Tribute to Joe Biden?

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It was a very special reading this evening as I prayed the LoTH vespers, and perhaps a fitting closure for this thread.
READING 1 Corinthians 4:5

Stop passing judgment before the time of the Lord’s return. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and manifest the intentions of hearts. At that time, everyone will receive his praise from God.
Those are fine sentiments. But I don’t think that God works to your time schedule. His plans are not necessarily going to pan out in a time frame that will suit you and me. So I think we ought to take some responsibility ourselves to work out who are the frauds.
You lost me at “you and your…” It is a classic logic fault of guilt by association.
Those are fine sentiments. But I don’t think that God works to your time schedule. His plans are not necessarily going to pan out in a time frame that will suit you and me. So I think we ought to take some responsibility ourselves to work out who are the frauds.
I agree completely. I have been offering daily mass and my rosary that God would guide Trump’s legal team to uncover and expose any and all fraud, thus reversing the results in his favor.

BUT, if He does not, I will trust that in the end of time, those who think they got away with their acts, will have their designs made known to all. I keep forgetting that God’s justice, even if it is not apparent in our time, will be manifest.
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Those are fine sentiments. But I don’t think that God works to your time schedule. His plans are not necessarily going to pan out in a time frame that will suit you and me. So I think we ought to take some responsibility ourselves to work out who are the frauds.
I agree completely. I have been offering daily mass and my rosary that God would guide Trump’s legal team to uncover and expose any and all fraud, thus reversing the results in his favor.

BUT, if He does not
God doesn’t appear to have been much help to Guiliani and his troupe. I hope that if they are shown to have no evidence (and none has been forthcoming) that you will accept the result of the democratic process.
Of course, Freddy. BUT, I will not cease praying for God’s help to cope with the devastation our country is sure to experience at the hand of the new administration. Abortions will flourish, and religious liberty will be attacked. Etc., et al.
Of course, Freddy. BUT, I will not cease praying for God’s help to cope with the devastation our country is sure to experience at the hand of the new administration. Abortions will flourish, and religious liberty will be attacked. Etc., et al.
How come you think that God prefers Trump over Biden? Has He personally told you something?
I do not know God’s preference, except to know for sure that He abhors abortion. I do not espouse the man, Trump, but I support his religious policies - and that has no bearing upon his character defects.
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I do not know God’s preference, except to know for sure that He abhors abortion. I do not espouse the man, Trump, but I support his religious policies - and that has no bearing upon his character defects.
Six out of the last nine presidents since Roe v Wade had the same policies as regarding abortion. Do you wonder why nothing has changed?
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The majority of our country is pro-choice. Maybe we just are not praying enough? Or fasting? God will deal harshly with our 60,000,000 abortions, whether they were done under the last nine presidents or not. Trump is the only pro-life president that I know of.
Six out of the last nine presidents since Roe v Wade had the same policies as regarding abortion. Do you wonder why nothing has changed?
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I do not know God’s preference, except to know for sure that He abhors abortion.
I can tell you other things he hates.

Proverbs 6:16 There are six things that the Lord hates,
Seven that are an abomination to Him:
17 Haughty eyes, a lying tongue,
And hands that shed innocent blood,
18 A heart that devises wicked plans,
Feet that run rapidly to evil,
19 A false witness who declares lies,
And one who spreads strife among brothers.
What is your point? Is this aimed at Trump? Am I misreading you? What in your opinion is the worst of evils, the ones you list, or the killing of innocents?
And hands that shed innocent blood,
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Abortion is not the only issue, not in the election, and not in the eyes of God. I could have used this list of sins that cry to Heaven:

There are particular mortal sins that are so evil that they are said to be sins that cry to heaven for vengeance: murder (Gn 4:10), sodomy (Gn 18:20-21), oppression of the poor (Ex 2:23), and defrauding workers of their just wages (Jas 5:4).

If I had to say which sin I think is the worst, I would probably list pride, as that is the initial sin of Satan and the root of all other sin.

So, I am not quick to know what God has in mind for the election this year. I do know who won, 306-232, though.
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Michelle Obama promoted arugula and promoted arugula many times including trying to get children to want it. At one point at an organic farm said that arugula and steak was her favorite meal.

Arugula is very expensive and especially “organic” arugula … and America’s school lunches should include food items like arugula and dump pizza and other children favorites …

Her lunch program resulted in much food waste and increased costs - much of that wasted funding born by taxpayers

And on an Iowa [I think] campaign stop Barack Obama when discussing economic challenges that farmers face - asked a farmer if he’d seen what Whole Foods was charging for arugula … like it is a major food crop in America let alone the corn and soy bean state of Iowa [or any other state if I am remembering wrongly] … Not sure where in America the mainstay crop is arugula …

Arugula became the symbol of the Obama’s status as being elitist left and out of touch … which of course they were and are out of touch with middle America

Obviously the Obama’s like arugula
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Abortion is not the only issue, not in the election, and not in the eyes of God.
So, I am not quick to know what God has in mind for the election this year.
Our bishops have warned voters about Biden’s agenda. But I agree - this was not the only issue of importance. Biden plans to…
  • repeal the Hyde Amendment;
  • go after the Little Sisters of the Poor after SCOTUS ruled in their favor;
  • allow LGBTQ in the military, and share restrooms in schools;
  • make Roe v. Wade the rule of the land;
  • increase taxes;
  • allow big increases in immigration;
And these are only a few on the top of my head.

God help us!
You could also choose gay marriage, transgenderism, restriction of freedom to worship, among other things, which interestingly are all supported by a single party.
I quoted Scripture to avoid putting my own opinions, and the modern relativism where everyone elevates their own thinking as some absolute. If politics were not the modern god of our understanding, then we would see the greater evil of pride.

God help us!
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I do think it a step to far to presume too far that one knows the mind of God. If you say, “But abortion…,” then I may rightly respond, “But pride…” For while I do not know what God thinks of this election, I know Jesus said while He was on this Earth, “Whoever exalts himself will be humbled.” So, is it so inconceivable that God would want a man who claims constantly to be the best in so many areas, the greatest at all sort of things, to be humbled in defeat?
I do think it a step to far to presume too far that one knows the mind of God.
But [as for me personally] it matters very little to me that I may be judged by you or any human court [on this point]; in fact, I do not even judge myself. 1 Cor. 4:3.

Philip, you use scripture to make your point rather than spell it out. Kindly allow me to use the same mode.
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