
Dude, WTH? LOLKarl Keating – the founder of ‘Catholic Answers’.
The magical beginnings of his ‘battle for faith’ are that he came out of a Catholic Church one Sunday after Mass and found anti-Catholic literature on some of the car windshields in the parking lot.
He went home and wrote an answering tract and distributed it at the church that papered the cars in the church parking lot.
From there this lawyer (now preacher) went on to write and distribute tract after tract. He became so involved in this (and so successful) that he quit his job as a lawyer and opened up his own publishing business.
His ‘Catholic Answers’ company cranks out books and bible tracts at an enormous rate.
The problem with all this activity is in the man himself.
Going from a worshipper of Christ to an evangelical minister his organization boasts of sending out ‘their ministers’ as if they were cut off from Catholic Church and operating on their own.
In fact, they are operating on their own.
Without a true set of moral principles to guide them and a fat check book the group has muscled aside the message of Peace proclaimed by the Catholic Church and has involved itself in spiritual brawls with every bizarre religious group in the United States.
His close association with Deal Hudson points to a character flaw in Karl Keating that in my opinion shows a lack of wisdom.
His association with the Knights of Columbus alone, in my opinion, is a marketing ploy to increase the KofC Insurance Company’s financial interests. That company holds more than 5 billion dollars in assets and insures over 50 billion dollars worth of property.
This plastic Catholic and his manufactured ministers are a disgusting outgrowth of American political thought. Unfortunately they have been financially successful with their self-serving propaganda.
Thankfully God is alive in the world and to all things done in greed and without faith come a bad end. Catholic Answers has no answers for that.
A few links on the ‘CatholicAnswers.com’ include contacts for ‘Christian Jobs’ which will put in touch with the ‘Campus Crusade for Christ’, ‘Secrets of Success’ - a business person’s evangelistic website.