Trump Massive Rally in Washington DC (Nov. 14th) (Tens of Thousands Gather)

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Eric Coomer is Vice President in charge of security and safety at Dominion Systems the company that supplies voting machines to 28 states and to every one of the states still in play. Eric Coomer is a known Antifa activist who is has a history of left wing extremism and membership in a skinhead group called Papaskin.
I found Eric Coomer had a long history of posting on websites for skinheads. He was a heavy user of a Google Group for skinheads, and seems to have possibly been a content moderator for Only these aren’t the neo-Nazis our mothers warned us about. These skinheads call themselves SHARPs, or Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice. Think of them as a sort of punk rock Antifa. In 2012, roughly 18 SHARPs attacked a smaller group of suspected racists in a Chicago restaurant with bats and batons. That same year, three neo-Nazis were charged for the 1998 double murder of two SHARPs in Nevada.
Given that Dominion’s Director of Security and Strategy, Eric Coomer, was an enthusiast of a street fighting anti-racist skinhead culture going back at least into the 1990s, it seems very likely that Joe Oltmann was correct in identifying him as the Facebook user recently endorsing Antifa and posting anti-police rhetoric. I shared this information on a few message boards to let other people run with it. Within hours, Papa Skin, a skinhead website which had been up for over 20 years, was taken offline.
If such a highly placed individual had connections to Proud Boys or right-wing organizations and Trump had won the election, you can bet those on the left in these forums would be shouting from the rooftops.

Another case of Rules for thee but not for me.

A fair election means these kinds of anomalies ought to be looked into especially since Dominion machines have been subject to years of suspicion even from Democrats like Klobouchar and Warren.

And now we discover that, Peter Neffenger, the Chairman of the Board for Smartmatic the company whose software runs on the Dominion machines has been named to Biden’s transition team.

Nothing to see here, folks. Keep shutting your eyes and pretending nothing is awry.

The big tech companies will continue to bury this information so that, like Hunter Biden’s laptop, it will no longer disturb your sleep while the Great Reset gets implemented before you even know what has transpired. Big Brother Tech is here to look after you! 1984 wasn’t a warning. It was just an idea, a myth, a fiction in the imagination of George Orwell.

Let’s continue to shrug it off as “conspiracy theory” despite that accusing Trump of all kinds of conspiracies with foreign agents has been the bread and butter of Democrats for at least five years. Classic transference.
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I’ve had this conversation with my coworkers who voiced this exact same concern about their elderly parents.

A close coworker friend of mine was telling me that she was not going to bring her 85 year old mother down to the election office to have her mother stand in line with her walker, for who knows how long. The lines for elections can go on for hours.

Then add the issue of the pandemic on top of it.

Mail in ballots is the most logical solution for these issues
Tightly regulated absentee ballots by request or early voting would be the reasonable solutions.

Wholesale mail-outs in multiple copies to every single person registered on dirty voting rolls invites confusion and fraud.

It is coming to light that 25,000 nursing home residents in different nursing homes across Pennsylvania requested mail-in ballots at the same time and day. By whom? We don’t need to look into that? Maybe there is an explanation — but doesn’t it warrant an explanation instead of a shrug?
Lowering the effort is one thing. Lowering the effort while completely undermining requirements for matching signatures, integrity of process and chain of custody is something else entirely.
I don’t think that we’ll have that problem. It’s been quite the opposite. A person that was legally registered to vote, and had participated in the elections, previously could get to the front of such a line and find they are not registered any more by no fault of their own. It took a lawsuit to get that problem corrected. GA has previously been over-eager to remove someone’s registration at times.
Most of the voter fraud that happened in Georgia in the past has involved absentee ballots.

Guess which party submitted that conclusion in court filings?

The Georgia Democratic Party in 2009. (2009 WL 8748533 (Ga.Super. 2009).

Rules for thee but not for me.
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He could vote “absentee” as I always do." That is different from “mail-in” voting where everyone is sent a ballot without asking.
Didn’t change the outcome of those elections does not mean it couldn’t change the outcome of other elections that were not audited.
What part of the logic of this are you not getting?
The part that asserts that we should upend the whole election without any a priori proof that there was a problem in a particular district. The one district that had a problem, saw indications of it in their data. So… they investigated, and resolved the problem. You’re asking that all districts – regardless of any evidence of problems – should be torn apart and rebuilt again.

