It’s not a political issue. It’s a human rights issue.
With “arguments” like this it is easy to understand why opponents prefer to simply avoid the debate altogether.The reason behind the action is to purposefully inflict emotional trauma.
That’s the actual reason.
What would you suggest they do when a political issue is also a moral issue?And this is a pretty good synopsis of why I so strongly oppose the involvement of the bishops in political issues:
Bishop Edward Weisenburger of Tucson, a canon lawyer, suggested “canonical penalties” for Catholics “who are involved” in the separation of families. Canonical penalties, which can range from denying sacraments to excommunication, “are there in place to heal,” Weisenburger said. “And therefore, for the salvation of these people’s souls, maybe it’s time for us to look at canonical penalties.” Bishop John Stowe of Lexington, Kentucky, suggested pastoral outreach for border agents struggling with their consciences.
Don’t you realize the Church is a Dictatorship? I have had on occasion had at least 2 Priests tell me that. And in the last 10 years. The most recent was about 2 years ago during a homily.Making a penalty keeping a Catholic from receiving the Eucharist or being excommunicated, is a dictortarial move and the USCCB’s should reject such an idea
I am sure you are going to get heat for that statement.The Sacrament should not be used to whip Catholics into line, per Cardinal Dolan’s reason for not prohibiting pro-choice Catholic Politicians from receiving.
The same is true in this case.
Do you feel the same way when American children are ripped from their parents arms because their parent committed a crime? Children are taken from their parents in this country everyday, some for good reason, others for not so good reason. The parents who are detained, and have their children taken away, temporarily, are breaking the law. Period.To those Catholics who cowardly rationalize supporting the policy to rip kids away from mothers—shame on you.
I don’t think this is what they’re saying. I could be a lot more approving if they were. As usual, I imagine one or two USCCB spokesperson are going to tell us we are morally obligated to make our neighbor pay for a ridiculous immigration policy. That’s the usual, it seems, not something really involving person cost, like sponsorship.Sponsor an Illegal Immigrant… or else :man_shrugging:t2:
But do they equally insist that parents in this country who are charged with abuse or neglect or unrelated crimes not be separated from their children?Otherwise, will continue to think that what our bishops are doing is trying to keep souls from going to Hell with this stance, which is their job.
Of course not, because that doesn’t tug at your heartstrings like this does.But do they equally insist that parents in this country who are charged with abuse or neglect or unrelated crimes not be separated from their children?
https://www.washingtonpost.com/news...can-teen-through-a-fence-acquitted-of-murder/However, if you put killing kids at the border under the category of “immigration issues,” then they would be exactly equally. Fortunately, we are not there yet.
It has been my contention for some years now that there are only a handful of political issues that are in fact also moral issues, and that immigration is not one of them. With abortion, euthanasia and a very few others one can cite the moral choice involved in the issue: is it moral to support abortion - yes or no? What is the moral choice involved in the immigration issue? Is it moral to separate parents from their children? We may regret the necessity to do so, but the answer is unquestionably yes. In fact we do it all the time when someone is arrested for violating the law, which is exactly what is happening here. The parents are arrested for violation of US law and are incarcerated. The children, not being culpable for the sins of their parents, are not incarcerated but are taken care of by other agencies…exactly the same as is done today all over the US when parents are arrested.What would you suggest they do when a political issue is also a moral issue?
Because it’s unnecessary – and unnecessarily cruel. It’s not required that we punish children to teach their parents a lesson. Reject asylum claims, deport those who arrive here illegally… But for crying out loud, if it’s possible to keep families together, do so.The parents are breaking the law. Period.
Children are removed from the custody of parents who break the law every day.
Why is this any different?