Animals lack reason - and free will.
Tree’s and insects also did not cause the fall. So they have souls too?
Dear friend
Everything that lives and moves and has a being has so in God and therefore has a soul. No soul on earth is like that of the human soul, the human is created in the Image of God, set apart as the height of creation. This height of creation, man, is truly made in the Image of God, we were given much so as to exercise the Image of God within us, to love each other, to love God and to love creation and be stewards of it as God is Supreme Steward and Creator of all of Creation, so we partook in His likeness, partaking in creating and stewardship, so as the uncreated, the pure Spirit, God, is shepherd of the spiritual created and materially created, the spiritual created is shepherd of the spiritually created and the materially created and as such the life of the spiritual created soul is intimately united to God in the created and in the spiritual. The height of creation that betrayed God and the rest of creation at the fall and all of creation now suffers the fall in this broken world because of Man’s sin such was the partaking in man’s stewardship of God’s creation, that sin of pride that man himslef would like to be as God knowing good and evil. Well we can truly say, we now know good and evil in every aspect of our lives, but truly we are not our own god.
What St Thomas has concluded by intellecual deduction is that souls created in the Image of God can in, by and through Christ Jesus go to heaven,. because their soul is spiritual and animals because they possess a material soul do not go to heaven.
I disagree and I am free to disagree because even though St Thomas concluded this, it is not taught carte blanche infallible as Church Doctrine.
I disagree for many reasons, one of them being that all creatures lived in union with God in, by and through Man’s union with God and union with God is heaven. When man as steward fell from union with God through sin, so did all of creation, since Christ Jesus reconciles all things in, by and through Himself all things are reconciled to God and this must be completed by man’s return to God and repentance, by man partaking in his own salvation and therefore as steward reconciling within himself all that is entrusted to him by God.
Animals have no free-will, they worship God by their very being, but their nature is broken even though they are capable of no sin, it is ourselves that are responible for the salvation of all that is entrusted to us, our own souls, each other and all of the created material world of which none is possible without God’s grace.
Christ Jesus is not simply Saviour of humanity, He is Saviour of the World, of all creation, He is the Light of the World. Our betrayal of this was most profound, not simply because we brought about our own demise, but also the demise of all creation and ultimately offended God. We in this original sin, rejected all that was gifted to us, we fractured our relationship with God, with each other and with creation, of which prior to the fall all was most intimately woven in Love with the Creator, our Truine God.
Our stewardship may not be seen merely as a hired hand, we are the shepherds of what we have been set over and we must not abandon it. Our responsibility is not merely to save our own souls, but those of other people by prayer and sacrifice as well as the whole of creation. If this is the case, and I believe it to be so, then even though those souls of animals and all other creatures are of material value, their value exists in our stewardship and the responsibility that lies therein and by God’s grace our merit will win for us, not only our own personal salvation, but the salvation of others by God’s grace and the salvation of the whole of creation.
That is the weight of sin, that is what our Lord bore, the Salvation of the World, the world upon Himself in one glorious, blessed and brutal Cross.
God Bless you and much love and peace to you