Fair enough. I suppose my real purpose for this post is looking for alternatives to centering prayer (as well as lamenting a bit) that don’t compromise scripture or the sacraments.
I’m tired of not knowing who to trust in God’s holy church.
We should not rely on effortful methods or trying to find which humans should we trust. The answer to that is Jesus and Him only, and so, to ask Him to send you a Helper to guide you in your daily life.
Having said that, I have practiced centering prayers several times during retreats only. I find it effortful and defeat the purpose of “resting in God”, at least for myself. I recognize that it maybe useful for many people, but I find it not suitable for me, because I do not grow spiritually by doing meditation in this manner.
“The Cloud of Unknowing” was pivotal in my conversion, and I still love it and believe it’s very orthodox.
You are right in this. Our spirituality should be based on worship of a God who reveal Himself to us. Therefore the key difference between zen meditation, and our christian meditation should be: we are not looking for enlightenment from the God we do not know. Rather, we meditate on His Word, and the way of the Person Jesus through this person we
know God.
Needless to say, 13 pages in and I already can’t trust the author to provide truthful information. Done with this book!
I had gone through similar experience when I begun to like bible reading, for some reason, I find myself unable to finish reading other books. I used to finish all books I purchsed from the bookshops. But it has been quite a while now since then. The bible began speak louder, then oops I find myself reading a few pages of other books and throw it away. But what’s interesting is, I also understand faster things God wants me to understand, even if I don’t really finish reading those other books, I understand them from the bible point of view, it becomes easier and simpler.
I read the bible, and it begin to speak to me through daily experience. My life happens to be quiet. But God speaks to me not only during quiet moments. He speaks to me in my whole experience. Whenever I write in this forum, then I find God is teaching me too. So many times I read my own writing and I thought “wow, where those words come from?” I know those from Him. So many times after I write, I keep reading my own writing because I was learning from there too. It sounds strange, I know. But that is real. It is no longer I live, but it is Christ live in me.
Jesus in his walk on earth often goes to quiet places to pray. I need those quiet time to pray too, to think about Him, to talk to Him. And all those are my way to meditate on God, and on His words revealed to us in the bible.
It is not my effort. It is by God’s Spirit living in me.