Tribute to Joe Biden?

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I quoted Scripture to avoid putting my own opinions, and the modern relativism where everyone elevates their own thinking as some absolute
Yet so many quote scriptures, including you, they think justifies their version of modern relativism.
Here is another fact about Trump at least tried to help the american worker. He tried to lower the number of allowed H1B’s into this country.

We are in a pandemic where americans are losing their jobs and yet
yesterday the senate passed a bill that will allow unlimited H1B visa into this country.

Not one single senator opposed it. Google, Facebook, Microsoft, you name any job they can remotely tie to technology, that job can be classified as needed an H1B visa to fill it.

Just remove the borders and get it over with. The only reason I will keep my job is that I have an American accent. Until they start replacing as many medical worker as they can with worker from india, then they can replace me with a $7.25 a hour tech.

Now this is happening,

Mile lee’s " Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act" could also be called “Put American workers in the Unemployment line” or even better “America last”

It is only going to become worse with Biden in the white house. Might as well as give china the keys to the front door.
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And you haven’t thought about that was why his was chosen? This is quite possibly the most important case that Trump has to put forward. And he chooses someone who hasn’t argued in a courtroom in decades and isn’t familiar with the technechalities of this aspect of law?
Could it also be because he rejects the need for competence in his underlings and chooses them solely on the basis of personal loyalty to him?
Just remove the borders and get it over with. The only reason I will keep my job is that I have an American accent. Until they start replacing as many medical worker as they can with worker from india, then they can replace me with a $7.25 a hour tech.
I certainly don’t want my pay to drop to min. wage.

But I have to say that natural-born U.S. citizens are certainly not stepping up to the plate when it comes to the medical professional (certified or licensed) jobs like lab, x ray, respiratory, PT, phlebotomy, etc., and not even when it comes to the clerical hospital jobs like “client services” or “data entry.”

We are SOOOOOO short-staffed in our lab!! Right before I went on COVID-leave (tested positive, but few symptoms and nothing that compromises how I feel, but my husband is in the hospital with it)–my department HIRED SOMEONE!!! YAY! She is an older woman about my age (early 60s), so I’m guessing someone decided that they needed or wanted the extra income, and perhaps even felt the calling to go back to work during the COVID-pandemic.

But that was a miracle. I don’t think it’s happening very often throughout the hospital.

SO…as far as I’m concerned, if the DACA people want these jobs and are willing to train for them (they can’t just walk into the lab and start working as a tech without the certification)–then I say, “WELCOME!”

I do realize that the client services employees, who have a high school diploma (but still do terrifically important work for the lab!) would greatly resent seeing new workers come in at min. wage because they would wonder when their salary, which is already pretty low (around $15/hour) will be cut. But there is an experience factor there, so hopefully, they would be OK.

Again, we NEED the workers, and if the DACAs want these jobs, they can have them!

I question whether the DACAs want these jobs. I think that many young people have been so filled with STEM and Positive Image propaganda from their hours of being online that the only jobs they are interested in are the ones that pay a lot more than they would make in a hospital; e.g, robot designer, engineer, video game designer, astronaut, etc.
What about the unlimited H1B visa?

Well at least the progressives will be happy.
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What about the unlimited H1B visa?

Well at least the progressives will be happy.
Question about this–and forgive me, I have NOT been following the national news much because of our family’s woes with COVID, especially my husband who is gravely ill at this moment.

From what I understand, the DACAs are the CHILDREN of those people who entered the country illegally.

The CHILDREN had nothing to do with entering this country illegally–it was not their choice, they broke no laws. It was their parents or other relatives or friends who BROUGHT them into this country. These children were raised as AMERICANS, in many cases speaking English and attending school with English-speaking children and teenagers. Most of them have never, ever been South of the Border, they do not speak fluent Spanish (although some probably do), and they are NOT prepared to live in, what to them, is a FOREIGN COUNTRY!

They are AMERICANS, not born here, but BRED here. They love this country.

So…I tend to support laws that would grant these young people a fairly-easy path to citizenship. I think this path should depend on how they are doing in school (attending regularly, passing classes, or enrolled in special education or other assistance programs if they are having trouble learning), and how they are doing with the law–not in trouble, no record of lawlessness.

I think they should have to take a very very basic “test”–what are the three branches of the federal government, what is our primary governing document, who is the current President of the U.S., etc.–very simple questions.

And of course, they need to willing take the Oath of Citizenship.

