What makes you think that a return to the Latin-traditional style mass will end the abuses? It will simply change the rules and become an occasion for other abuses.
The purpose of worship is to move closer to God. Every Christian church has this goal. However, unlike our Protestant brethern, the Eucharist is the source and summit of our faith. Other things included (like readings, homilies, prayers, and music) are intended to lift our souls to be ready to accept this gift and become closer to God (and further submit ourselves to God’s will). I don’t believe it is a failing of the mass, per se, for most parishes, but a failing of good faith formation and religious education. Many catholics don’t truly understand the simple truth that the Eucharist IS the Body and Blood of our Lord (spiritually, emotionally, or mentally). The problem isn’t the music or the language or the priest facing towards the congregation. The problem is our congregation’s understanding of what the purpose of the mass is. While the mass itself can be a catechetical tool at times, faith formation outside of mass is absolutely critical.
What you don’t like are the liturgical abuses and unorthodox catholic lay persons and priests. Bringing back the old style mass isn’t going to help that. Rather, a deeper solution is needed: better faith formation.
I commend Catholic Answers for thier work. However, as Karl said (or was it Jimmy?) on one of the radio shows, if our parishes were doing thier jobs, we wouldn’t need Catholic Answers, and Karl and Jimmy would be out of a job.