Well, we keep being told here that disagreeing with Trump’s policies/actions is “hating.”
I don’t believe I’ve said that here or anywhere, and If I did, I was very wrong to say that. Maybe others have said it, and they are wrong.
I do insist that denigrating Pres. Trump’s work for the pro-life cause is unbelievable and unacceptable for Catholics.
As far as I know, every pro-life organization in the U.S. has praised Pres. Trump’s many accomplishments on behalf of the unborn. These are front-line pro-life workers, and if they are pleased, I think it’s bizarre that those of us who are sitting in our prayer closets or writing checks to the Church’s pro-life organizations would be critical of the President’s pro-life accomplishments.
Of course, if Pres.-Elect Biden is telling the truth (which I’m sure he is on this issue), all of Pres. Trump’s good works will be undone and the unborn will be in greater danger than ever now.
The unborn will no longer be recognized as human beings under any Democratic Administration. So hopefully, all their policies designed to give better health care, better education, and more opportunities to the disenfranchised will work out well, as the reason why people choose abortion is because they are poor, lack health care, and don’t have the education and advantages needed to get a good job that pays a living wage, right? If all these human rights are available to everyone, then abortion rates will drop dramatically, right?
Interestingly, one of the largest groups of people who seek abortions are middle-upper class women who have financial security. Hmmm…
And for that matter, under the Democratic Administration, and with the good possiblity that both the House and the Senate will be under Democratic control, those who advocate for the unborn might be in danger, too, as their actions could be considered anti-women, anti-freedom of choice, and possibly even racist (depriving women of color of the opportunity to make decisions about their own bodies and thus making it difficult or even impossible for them to finish school, accept certain jobs, or accept good opportunities that will help them to overcome the systemic racism that has held them back from achieving their full potential).
Let’s cut to the chase–the issue is that the unborn are human beings and it should never be legal to kill them. When the Democrats start getting that, I’ll be willing to “unify” with them. But to unify with a political Party that advocates such henious, blatant evil is unthinkable and foolish. And yes, hateful. So yes, maybe I have said it, and I don’t take it back.