Thoughts on men’s purity rings

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My main concern would be that, if you’re wearing that on your hand, people will assume you’re married. If you’re looking to get married in the future it could be quite an obstacle! I know as a Catholic woman I’d probably assume a guy wearing that had decided to incorporate a cross into his wedding ring. Which would make it quite awkward if he wanted to go on a date!
Would it help if it was not on my ring finger? Yes I am actively looking to date and have before lol
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This double standard existed before the term cougars, existed.
The question still remains.

With whom were men to supposed to gain sexual experience with if women were not supposed to be sexually active outside of marriage?

Don’t tell me cougars. Older women are either married, in this case she’s supposed to be having sex only with her husband as all good women do, or single and she’s not supposed to have sex at all.
to look after the marriage is consummed if the sheets is stained with blood to proove the women’s virginity.

To simplify it is still important in some muslins countries, culture, or gypsie culture.
to my knowledge it has never been done in western Catholic cultures, or stop very long ago.
They look for the presence of blood on the bedsheet. You can look it up. I posted a more detailed explanation and then deleted it. I don’t want to get flagged.
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Seems like a very sad view of virginity. Turns the woman into an object with her worth being dependent on being a Virgin
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They are gaining their experience with the “bad girls” or “harlet” or “insert name for woman that is not marriage material”.

This double standard existed before the term cougars, existed.
I just mean the only way you could end up where the men in a particular age cohort are experienced while the women aren’t is if the women are all going after younger men.
And to answer the original question: I find the purity rings, whether for males or females, and the whole purity thing, kind of silly.
Would it help if it was not on my ring finger? Yes I am actively looking to date and have before lol
Might help a bit, but to be quite honest if I was just looking quickly I’m not sure I’d actually notice a middle finger versus ring finger! Maybe consider putting it on a neck chain?
Purity rings seem to me to feminize men. Female purity is important because women are the vessels of new life, and they are sought and pursued by men. That’s the dynamic God established in nature. The male should not be decorated. His significance consists in how he expresses himself in his actions. Men who support purity and chastity ought to behave as such so they are know by their works.

I think the intent of men’s purity rings is noble, but our culture has made a display of something that ought to be a simple matter of fact.
Female purity is important because women are the vessels of new life, and they are sought and pursued by men.
Male and female purity (although chastity is a more fitting word) are equally important.
The male should not be decorated
This is more of an opinion. There are clergy who wear rings. The Pope too. Men from different cultures. Etc.
His significance consists in how he expresses himself in his actions.
Yup. Although this applies to everyone, really. Anyone who places more importance on a ring than their actions would be misguided.
Female purity is important because women are the vessels of new life, and they are sought and pursued by men. That’s the dynamic God established in nature.
I’ll give you the “vessels of life” bit, but I’m not sure where you’re getting the rest.
The male should not be decorated. His significance consists in how he expresses himself in his actions.
If we’re going to go even by history and tradition, modern western society is rather an anomaly in the lack of decoration that men wear. It’s not some sort of ancient Catholic tradition.

Be careful that you’re not confusing recent western history with the ways of nature or sacred tradition.
During the days before DNA testing, this was one way paternity was assured, especially among the upper classes and the monarchy.

I’m not defending it, mind you, just stating the reason behind it.
Cougars are relatively rare though.

I’m thinking the good girl/bad girl distinction enables this double standard. Sow your wild oats with one girl and marry the other.

I remember the movie Legally Blonde where Elle’s fiancé told her she was a Marilyn and not a Jackie, meaning she was good for a fling but not for respectable marriage.
For young men, you have the “easy” girls and the good girls.
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Chastity suitable to one’s state in life is required of both men and women.

A man who has sex outside of marriage commits grave sin just like a woman who does the same thing.
I couldn’t remember the good girl to Marilyn…Rizzo to Sandy would have worked too although Sandy ended up a “bad girl” at the end (sort of)
I’m thinking the good girl/bad girl distinction enables this double standard. Sow your wild oats with one girl and marry the other.
For a lot of history prostitution was seen as a necessary evil in order to prevent men from harassing “good girls”.
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