Trump fires director of Homeland Security agency who had rejected President's election conspiracy theories

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I will be glad for the handover to Biden because then the Trump apologists can stop trying to make excuses for his repeated misdeeds and violations of settled convention.
Settled convention.
Like a nine member Supreme Court, the right to keep and bear arms, the senate and the filibuster, the Electoral College, limited government and federalism? Those settled conventions?
Everything. The party that wants to tear the system of which these are critical elements apparently just won the presidential election.
Sorry, I had better withdraw from this conversation. Totally innocent and truthful posts are “flagged” until they get removed. What would be the point to continue? I will just wait until January 20th and have a champagne or twenty to celebrate the end of the nightmare. Will this post also get removed?
Sorry, I had better withdraw from this conversation. Totally innocent and truthful posts are “flagged” until they get removed.
If your post to me got flagged, it wasn’t me. In fact, you’ve made no comments to me or that I’ve seen that deserves flagging. And I ask no one to flag you or any other person I dialogue with.
What would be the point to continue?
Because it is the free exchange of ideas that makes America distinct in the world.
Because it is the free exchange of ideas that makes America distinct in the world.
There is no free exchange of ideas, when one side gets “flagged” and the posts get removed. See you on Jan 20th.
There is no free exchange of ideas, when one side gets “flagged” and the posts get removed. See you on Jan 20th.
You’re right. I’ve been flagged often. I’ve been suspended a couple of times. It goes both ways. It’s wrong, and I’m frustrated it has had this effect on you.

And it shouldn’t.
Sorry, I had better withdraw from this conversation. Totally innocent and truthful posts are “flagged” until they get removed. What would be the point to continue? I will just wait until January 20th and have a champagne or twenty to celebrate the end of the nightmare. Will this post also get removed?
I totally agree.

Truth not always welcome. I too, will raise a glass on 1/20/21 to celebrate!!
You’re right. I’ve been flagged often. I’ve been suspended a couple of times. It goes both ways. It’s wrong, and I’m frustrated it has had this effect on you.

And it shouldn’t.
I have been flagged as well as suspended. This forum has rules about charity. If it didn’t, it would descend to the level of the NPR comments on fb. I used to like reading the comments when they were on their website, but they proved to difficult to moderate and they don’t have a comments section anymore.
You’re right. I’ve been flagged often. I’ve been suspended a couple of times. It goes both ways. It’s wrong, and I’m frustrated it has had this effect on you.

And it shouldn’t.
I have been flagged as well as suspended. This forum has rules about charity. If it didn’t, it would descend to the level of the NPR comments on fb. I used to like reading the comments when they were on their website, but they proved to difficult to moderate and they don’t have a comments section anymore.
I understand, but when the flag function is used to silence, I find it contrary to the principle of free exchange of ideas.
I understand, but when the flag function is used to silence, I find it contrary to the principle of free exchange of ideas
I used to be quite snarky when I first joined this forum. I’ve learned to make my words sweet (for the most part) because I may have to eat them!
Well, I could copy and paste my recently deleted posts, but I will NOT attempt to do that, because this kind of action could be misinterpreted as a criticism.

It would also be helpful, if the names of the “flaggers” would be displayed, so we could see who have that itchy finger. But the software does not provide this capability. Anonymous flagging is a real curse.

As a matter of fact, I scrupulously follow the rules and regulations. It is not the “tone” or the lack of charity that gets flagged, it is the disagreement with someone. Anyhow, we have strayed long enough from the topic.
No, the Media has inaugurated Uncle Joe as President.
He will not be inaugarated until January 20th.
How can you support Democrats and be a practicing Catholic?
Not the topic.

Mr. X appoints a head of cybersecurity to assure a fair election. This head of cybersecurity reports the election was secure and the safest ever. Mr. X loses so he fires the head of cybersecurity.

In this scenario, what was more important to Mr X, a secure election, or winning at any costs?
Mr. X appoints a head of cybersecurity to assure a fair election. This head of cybersecurity reports the election was secure and the safest ever. Mr. X loses so he fires the head of cybersecurity.

In this scenario, what was more important to Mr X, a secure election, or winning at any costs?
There you go! A perfect summary of the events.

It is obvious that Mr. X demands absolute and total loyalty to himself, even over and above the sworn oath to uphold the Constitution. The number of fired people is simply staggering. It sure looks like that he still thinks that this is a reality show, where he can scream at the other “players”: “YOU ARE FIRED!!” (Actually, he does not even have the courage to tell them in their face.) Well, this is not a game show. And here he was the one who got fired…

And yet, there are some followers who still support him. I cannot comprehend it.
Well, I could copy and paste my recently deleted posts, but I will NOT attempt to do that, because this kind of action could be misinterpreted as a criticism.
Yes. I wouldn’t do that.
Anonymous flagging is a real curse.
As a matter of fact, I scrupulously follow the rules and regulations. It is not the “tone” or the lack of charity that gets flagged, it is the disagreement with someone.
I think the disagreements sometimes spark the flagging. Suspensions? Not so much.
Anyhow, we have strayed long enough from the topic.
Hope you stick around to continue.
That’s why I like CAF. It’s well monitored and people get to know one another for the most part.
And yet, there are some followers who still support him.
There are many good reasons to support Trump and they have been posted here numerous times. Do you want me to repost?
There are many good reasons to support Trump and they have been posted here numerous times. Do you want me to repost?
I am sure you consider them sufficient reasons. In my neck of the woods the negative features “trump” the positive ones. It is a fact, that he lost the election. It is a fact that he and his lawyers submit lawsuits to try to overturn the results. It is a fact that ALL these lawsuits are thrown out for lack of merit. It is obvious that he “bunkered” down and shuns the publicity - because he know that he lost. So no honesty, no decency, no graceful acceptance. Just tries to make the transition as bad and as dragged out as he can. If you still support him, that is your business.

When this charade will be over, and he will have to leave the WH, then the fun will commence.
You have to separate your dislike of him from what he has actually accomplished in office. Many presidents are unlikeable and morally repugnant (Kennedy and LBJ, to name some more recent ones).

I still contend that Trump wants to flush out the fraud in the elections before he concedes.
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