Don’t try to lay your unChristian attitude toward polygamy (actually, polygyny – one husband, more than one wive) at the feet of the Jews. The Talmud teaches that monogamy is the ideal. In most Jewish communities, polygamy has not existed in any significant form for thousands of years. Rabbinic Judaism banned polygyny in the 11th century.
As one rabbi said, if God had approved polygyny, he would have created Adam and Eve and Joan. Polygyny is antithetical to both both Christianity and Judaism.
Just because polygyny existed in ancient Israel doesn’t mean that God approved it, any more than He approved divorce under the Mosaic Law. Jesus said, “. . .from the beginning it was not so.”
To believe that Jesus Christ, Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, God Himself, was a polygamist, is absolutely abhorrent. The sound you hear is me retching.
Mormonism should stop the pretense that it’s Christian. It doesn’t have a trace of Christianity in it, except that it uses the vocabulary of Christian doctrine and twists the meaning beyond all recognition.
Don’t try to lay your unChristian attitude toward polygamy (actually, polygyny – one husband, more than one wive) at the feet of the Jews. The Talmud teaches that monogamy is the ideal. In most Jewish communities, polygamy has not existed in any significant form for thousands of years. Rabbinic Judaism banned polygyny in the 11th century.
As one rabbi said, if God had approved polygyny, he would have created Adam and Eve and Joan. Polygyny is antithetical to both both Christianity and Judaism.
Just because polygyny existed in ancient Israel doesn’t mean that God approved it, any more than He approved divorce under the Mosaic Law. Jesus said, “. . .from the beginning it was not so.”
To believe that Jesus Christ, Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, God Himself, was a polygamist, is absolutely abhorrent. The sound you hear is me retching.
Mormonism should stop the pretense that it’s Christian. It doesn’t have a trace of Christianity in it, except that it uses the vocabulary of Christian doctrine and twists the meaning beyond all recognition.