In the end game, you’re asking for states to withhold certification, which seems to be a tactic geared to making way for partisan state legislatures – rather than the voting public – to choose electors.

Not cool. That would be “stealing an election.”
Except this would be you cherry picking solutions rather than conclusions.

Who claimed “upend the whole election?” I didn’t.

I claimed such data warrants closer investigation and a wider analysis to see if the trend is maintained.

I didn’t claim it was a justification for upending the election. That seems to be you making a fallacious appeal to consequences that we shouldn’t investigate further because the entire election would be upended due to just a few anomalies.

Not my claim.

Here is what I did say about the NH data…
An average of 6% in the samples is a big deal and indicates at least that more sampling should be done and if the trend continues then larger audits are warranted.
Now, I did earlier on speak of a full audit, but that was for a different reason.
The provenance and functionality of the Dominion machines requires a full audit. This will become the critical issue.
The NH data though might be relevant because NH does use Dominion Voting machines in some counties. I am unable to confirm that Windham county, the one in question is one of those counties.

It seems they may have.

You also claimed…
The one district that had a problem, saw indications of it in their data. So… they investigated, and resolved the problem.
That isn’t quite true though because they didn’t “resolve the problem.” They treated the symptoms of the problem by recounting and correcting the vote tallies. They did not, however, resolve the problem of why the tallies were so far off and so consistently so. That remains a mystery, given that they were optically scanned. Scanning error? Machine algorithms? Software issues? What caused the issue is how the problem is resolved. Merely putting a bandaid on the results and patting the candidates on the head doesn’t.
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61% believe that a group of conspirators killed JFK.
I don’t believe that Oswald acted alone. The mafia had the motive.
As far as this 2020 election is concerned, Trump shot himself in the foot in the first debate.
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74 million want some clarification on the state of Georgia election and their own citizens want some clarification on the 2.2 new DMV voter registrations.
You have a poll with 74 million responses saying this?
Next thing in Georgia, they will propose that illegal aliens to be able to get drivers license .
Which has nothing to do with voting, so . . .
New England states allow illegal immigrant 9undomented) to get drivers license.
Which also has nothing to do with Georgia voting.
“Dominion has no company ownership relationships with any member of the Pelosi family, the Feinstein family, or the Clinton Global Initiative, Smartmatic, Scytl, or any ties to Venezuela,”[the company says on a Web page debunking election rumors. “Dominion works with all political parties; our customer base and our government outreach practices reflect this nonpartisan approach.”
Company “ownership” relationships does not rule out the possibility of some other kind of relationship.

This is pure doublespeak.

Clearly Biden has some kind of relationship with the Chairman of the Board of Smartmatic since he has named that individual to his transition team. No past relationship? Uh huh.
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What about the dead people voting? Is that not evidence? I don’t understand why anyone would vote for Biden after the hunter Biden scandal? Is kamala Harris a role model for all the women specially young girls? Does Biden exemplify a stellar Catholic?
Clearly Biden has some kind of relationship with the Chairman of the Board of Smartmatic since he has named that individual to his transition team. No past relationship? Uh huh.
That doesn’t sound like a slam dunk to me. Plus we are back into McCarthyism again-- the point is not the credentials of the counters but if the count is accurate.
What about the dead people voting? Is that not evidence?
There’s been no evidence of dead folks voting. Do you think that enough dead voted to put Biden over the top, or conversely, do you think that throwing out fraudulent votes from the dead would cause a Trump win?
Is kamala Harris a role model for all the women specially young girls?
As a matter of fact, yes.
Does Biden exemplify a stellar Catholic?
On this forum we are not supposed to question a person’s piety.
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What about the dead people voting? Is that not evidence?
They (the dead) have been interviewed. The problem with outlandish claims is that there is either no specifics, or the specifics can allow journalist to go speak with them
Right let’s make it so easy to vote that it becomes effortless to do so. Let’s make sure the industrious and thoughtful voters who work hard to educate themselves and demonstrate their commitment to the country by at least putting in the effort to get their shoes on and go stand in line for a few minutes don’t have all the say in how the country is run
Certainly don’t want the great unwashed masses having a say in their government. We really should bring back tests to make sure only the right sort of people are allowed to vote. (sarcasm is now turned back off)
The crux of the issue isn’t “the great unwashed.” The issue is operatives using a pretext regarding the “great unwashed” to squirrel in lax election procedures that make it much easier to cheat and to hide behind protecting the weak and disabled.

