Trump fires director of Homeland Security agency who had rejected President's election conspiracy theories

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I still contend that Trump wants to flush out the fraud in the elections before he concedes.
Meanwhile, the downside is that America is less safe as to national security and more people will die since there is no coordination on fighting the pandemic.

What’s the downside in conceding now? Trump does not have a clear path to another term. If he is re-elected, what harm comes from working with the Biden team now? Not much harm, really.

So we are left salving Trump’s conceit.
Hope you stick around to continue.
I would have no problem with having a cold, dispassionate, fact based conversation.
Over a cold dispassionate lager. 🍺😁
Meanwhile, the downside is that America is less safe as to national security and more people will die since there is no coordination on fighting the pandemic.
Oh, nonsense. This is pure propaganda. The vaccine will most likely start being distributed before January 20. The fighting the pandemic goes on where it’s supposed to, at the state level.
What’s the downside in conceding now? Trump does not have a clear path to another term. If he is re-elected, what harm comes from working with the Biden team now? Not much harm, really.
None. But the EC meets next month. No harm is done, either.
Mr. X appoints a head of cybersecurity to assure a fair election. This head of cybersecurity reports the election was secure and the safest ever. Mr. X loses so he fires the head of cybersecurity.
Person X also created a committee to research election fraud after Person X won the 2016 election, but not by popular vote. The committee ended up disbanding after they found no evidence of election fraud.
I seem to be a rare bird that voted Biden but has no real objection to Trump making legal actions where he suspects fraud may have occurred. It’s his legal right to do so.

What I find kind of sad and pathetic is that, so far, no evidence seems to be able to be produced…that makes it look like he’s just hoping that if pokes around enough, something will stick. The other problem is that his base is so sure there is fraud because Trump says so that even if all his legal pursuits fail, these loyal followers will still claim fraud occurred and the Dems got away with it…which undermines any faith in our system.

If there really are fraudulent actions, I want them exposed and dealt with. But, throwing spaghetti all over the walls and hoping something sticks is far different than coming forth with evidence…not just hearsay but actual evidence. If there is some, let’s hear about it…not this “I just know there’s fraud in there somewhere because my guy lost.

How many more accusations of fraud have to be thrown out before people realize there is just smoke with no fire rather than “there’s got to be a fire in there somewhere”…”let’s keep looking”.
Undermining the legitimacy of our elections for short term profit of some dubious kind, and long-term pain … way to go, Republicans. If this effort to reverse-engineer the will of the voters while Republican office-holders stand by silently continues much longer, I may never vote Republican again, in any race, at any time. This is a dangerous Rubicon they’re crossing.
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Are you doubting that the gentleman was fired? Or the reason he was?

This is why he was fired. From the Twitter of Donsld Trump:
(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

He disagrees with the assessment of homeland security, the agency whose job it is to keep us safe. Instead, he’s furthering conspiracy theories that have been dismissed from most the courts the campaign has appealed to.

Maybe Fred and Maryanne should have allowed him to fail graciously as a kid. Sometimes you win Donald. Sometimes you lose. Play nice.
On the bright side, the tweet correctly uses the word “therefore” stating directly the firing was in retaliation for a report that did not have him win the election. Krebs knew who he was working for though, so this should come as no surprise.

I look for the current president to try and fire the United States next for not giving him more votes.
I seem to be a rare bird that voted Biden but has no real objection to Trump making legal actions where he suspects fraud may have occurred. It’s his legal right to do so.
You are not alone. To try to rectify an error, and asking the courts to do so is not just legitimate, but perfectly fine. That is what the courts are for. However, when the case is thrown out of court for lacking merit, a new suit on the same level is already frivolous, and should be penalized for wasting time. And not just the litigant, but the lawyers, too.
What I find kind of sad and pathetic is that, so far, no evidence seems to be able to be produced…that makes it look like he’s just hoping that if pokes around enough, something will stick.
I kind of feel that way when Trump makes vague statements; that if he says something that has potentially wide interpretations, eventually something will come along to which he can declare it is an example of what he meant all along.
If there really are fraudulent actions, I want them exposed and dealt with. But, throwing spaghetti all over the walls and hoping something sticks is far different than coming forth with evidence…not just hearsay but actual evidence. If there is some, let’s hear about it…not this “I just know there’s fraud in there somewhere because my guy lost.
I was thinking of the boy that cried wolf. If the claim is thrown around baselessly enough then when something questionable does come up, fatigue from hearing about the. Baseless claims could make people less responsive to them.
Undermining the legitimacy of our elections for short term profit of some dubious kind, and long-term pain … way to go, Republicans.
It is a complete falsehood that this is happening. It is dangerous, but becoming more and more common, for the left to attack individuals, particularly Trump, who exercise their individual rights.
The president has the right to seek out legal remedies in court. If the courts throw his case out, this actually defends the legitimacy of the system. Accusations that the president is undermining the legitimacy of the election because he is exercising his rights does far more damage to the republic and our system of legal rights.
This is a dangerous Rubicon they’re crossing.
Exercising individual rights is not a dangerous rubicon. The accusation, however, is.
@JonNC one of the Trump campaign lawyers (Jenna something) made it clear that the (long shot) goal in Michigan was to get the Republican legislature to seat Trump electors, so yeah, I would definitely consider that undermining the will of the voters. And something we’ve never seen before in this country.

I have no doubt that this strategy will fail but it needs to be called out for what it is.
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@JonNC one of the Trump campaign lawyers (Jenna something) made it clear that the (long shot) goal in Michigan was to get the Republican legislature to seat Trump electors, so yeah, I would definitely consider that undermining the will of the voters. And something we’ve never seen before in this country.
Yeah, I remember four years ago when, based on the Obama administration created lie that trump colluded with Russia and stole the election, many Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) called on electors to vote against Trump.

At the least, the Trump’s campaign is using the legal process. Four years ago, the Democrats developed an “insurance policy” in an attempt, first, to undermine the election in the EC, then later to overturn that election by corrupting the system with a fraudulent charge of conspiracy collusion.
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