I do not speak in tongues. Many members of the church I attend do. What is the catholic position? Do Roman Catholics speak in tongues? Does the Pope?
Christ be with you
walk in love
I confess I haven’t read all the replies. People come down on all sides of this issue as you now know. You can check out some of the other threads on this forum. I’ll just responding to the initial question and repeat my old reply because my response remains the same.
First of all, yes, Roman Catholics speak in tongues and pray in tongues. Almost 2000 years after Pentecost and the gift of tongues is still a gift of the Holy Spirit. Faith and openess to the Holy Spirit are still factors in the receiving and the exercise of this gift as in any gift of the Holy Spirit.
I use the gift of tongues as prayer. That’s what I speak of here. It is a prayer language in which we speak to God in the Spirit. It benefits us because the Holy Spirit is making intercession for us in a deep hidden manner. We don’t need to understand. God hears, knows and responds.
The gift of tongues as prayer is nonconceptual prayer. Think of contemplation, no words or understanding is needed here. This kind of prayer bypasses the understanding to pour out our hearts to God, while our intellect stands by in silence.
When I pray like this I sometimes feel like I am standing by myself listening to the Holy Spirit pour out His experience of me to the Father who smiles or weeps, but definitely hears and knows me. I feel like this because sometimes there is so much surprising expression in the prayer, much more emotion in the words I hear myself speaking than I could have expressed in the English language. Before praying in this way, I won’t have believed there was this much expression waiting to be released within me. Romans 8:26-27 speaks of this experience to me, “The Spirit itself intercedes with inexpressible groanings. And the One who searches hearts knows what is the intention of the Spirit, because it intercedes for the holy ones according to God’s will.”
Prayer tongues is truly a useful gift especially when we don’t know how to prayer. It’s also a beautiful gift when exercised in unison with others as the Spirit gives us grace to sing this prayer to glorify God.
Paul says, he would that we all spoke in tongues ( ! Cor 14:5). So tongues must be available to us. It’s also a genuine gift of God and as such not to be passed over lightly because we prefer only the “higher gifts.” Personally, I’ll take anything God is willing to give me, especially the available and the commonplace. If prayer-tongues frees my spirit to speak only to God, how glorious is that!! That I am a baby before God and can only babble mysteries shouldn’t surprise anyone. In this gift of babble, babble is levated to mystery. I pray in faith believing.
Paul used the gift of tongues quite a lot for he says, “I give thanks to God that I speak in tongues more than any of you.” (1 Cor 14: 18)
It doesn’t take tons of faith to pray in tongues. As Jesus intimates faith the size of a mustard seed will suffice.
There is also the gift of tongues which is a form of the gift of prophecy. Paul gives instructions for its use in the assembly. I’ll leave this side of the gift for others to discuss saying only that it benefits the whole assembly when interpreted through another gift of the Holy Spirit, the interpretation of Tongues.