But that’s it–these kids (and many of them are grown-ups now) ARE Americans already.

Now their parents or the adults who sneaked them in–THOSE are the people I would probably track down–and they should make some restitution for illegally entering the country. But I think that if they have kept their noses clean, stayed out of trouble with the law, and are working at honest work–they should also receive a path to citizenship–yes, it may involve some kind of limitation because they DID break the law initially–but do you blame them?!

phil3, our country currrently has a NEGATIVE population growth. We are in trouble here because people have stopped having kids. Younger baby boomers like me have a very real worry that there won’t be enough people working to pay into our Medicare and other aid that we will no doubt need, no matter how carefully we have tried to invest and set aside monies and assets for our very old age.

And for that matter, we’re not sure we will have enough WORKERS to sustain this country! Who will do the farming, the road repairs, the new buildings, the hospital work, the teaching, the pastoring and priesting?!

We could use the people–in the past, surges of immigrants entering the U.S. have been immensely important in growing our country in many ways. We need new thinkers, new workers, new moms and dads!
Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act
Go look this up and tell me it is good for the American worker.

This has nothing to do with not enough workers, this has to do with cheap labor from India. With the Caps removed H1b’s will flood into this country. There is no American safe from having their jobs filled with lower paid foreign nationals. Except from china. Rick Scott is proud he blocked china
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I do think Biden’s call to unity is absolutely laughable and hypocritical, myself. He and his party actively encouraged the chaos that came about after Trump’s election.

I have little in common with Biden and his policies. I’m just ignoring him, living my life, speaking out against most of what he espouses when necessary, and waiting on voting in 2 years, and 2 more after that. The Supreme Court we have now will keep at least some of his plans in check.
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He and his voters don’t want unity, they want submission and capitulation.
The Democratic Party’s vocal members have almost all espoused so much racism between groups that a call to unity from Biden is like a call to equality and charity from Kim Jong-un.

Thanks to the regressive policies of the hard left and high-profile political figures who espouse them, like AOC and her “squad”, it’s practically a venial sin now in progressive circles to be white.

I have zero time for, or interest in unity with a party that allows that kind of nonsense to thrive under their care. I respect myself more than that.
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Go look this up and tell me it is good for the American worker.

This has nothing to do with not enough workers, this has to do with cheap labor from India. With the Caps removed H1b’s will flood into this country. There is no American safe from having their jobs filled with lower paid foreign nationals. Except from china. Rick Scott is proud he blocked china
Well, I looked up the Bill–my apologies, but it’s rather complex. I read through some of the critiques of the bill…and I’m not sure I buy them.

You’re worried about American workers.

I ask, “WHAT American workers?!”

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, we had over 5000 openings in factories around our city for welders, pipe-fitters, CNC operators, etc.

Many of these openings still exist, as some of the older, more-established factories have continued to prosper even during the pandemic.

Where are all the AMERICANS applying for those jobs?? Why have they remained unfilled for years!?!

I’m sure that the dismal fact that 50% of African American young men drop out of high school in our city (we have four large public high schools) has something to do with it. You know, BLM tells us that we are practicing discrimination against African Americans, especially the young men. It seem to me that not finishing high school is the reason why these young men aren’t eligible to enroll in a tech program that will give them the skills and certification needed to apply for these factory jobs.

But this isn’t just about minorities. Only 15% of all the students in our public schools achieve a grade-level score on their standardized tests.

It seems to me that if our American young people aren’t willing to put in the work to successfully complete a high school education–then…why SHOULDN’T immigrants have the jobs that need to be filled for our factories to stay in business??

I’m having a hard time believing that there are any “American workers” left in this country! Between small families and sub-standard parenting that fails to produce hard-working, self-motivated young adults–we’re out of American workers!!

To me, it sounds like it’s time to bring in the reinforcements so we can continue to produce products that the world is waitin’ to buy!

And you know, if they’re willing to work for less–that’s their business! It’s amazing how many immigrant families spend $30 a week on groceries–and eat better than those of us who spend $200 week on groceries! And it’s amazing how many immigrant families are willing to have their kids share bedrooms in a small house in an urban section of the city instead of building a castle on a large lot in the country and both children have not only their own bedroom, but their own BATHROOM and private office and deck–heck, I’m surprised we’re not seeing each child also have a “guest suite” for when their friends sleep over–but of course, so many of these kids interact with others only online nowadays, and sleepovers seem to be as antiquated as “chores” and “family outings!”

