Thoughts on men’s purity rings

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“Incels” stands for involuntarily celibate. They aren’t too picky, They want to fornicate, and blame women for preferring “alpha” males.
Praiseworthy intention. I don’t see the point really … after all a wedding ring does not stop extramarital affairs.
“Incels” stands for involuntarily celibate. They aren’t too picky, They want to fornicate, and blame women for preferring “alpha” males.
Let me be clear that any of my comments should not be interpreted as condoning fornication. Sexual relations are only to be had between a man and a woman, within a valid marriage, with no obstacle to procreation other than the cycles of nature or involuntary sterility. If that is counter-cultural, so be it.

As far as “incels”, my understanding is that many of them are indeed too “picky”, that they desire women who are not realistic partners for them, while ignoring less attractive (and less superficial!) women who would be happy to have them. If they desire to have a female companion, they need to have standards more rooted in reality, and not imagining themselves “entitled” to women who are out of their league. Taking positive steps to improve themselves is also an option. There are women who do indeed value more sensitive, low-key, average “beta” males, and they are very often women who have a certain humility as regards their own characteristics.
value more sensitive, low-key, average “beta” males,
Here. Here. 🔨🔨 (couldn’t find a judges’ gavel 🤷‍♀️)

I’d rather a gentleman, than an alpha male anyday. Some of these alpha male types are more concerned with the image and neglect developing and growing the personality as much as they do the physical aspect - and I’m not opening the box of ‘attitude’, either! (That could fill a whole thread on its’ own - for both sexes.) I much prefer a gentleman who thinks with the Church, strives for attaining the virtues, & who is or at least consistently tries to be a good husband and father.
As a man, I’m not a fan. I prefer a Crucifix, Miraculous Medal, and/or a Marian consecration bracelet.

Personally, my first ring was my wedding ring - I never liked class rings, or any kinds of rings.
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If anyone wants to wear one, they’re free too. I like the counter-cultural aspect but I doubt most people would notice them or know what they are.
On the other hand, if anyone thinks they give magical powers in remaining chaste, then they’re sadly mistaken.
As far as “incels”, my understanding is that many of them are indeed too “picky”, that they desire women who are not realistic partners for them, while ignoring less attractive (and less superficial!) women who would be happy to have them.
You hit the nail on the head. I suspect this is in large part due to the pornification of the culture and the hours spent “fantasizing” about women who wouldn’t give them the time of day… for which they should be grateful.
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You hit the nail on the head. I suspect this is in large part due to the pornification of the culture and the hopes spent “fantasizing” about women who wouldn’t give them the time of day… for which they should be grateful.
These men have hinged their very existence and worth to having sex. Nothing else matters. It’s a sad way to live. But something strongly propagated by the culture and media.
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If they desire to have a female companion, they need to have standards more rooted in reality, and not imagining themselves “entitled” to women who are out of their league. Taking positive steps to improve themselves is also an option. There are women who do indeed value more sensitive, low-key, average “beta” males, and they are very often women who have a certain humility as regards their own characteristics.
This is all true, but one more thing that people tend to not acknowledge with them is that a lot of them have severe issues. Autism, severe social anxiety disorder, depression etc. They barely have any social skills to provide themselves a semi normal social life with people in general, let alone girls they like. Coupled with the pressure for men to have sex to be ‘respected’, they translate their loneliness into anger against the world. Girls for not liking them, and boys for having the skills they want/need. Of course, all of this is usually done online because that’s how they can freely speak their mind. They’re pretty quiet in real life until they snap and start verbally or physically assaulting girls.
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It’s more a symbol of being countercultural I guess.

Being a thief or being a murderer has always been condemned by society in general but being chaste is now seen as an aberration and those who practice it are often the objects of ridicule.

Personally speaking, I choose to not wear the ring but I don’t have any problems with those who choose otherwise.
There are also other commandmants that are counter-cultural.

Not using God’s name in vain for example.
As far as “incels”, my understanding is that many of them are indeed too “picky”, that they desire women who are not realistic partners for them, while ignoring less attractive (and less superficial!) women who would be happy to have them. If they desire to have a female companion, they need to have standards more rooted in reality, and not imagining themselves “entitled” to women who are out of their league. Taking positive steps to improve themselves is also an option. There are women who do indeed value more sensitive, low-key, average “beta” males, and they are very often women who have a certain humility as regards their own characteristics.
Not sure if this is a male only thing. I know several women who seem incapable of getting into a relationship, probably through a mix of unrealistically high demands concerning what Mr Right should be and look like, and just being awkwardly poor conversationalists.

In my view this is in part due to changes in society. When I was young (yeah, long time ago) we had things like social dances or went on hikes with the youth groups and you just mixed and mingled doing stuff you enjoyed and just as a side product some people might meet their match there and end up getting married.

Today people seem to gravitate massively towards online dating where there is a much larger choice of possible partners which encourages people to be picky. People who are considered attractive (for whatever reason) get a lot of attention and this massively boosts their own self esteem and perception of their own desirability (and thus also the demands they place on potential partners). Others, who in reality may be only marginally less attarctive get much less attention and consider themselves unnatractive and struggle through half their adult life unable to get even a date. There is thus a massive and unhealthy distortion of perceived attractivity affecting both sexes.
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There were a few of these here on this forum. Their hatred and bitterness towards women were all too evident yet they continually wondered why women weren’t interested in them. When their attitude was pointed out to them as the cause, they reacted with anger.

Even those who aren’t misogynists or misandrists have a hard time getting into and cultivating a relationship. Not just a romantic relationship but even simple friendships. The big reason is that society is increasingly getting more transient. Hard to put down roots and establish relationships when you’re constantly moving.
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There were a few of these here on this forum.
As this forum is on the internet, that’s very unsurprising.
Their hatred and bitterness towards women were all too evident yet they continually wondered why women weren’t interested in them.
It’s a feedback loop; they don’t generally start out that way. Rather, they start out feeling entitled to women, the thinking being “I’m nice, therefore women should sleep with me.” Then they start to resent women when they don’t get what they think they deserve and that resentment compounds the problem. And on and on it goes.
There is a Chasity cord that can be worn out of sight. I forget whose cord it is and have not worn one, but I think it has value. We are temples of the Holy Spirit. Therefore we can decorate out bodies with meaningful symbols.
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