I keep seeing posts about “The One True Faith” not in relation to Christianity but in relation to Roman Catholicism. How then do Roman Catholics view other branches of the Christian faith? Can non Roman Catholics also be true and good Christians?
When I use the term, One True Church, or One True Faith, I mean that the Catholic Church has the fullness of Truth in her teachings.
Now, the CCC says that other religions have “rays of light” that stem from the Catholic Church. Other religions do have truths. BUT … other religions including non-Catholic denominations, have some untruths.
There is only One God. So therefore there is only One Truth. Scripture teaches us that Christ and His Church are One. Therefore, there can only be one True Church. (This reminds me of the Highlander series … “in the end there can be only one” LOL!)
Anyway, humor aside, I feel that God wants His Churches to be United under one flock and one shepherd: under the visible head of Christ on earth, the Pope. (Remembering, however, that the Church is founded upon Christ).
To be eligible for salvation, one must have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. One must be baptised either by desire or Sacrament. One must partake of the Eucharist, either by desire or by sacrament (according to Father Hardon). I think that Eucharist by desire can be defined as one’s desire to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. One must die in a State of Grace.
If one is ignorant of these things, one shall not be judged by them, but by how one co-operates with the graces God chooses to betow upon him.
I’ve come across some very good Protestant Christians.
Salvation is not easy. It is a narrow path full of thorns. I hate to give anyone false hope. Yes, Protestants can be saved, but I think it’s harder.
On the other hand, God is Infinitely Merciful and Loving. In His Justice, He takes our human weaknesses into account.
**I say to Protestants: Catholics LOVE you! If you only knew the Graces you’re depriving yourself from remaining separated from Holy Mother Church. Jesus is really, truly Present in the Eucharist, and He’s right there, patiently, waiting for you to come to him and recieve Him. **
**In recieving Him, He consumes your sins, while you consume His Love. **
Gosh, if you only knew! Words are insufficient to describe what I wish to convey. The magnitude of His Love is blinding to the heart and mind! WOW!
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God Bless!