Trump fires director of Homeland Security agency who had rejected President's election conspiracy theories

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It’s happening now. Trump lost.
I wasn’t aware that the states had certified and the EC had voted. That’s what determines when someone has won and lost.
He’s using the courts to throw doubt on Biden’s election. I think that’s abuse.
If the courts decide against Trump, how does that throw doubt on Biden? If anything, it confirms the integrity of the election.
You can couch it in terms of exercising his rights or whatever, but he’s filing suits, not to get a “fair” result, but to throw a tantrum.
It is disturbing how often I’ve seen rights described in similar manner over the last 5 years, particularly when discussing Donald Trump. When venturing to describe defending one’s rights as to throwing a tantrum, do not be surprised when someone does the same to yours.
We know this because all of the suits are being thrown out.
Then let the suits be thrown out. Isn’t that what you want?
Usually it’s department heads, and it’s not nakedly retaliatory. But firing people for telling the truth seems to be Trump’s style. He’ll be someone else’s problem soon.
Unfortunately he won’t be fading into private life.

He’s going to set himself up as the primary voice of Rightism in the US- setting up a network or just signing onto one of the fringe one already out there.
He can do whatever he wants but as long as he’s not president his controversial statements and provocations won’t have the same impact on the national consciousness.
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Unfortunately he won’t be fading into private life.

He’s going to set himself up as the primary voice of Rightism in the US
I hope not. He isn’t conservative enough in terms of reducing spending. He also has a tendency to step on the message. That’s why he lost. We need more of a Ronald Reagan type voice.
or just signing onto one of the fringe one already out there.
I doubt the fringe networks like CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, and MSNBC would sign with him. They just spent 5 years lying about him.
He can do whatever he wants but as long as he’s not president his controversial statements and provocations won’t have the same impact on the national consciousness.
It sounds like we’ll have to put up with real racist comments from the likes of Omar and Pressley.
Not to be snarky, but why would Donald Trump evince this great concern about corruption late in life? Has he ever shown any concern about it in his past careers as a real estate mogul and a reality tv star? It seems a little far-fetched (to me) that this free-wheeling businessman would suddenly develop a passion for good governance.
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We need more of a Ronald Reagan type voice.
They still exist in the Lincoln Project. 🙂
He’s done nothing illegal.
In a very sad sense, you are correct. There are no laws against spreading false rumors, outright lies - except lying under oath (perjuries). There are no laws against submitting frivolous lawsuits. The laws were written on the assumption of a minimum of decency by the people. They also assumed that the violators of these unwritten laws (while cannot be legally prosecuted) will be shamed, shunned and ostracized by the society. Unfortunately that is not happening here. There is a sizable segment of the population who could be bamboozled into believing the most outrageous lies and distortions. That is the power of demagoguery.

So, we are in bad shape. The only hope is that the system is strong enough to withstand the enemy from WITHIN. Hopefully even the worst autocratic systems (Russia, Turkey, North Korea, Brasil, Hungary, etc…) will fall eventually. How far is that in the future, no one knows.
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They still exist in the Lincoln Project.
An anti-conservative group that used anti-Semitic inferences against Ivanka and Kushner in a New York ad campaign.
In a very sad sense, you are correct. There are no laws against spreading false rumors, outright lies - except lying under oath (perjuries).
If there were, the entire dishonest DNC media would be in trouble. So would Schiff, Feinstein, Nadler, Booker, Biden, etc.
There are no laws against submitting frivolous lawsuits. The laws were written on the assumption of a minimum of decency by the people.
The failed to consider progressives.
There is a sizable segment of the population who could be bamboozled into believing the most outrageous lies and distortions.
About 77 million last I saw.
So, we are in bad shape. The only hope is that the system is strong enough to withstand the enemy from WITHIN.
I hope so, but apparently the party intent on tearing that system down just won the presidency.
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His dad lived to be 93. He died of Alzheimer’s.

My mom was just 77, and lived I guess 6 years following her diagnosis.

I wish him health, and hope he can be gracious and concede.
Not to be snarky, but why would Donald Trump evince this great concern about corruption late in life? Has he ever shown any concern about it in his past careers as a real estate mogul and a reality tv star? It seems a little far-fetched (to me) that this free-wheeling businessman would suddenly develop a passion for good governance.
Because something was missing in his life?
I can see that the Trumpist brainwashing was successful. I simply feel sorry for you.
You feeling sorry for me is disturbingly obnoxious and condescending, so please don’t burden yourself.
That system includes:
  • a nine seat Supreme Court
  • a senate that represents the states equally
  • the electoral college that provides a democratic election process.
  • the filibuster
  • limited central government
  • the primacy of individual rights, including:
    Speech, religious free exercise, kept and hear arms, due process, access healthcare without government interference.
Just a few.
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Why not vote based on actual policy that promote conservative values?
  1. I’m not a conservative.
  2. I will be glad for the handover to Biden because then the Trump apologists can stop trying to make excuses for his repeated misdeeds and violations of settled convention.
Just a few.
What does this have to anything with the election?
Everything. The party that wants to tear the system of which these are critical elements apparently just won the presidential election.
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