I found that verse but, of course, it is more mysterious than informative.And, by the way, St John of the Cross, a doctor of the Church says, “the Center of the soul is God.” Somewhere in Living Flame of Love .
1.12. The soul’s center is God. When it has reached God with all the capacity of its being and the strength of its operation and inclination, it will have attained its final and deepest center in God, it will know, love, and enjoy God with all its might. When it has not reached this point (as happens in this mortal life, in which the soul cannot reach God with all its strength, even though in its center – which is God through grace and his self-communication to it), it still has movement and strength for advancing further and is not satisfied. Although it is in its center, it is not yet in its deepest center, for it can go deeper in God.
So even in the center there are deeper centers and in this mortal life we cannot reach that deepest center.