For you know what precepts I have given to you by the Lord Jesus. For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you should abstain from fornication, that every one of you should know how to possess his vesel in sanctification and honor; not in the passion of lust, like the Gentiles…

GRADUAL ¤ Ps. 24. 17, 18
The troubles of my heart are multiplied: deliver me from my necessities, O Lord. V.: See my abjection and my labor; and forgive me all my sins.

TRACT ¤ Ps. 105. 1-4
Give glory to the Lord, for He is good: for his mercy endureth for ever. V.: Who shall declare the powers of the Lord: who shall set forth all His praises? V.: Blessed are they that keep judgment and do justice at all times. V.: Remember us, O Lord, in the favor of Thy people: visit us with Thy salvation.

GOSPEL ¤ Matth. 17. 1-9.
† Continuation of the holy Gospel according to St. Matthew.
[Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ on Mount Thabor: manifestation of the divinity of Jesus.]
At that time Jesus took Peter and James, and John his brother, and bringeth them up into a high mountain apart: and He was transfigured before them. And His face did shine as the sun, and His garments became white as snow. And behold there appeared to them Moses and Elias talking with Him…

OFFERTORY ¤ Ps. 118. 47, 48
I will meditate on Thy commandments, which I have loved exceedingly: and I will lift up my hands to Thy commandments which I have loved.

COMMUNION ¤ Ps. 5. 2-4
Understand my cry: hearken to the voice of my prayer, O my King and my God: for to Thee will I pray, O Lord.
That’s 7 readings by my count vs NOM 3 count. The Church has always “connected” the readings. I think the NOM does it better on SOME occasions…that is one place the TLM could have been reformed.
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