Donald Trump is incapable of leading us in a pro-life direction.
Sorry, he already has. None of us can even dream of doing as many pro-life things as Trump and I repeat, immigration-doves, most I read about have no authority to speak on the right to life.
Their open-borders sees many die. It is not a pro-life position. Time to rid ourselves of this sanctimony.
Given the fact that the last reports show 862,000 abortions in the US in 2017 and that an estimated 40-50 million abortions occur worldwide I don’t think the bishops would agree with you. What other issue produce 40-50 million murders every year?
Right, the Church teaches us to support the most pro-life not perfect pro-life which we ourselves may not agree with.
These cases made aren’t really even dealing with the Catechism, they are homespun theories not appealing to doctrine.
When America is among 7 countries in the world along with China and North Korea that allow for abortions at 9 months, full-term, something is wrong and the Democrats seem to represent Planned Parenthood in the fullest.
Excusez moi, there is nothing pro-life about open immigration. It leads to trafficking, exploitation of migrants and so on. I think people do not like Trump in some cases because they want to say he’s not caring about refugees but this seems to be a self-centered approach.
By the way, a path to citizenship was offered to immigrants if the wall was built. Guess who voted that down? Who is pro-immigrant? Pro-refugee really?
Add to that, funneling funds to abort children overseas and blocking abortions through the Mexico City policy as Trump has done; and people really pose as loving the foreigner? Really?