Trump's stunning abdication of leadership comes as pandemic worsens

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The number of new cases could be lessened if there would be a strong message encouraging the wearing of masks and keeping social distance.
Did your governor not suggest these? Has that not been the message for months?
Or maybe the fact is that masks and distancing only slow the growth.
There is no need for “house arrest” and imprisonment, just listening to the experts, and not the quacks.
The experts have told us competing advice since March. That’s not their fault. It a virus nobody knew how to handle.
We do ready tried a shut down. It destroyed the greatest economy in 50 or more years. It has destroyed thousands of small businesses (I’ve noticed that the tech censors like Dorsey and other Democrat donors haven’t suffered).
We already tried house arrest. It didn’t work.
It is a virus. It doesn’t care if there is a D or an R after the president’s name.
The buck stops on the Resolute desk!
The buck stops at the desk of those constitutionally responsible: governors.
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I think Trump is a good man. I don’t think its wrong to stand behind someone who is willing to fight for good. I think Trump was a breath of fresh air for people who realize that politicians are not as “perfect” as they seem to be. Everyone always points out that Trump is not a perfect man, but I think many don’t realize that this is exactly WHY people like him so much.

What is evil in my opinion, is never letting someone forget their past. Yes, we all realize Trump is not perfect and has done many bad things, but haven’t we all? To me, he is the perfect model of someone who was never perfect, did many bad things, but is still trying to be a good person and stand for what is right. There isn’t anything wrong with standing behind someone who has done bad things, there is a problem however when they continue to do bad things.
I’m stunned by how oblivious Trump supporters are to the hatred against the Left on this forum.
Matched and exceeded by the left.
There is hatred on both sides and its tragic.
Agreed. I’ve had discussions with posters here that leftist terrorists are better than right wing terrorists. When we should all be United against all terrorists because they all want to destroy our great republic.
Matched and exceeded by the left.
Oh please. On this forum? The leftists I see on here aren’t the ones opining about moving to a red state so they don’t have Democrat neighbors.
Out in the real world, there is a lot of legitimate hatred for Trump supporters…to be sure. But I agree that on this forum I don’t see much actual “hate” from “liberals” (whatever some say). I have seen conservative posters say things like “may the Lord cast out the demonic Joe Biden” and, as you just said, “I wouldn’t want a Democrat as my neighbor because they can’t be trusted!”
The bitter animus against Trump is palpable even on this forum.
Uh huh. Tell me the next time someone posts “man I really want to get away from all these Trump supporters! Anyone know a good place on the coast to move to?”
I said earlier there is hatred on both sides. But on this forum I haven’t seen any real (better word than legitimate) hatred from left-leaning posters…it exists in the “real world”, but I don’t see it on this forum. From what I’ve seen, on this forum, the conservative comments come closer to hatred than the liberal comments…“Can’t have a Democrat as a neighbor”…“may the Lord cast out the demonic Joe Biden”, etc.
Uh huh. Tell me the next time someone posts “man I really want to get away from all these Trump supporters! Anyone know a good place on the coast to move to?”
I certainly don’t think that. I have many friends and family members on the left. I have colleagues who are on the left.
I’ve never used the ignore function here. I’ve never used the flag function. As much as I’m willing to argue my side, I’m not going to let others decide where I live, who my friends are, who I interact with. I don’t see how a true conservative can act otherwise.
I’ve seen true hatred from the left. Leftists lamenting more people didn’t die in Cuba or Russia. I’ve also seen right wingers lament that Franco didn’t kill enough leftists in Spain. The hate on both sides is real. The left doesn’t have a monopoly on it.
Oh please. On this forum? The leftists I see on here aren’t the ones opining about moving to a red state so they don’t have Democrat neighbors.
How much of that is here? How many separate regular posters are saying stuff like this?
How much of that is here? How many separate regular posters are saying stuff like this?
Tons. As twf noted, we’ve heard Biden called demonic, leftists branded as terrorists who want to destroy the Church, etc.
I’ve seen true hatred from the left. Leftists lamenting more people didn’t die in Cuba or Russia. I’ve also seen right wingers lament that Franco didn’t kill enough leftists in Spain. The hate on both sides is real. The left doesn’t have a monopoly on it.
Absolutely agree. I’ll state it again:
There is no difference between violent leftists and violent right wingers. They are effectively identical. Both want to destroy our rights and our republic. There is effectively no difference between fascists and Marxists.
Americans of good will who love this country should reject both. If we take sides, we damage our own future
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Most people aren’t violent and don’t support violence.

But when a person gets called “facist” and “racist” and “thug” just because they voted differently than the speaker, the constant insults and attacks have a cumulative effect.

The person knows they’re not any such thing, but being constantly attacked affects a person.
the federal government has cashed out and left the states to struggle on their own.
It’s probably best for a president to not attempt micro-managing the states.

And while I think it is asinine to blame the pandemic and the deaths on Trump, he certainly has failed the greatest test of his presidency.

The pandemic can be compared to a World War in some respects. And any president worthy of the office would be adressing the nation frequently, offering support, comfort, and reminding us how we have always overcome every crisis that is coming our way throughout our history.

I can’t imagine a single president before Donald Trump not doing precisely that. He really has failed to provide leadership regarding the pandemic.
Tons. As twf noted, we’ve heard Biden called demonic, leftists branded as terrorists who want to destroy the Church, etc.

I just did a search for this post in which Biden was called demonic, and the only posts in which Biden and demonic are both in the same post are on this thread and in one other post by twf from 5 days ago.

Looks like that post @twf is referencing has been pulled.
Why do I need soothing from a President or a Governor or a Mayor over a pandemic?

I’m not a baby.
That’s good for you, but what of all those who so worried about their loved ones and their future. Everything is not always just what we want and how we feel.
I was replying to a post that said the leaders are supposed to comfort us.
No thanks.

What I saw in this pandemic was about a million different and changing opinion, a million conversations that went “I’m all about science!” “No you’re not, I am!”, and a two week shut down that lasted six months.

Oh and “anybody who doesn’t pandemic like me is Literally Hitler “

Don’t give me any silly comfort.

Just tell me the morbidity and mortality and I’ll decide when it’s safe to leave my house.
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