I am not speaking specifically of pets, but of all wildlife and nature. Why are some people so insistent that Heaven will have a specific look and topography that will specifically exclude aspects of God’s creation that He pronounced as good?
There will be a New Heaven** and** a New Earth with a river running through it, the Tree of Life, and so forth. Why must it only consist of humans, angels, and divine beings? Will there be nothing other than marble and pearly gates? I don’t see why the idea of a recreated nature is such an irritating concept to some.
No, I don’t expect to see man-made things like cars, but I do hope there’s more to do than strumming harps and singing. I expect it will be fascinating.
Have people changed their attitudes since they started having pets? Yes, gradually. In the Middle Ages, a period some regard as the high-water mark of civilized thought, people regarded cats as being possessed by demons, and regularly killed and tortured them. But for most, intellectual inquiry, understanding, and discussion has progressed and evolved, not remained static.
I would like to think that in some ways we aren’t as backward as we were 500 or 1000 years ago.
As civilization developed and people grew further and further from barbarism, they began to bond with certain animals, and realize that yes, maybe there was something more to these creatures than a dumb object to beat with a stick or kick through a hedge, that there was an aspect of God’s creation we had been ignoring all these centuries, though it had been staring us in the face.
And no, you don’t have to be a hippie or a tree-hugger or liberal to stand, say, at the rim of the Grand Canyon and see that creation declares the glory of God.