No, so far, I tend to be on the side of the immigrants. Link me to some other opposition, please.
Yet so many quote scriptures*, including you*, they think justifies their version of modern relativism.
So now you read minds? I guess with things winding down charity is not an issue.

It was said I accuse people of pride based on a search of my username and the word pride, even though a lot of the posts are not even mine, they are a sliver of my, 37,000 posts, and a lot of the uses were in reference to liturgical documents referencing chant and organ usage.

You may disagree, but I have seen a new relativism emerge, or maybe it is a deterioration of critical thinking, where the individual opinion is presented as a standard against what truth is measured. Surely you must have seen it. Heck, you could probably search my posts and find where I have done this. I do not exempt myself. That is why I like to quote Scripture and authoritative documents. It draws me back to the only standard of Truth we can depend on.

So back to my quote about pride. No Scripture should be dismissed because it is inconvenient. If it is misused or misapplied then it should be easy to say why it does not apply. My response to @Sirach2 was not a criticism of him, by no means. God does abhor abortion, and we really do not know what God’s preference is. As a nation, we can defy God. I was point out other considerations. Namely, that God will punish and humble the proud. He has done it with leaders in the past. I could have posted the passage from Daniel where Nebuchadnezzar says, and the king answered and said, “Is not this great Babylon, which I have built by my mighty power as a royal residence and for the glory of my majesty?" Here God debased him by making him made and taking on the actions of a beast.

I do not know what God thinks. I respect the position that most here hold that abortion is such an overwhelming issue that nothing else matters. It is not mine, though I would give abortion the top, by far, priority, in political considerations. None of us have any idea how God would stand on this one. It is tough.
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From what I understand, the DACAs are the CHILDREN of those people who entered the country illegally.
That is correct. This bill has no bearing on H1B visa’s. It helps those young adults that know no other country than the United States. I know of some for whom English is the only language they know.

I knew there was a reason I liked Cornyn. Has anyone noticed that the greatest practical support for immigrants over the years has been Republicans (not Democrats) from border states? I really think the GOP ought to capitalize on this.

In any case, back to my previous post. It seems this year, more than any other, the ability to discuss politics civilly is in decline, as a nation, and here. I know I will soon be a position of defending my lack of support for re-election of the incumbent with my family. I am okay with doing this in person, because we love each other, and desire peace. I suggest that the way to make America greater is not wearing slogans on caps, or how we vote, but rather to stop tearing at each other and put the divided house in order. If people of faith cannot do this, then we cannot expect others to, and we will always be less than we could be.
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I was also talking about sb386. Which will allow almost all the green card application to go to India.
Go look this up and tell me it is good for the American worker.

This has nothing to do with not enough workers, this has to do with cheap labor from India. With the Caps removed H1b’s will flood into this country. There is no American safe from having their jobs filled with lower paid foreign nationals. Except from china. Rick Scott is proud he blocked china
Well, I looked up the Bill–my apologies, but it’s rather complex. I read through some of the critiques of the bill…and I’m not sure I buy them.
I don’t have any comment on the point of disussion per se. I just wanted to say that it’s good to see that you are checking the details of the policies in question and helping inform the rest of us. Honest debate is in short supply these days.

And my best wishes for your husband.
With 140,000 green card yearly up for grabs and most if not all will go to India, your tech sector job is up for grabs.
I’m not seeing any bill that removed the limit on h1b visas, does anyone have a link? I see a removal of the per country limits, but characterizing that as ‘unlimited h1bs’ is being misleading at best. There’s still a total limit, which hasn’t been removed.
With 140,000 green card yearly up for grabs and most if not all will go to India, your tech sector job is up for grabs.
I have no idea how your immigration laws work, so if someone could chip in here and answer this.

In Australia, the immigration laws are reasonably strict. To be allowed in (to work) you have to have a certain recognised skill level that is going to be useful to the country. And if your specific expertise isn’t required, then please try again in 6 months or so. So if you’re a tech expert and there are Australian tech experts looking for work, then you’re going to be out of luck.

That policy meant I had to wait three years after first applying to immigrate before Australia said ‘Hey, we actually now need some people with your skills’.

Surely the same system applies in America? If you have a dearth of tech workers then you aren’t going to hand out thousands of green cards to (for example) Indian tech workers who might well accept lower wages and keep the out-of-work Americans out of work.
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