One of the affidavits is from a retired captain from the Houston PD.
AFFIDAVIT OF MARK A. AGUIRRE “My name is Mark A. Aguirre. I am above the age of eighteen years and am fully competent to make this affidavit. The facts stated in this affidavit are within my personal knowledge and are true and correct.

“I am a retired captain with the Houston Police Department I am now a private investigator.

“I am currently involved in an investigation related to a wide-ranging and fraudulent ballot harvesting scheme in Harris County intended to rig the elections in the Houston/Harris County area. This scheme involves voter fraud on a massive scale.

“Based on interviews, review of documents, and other information, I have identified the individuals in charge of the ballot harvesting scheme. These individuals includes political consultant Dallas Jones who was recently hired by the Joe Biden for President campaign to oversee their Harris County initiative.
District 13 Texas State Senator Borris Miles, who is the handler of Mr. Jones, political consultant Gerald Womack, and Precinct 1 Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis. One of the companies these individuals are using as a front for this operation is AB Canvassing, although there are others that have been identified that we are investigating.”

I have in my possession video-taped interviews of witnesses attesting to the aforementioned people having groups of people completing thousands of absentee and mail-in ballots, including completing ballots for deceased individuals; illegally going into nursing homes, with the complicity of the nursing home staff, and filling out and forging the signatures of nursing home residents; signing up homeless individuals to vote using the ballot harvester’s address then completing the ballot and forging the homeless individual’s signature. . . .
I will address your sarcasm in another post, though.
He could vote “absentee” as I always do." That is different from “mail-in” voting
Absentee voting and mail in voting are the same thing.

Some states require a reason to vote “absentee” while others don’t. Some states call it “absentee” and some states call it “mail in ballot” They are all handled the same way— you mail it in or drop it off.

For example, here in WI, you complete an “application for absentee ballot” (form EL-121) whether you are “absent” or not on Election Day. There is no reason required. Anyone can vote by mail in WI
where everyone is sent a ballot without asking.
There are a few states that do voting by mail for all registered voters or send ballots to registered voters. It is disingenuous to say “everyone” receives a ballot. It is NOT “Everyone”. Just registered voters.

It’s the state’s prerogative how they run their elections regarding absentee or mail in ballots.
A close coworker friend of mine was telling me that she was not going to bring her 85 year old mother down to the election office to have her mother stand in line with her walker, for who knows how long. The lines for elections can go on for hours.
Yes, this astonishes me. From the other side of the Atlantic I’m astonished that a modern sophisticated republic cannot establish polling stations of sufficient size and efficiency to enable people to vote without waiting for hours. I always vote and I almost always vote in person, but I have never had to wait more than five minutes.
What about the dead people voting? Is that not evidence?
The only dead person who tried to vote so far in this election was Robert Lynn’s mother who died in 2015.

Robert Lynn, Trump supporter, forged his mother’s signature on an absentee ballot application. In Pennsylvania. This was caught before the election when the application was reviewed, and Robert Lynn was arrested and charged with voter fraud.

The system worked just fine preventing mama Lynn from receiving a ballot.

All other reports of “dead people” voting have thus far been shown to be false allegations.
I’ve never had to wait very long either, just for the record (and I’m American). Usually the issue debated is low voting participation.
One of the affidavits is from a retired captain from the Houston PD.
This is not evidence. It would be tossed in court. It says he has video of other people saying that they several different things. The last line reads:

"“This entire operation is being run by the elite politicians of the Democrat
Party in Houston/Hams County.”

