Becoming cf. Being - a Possible Analogy for Salvation:
The idea i’m struggling with is whether there is a difference between becoming a Christian & being a Christian. What i believe the Bible teaches is that there is a difference between becoming a child of God (which i believe is salvation) & being a child of God (which i believe is sanctification). What i think all of you are saying (& please correct me if i’m mistaken) is that sanctification & salvation are the same thing. Allow me to use this illustration to point out one reason why i think they are not the same & why that difference is an important one.
My wife has never had any trouble telling my first-born son how he should be: Every day she had counsel or reprimand for him such as, “Pick up after yourself” or “Don’t bother your brother” or “Please listen when i talk to you.”
However, when my son asked her how he became her child, she said, “You better talk to your dad about this.” So i did.
The point i’m trying to make is that the question, “How did i become your son?” produced a different reaction from my wife than “How do i be a good son?” My wife, who had no trouble explaining the latter, did not want to discuss the former, because they are very different questions with very different answers.
To BE a son in our family, he is expected to put the needs of his parents & brothers above his own (or at least consider our needs to be as important as his own). However, to BECOME our son was the result of at least three causes:
- My wife & i being intimate with each other.
- God, who “created [his] inmost being; [and] knit [him] together in [his] mother’s womb.” (Psalm 139:13)
- My wife giving birth to him.
How to BE our son has nothing to do with these three causes. Being our son requires give & take between us & him. It has much to do with the decisions he makes to act according, or against, our desires for him. Therefore, becoming our son is not the same thing as being our son.
I’d like to submit for discussion my idea that BECOMING a child of God is not the same thing as BEING a child of God. Please let me explain:
I’ve had long discussions with two Mormons who visited my home. They had the idea that everyone (except those who leave the Mormon Church) is heaven bound. Their belief comes from their false idea that the Bible & Book of Mormon teaches we are all born God’s children. So i asked them to read out loud this verse:
“…to all who received him [Jesus Christ], to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God…” (John 1:12) After reading it i asked them how someone can become something that he already is. The answer, of course, is that you cannot; so we are not born children of God, we become children of God.
In comparison to becoming a Christian (which is salvation or being saved from hell) is the idea of BEING a Christian (which is sanctification or allowing God to give you the power to change your life).
Hence, St. Paul writes: “BE imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself for up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” (Ephesians 5:1-2)
So i believe that salvation is when a person is saved from the penalty of sin. Sanctification, in contrast, is when a person is being saved from the power of sin. Resurrection will be when she is saved from the presence of sin.