I certainly consider myself a Traditionalist in the sense that I accept all of the teachings of the Church that have been handed down through almost 2,000 years. The Tradition includes the documents of Vatican II. However, I do not entirely agree with some of the new “traditions” that have arisen subsequent to the Council in the “spirit of Vatican II.” For example, I think that the following, modernist changes to the liturgy have been mistakes that have contributed to an overall lessening of reverence at Mass:
- The priest facing the congregation during the Offertory and Consecration
- The removal of communion rails
- Use of insipid modern music and songs
- Communion in the hand
- The misplaced sign of peace
- Use of inclusive language in the prayers and readings
- Emphasis on the “people of God” versus God Himself
- Failure to enforce a modest dress code
- Excesssive concelebration
- Excessive use of Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist