but a better community and a church that holds my attention. The last two are absent from every Catholic Church I tried, with the exception of one, but I don’t like it, it looks like a funeral parlor.
Which, again, is the whole point. None of this has anything to do with beliefs, and it has everything to do with things quite peripheral to faith.
What if you found a Catholic Church that had these things? Would that satisfy you? If so, then your priorities vis-a-vis faith are a bit backward. We should seek the truth, and not what excites us or makes us feel good. I say Mass every day. Rarely is it exciting, rarely does it move my emotions. It’s simply what I must do. And yet it satisfies me on a far deeper level than anything more exciting emotionally could.
So again, what is keeping you from seeing it in these terms? If you find God himself, who is truth, and the truth that he has revealed, then it shouldn’t matter how good a community or how engaging the sermons are. Still less should it matter if people line up with your beliefs (or validate them, as you constantly seem to be seeking on here)–your beliefs will rather line up with the truth, which is how it’s supposed to be.
I might sound a bit harsh, but I really am very concerned, and I think the endless discussion of issues quite peripheral to what’s really going on is not going to help you, Hope. I really think you need to examine why you keep searching, endlessly, in this way, and not settling on what’s really true. Everything you’ve brought up is about you and your feelings and what agrees with you. Did you not think it might be the other way around?
I am praying for your healing. I really hope you find some peace. I think everyone else would do well to stop feeding this discussion, since it’s not truly helpful. The real problem here has nothing to do with creationism or any other belief.