He is a “private investigator,” meaning he gets paid to do this. Furthermore, he isn’t retired, he was fired from the HPD and criminally charged. He was not convicted, but the court upheld the firing.
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Certainly don’t want the great unwashed masses having a say in their government. We really should bring back tests to make sure only the right sort of people are allowed to vote. (sarcasm is now turned back off)
Admittedly, my comment is subject to the scathing sarcasm that you posted.

However, my over-the-top post was in response to an equally hyperbolic one on the other side…
How much more representative would our government be if everyone voted. You don’t appear to agree. That is tragic.
That post appears to support the position that “everyone” ought to vote absent any criteria whatsoever.

The problem with that suggestion is that individuals with no investment in government outcomes, those with no interest in informing themselves or incapable of understanding the political landscape, or those who are utterly hostile to Constitutional Rights (unrepentant felons, for example) all would have equal franchise.

So those who, minimally, do understand what is at stake and work hard to better their lives and the lives of those around them will have their votes diluted by those who have no stake and do not care, or who would willingly sell their vote for profit, or do not have the basic capacity to comprehend the political situation and what is at stake. That is why children, for example are not franchised to vote.

Should Alzheimer or dementia patients, for example, be provided a ballot at the risk that that ballot could be usurped by some other person who votes twice or more?

So no minimal capacity requirements to vote? Is that your position? It seems to be @billsherman’s.

I would suggest that there is a middle position that should be better articulated. One that ties one’s capacity to honour social contract obligations (i.e., as spelled out in the US Constitution) to one’s right to vote. I wouldn’t, for example, be opposed to individuals with Power of Attorney/Personal Directive be able to vote for the dementia patient in their care because that individual should also be afforded a say in how they are governed even if they are not capable of voting themselves. And I certainly wouldn’t be opposed to mail-in ballots or special arrangements for those with legitimate handicaps or disabilities. The process should be secure, however.

In fact, I think a good argument could be made for parents being allowed to vote on behalf of their children who are under the voting age. A family of five would have five votes, for example. Even children are impacted by political decisions so their guardians (perhaps) ought to have a say on their behalf. I am sure the progressive liberals with no children will love that “inclusive” suggestion. 😉

You see, I am not against the “great unwashed” having votes. I am against unscrupulous actors using current procedures as a pretext for absconding with the votes of the great unwashed, especially those most vulnerable — because of their disabilities — to be used by those with untoward motives.
Clearly Biden has some kind of relationship with the Chairman of the Board of Smartmatic since he has named that individual to his transition team. No past relationship? Uh huh.
That doesn’t sound like a slam dunk to me. Plus we are back into McCarthyism again-- the point is not the credentials of the counters but if the count is accurate.
So you are for full transparency because of all the anomalies to make certain that EVERYONE (i.e., not just Biden voters) is satisfied that the count accurately reflects one legitimate voter = one legitimate vote.


We are in agreement.
2.2 million new GA voters over what period of time?
Maybe it came from this? Just a guess. I don’t actually know.
Our analysis shows that people who were registered through AVR do vote — but not necessarily at the same rate as those who register themselves. Let’s run through the numbers:
  • From the day they first implemented AVR through their 2018 voter-registration deadline,2 those eight places automatically registered around 2.2 million new voters. (Although, as we’ll talk about in a minute, some of those voters surely would have registered without AVR.)
  • As many as 6 million existing voters who interacted with a government agency had their voter registrations automatically updated — for example, by replacing an outdated address.3
JurisdictionStart of AVR Data
New AVR Registrants​
AVR Updated Registrations​
AlaskaMarch 1, 2017
CaliforniaApril 1, 2018
ColoradoMarch 1, 2017
D.C.June 27, 2018
GeorgiaSept 1, 2016
OregonJan 1, 2016
Up to 907,494​
Rhode IslandJune 11, 2018
VermontJan 1, 2017
You may want to think about this.

California initiated over a year ago a new “Motor voter” registration law that automatically enrolls residents to vote when they renew their driver’s licenses even if they are not citizens or eligible to vote.

Yet, California (pop ~40 million) registered 730, 000 LESS individuals than Georgia (pop ~10.7 million).

Hmmm. 🤔

Sure Georgia started in 2016, California in 2018, but still…

… no concerns?
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