U.S. Catholic bishops are considering punishing Catholics who enforce Trump's immigration policy

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If what you say is true then I agree with you. But I have not seen it demonstrated that the sole purpose and intent of detaining illegal immigrants and placing their children in care until their parents’ release is to cause emotional torture and trauma for everyone involved. It is rather a result of actually prosecuting illegal immigrants, just like any other crime.
And this is a pretty good synopsis of why I so strongly oppose the involvement of the bishops in political issues: it comes with the almost inevitably invalid assumption that opposing the bishops political preferences is opposing the will of God. What an astonishing belief.
The kings of Israel said felt as you do about the prophets of God. As less one bishops can be shown that says this involvement is political, it will be my belief that those who speak for God today, whey they speak unanimously, are accurately portraying the best application of moral teaching, and those who are opposing the Church in unison, are opposing the will of God.

Thus, it is my belief, that for the sake of politics, money, prejudice, or whatever, people are choosing Man’s law over God’s. This position, as it is the position of my bishop, should hardly be faulted by a Catholic.
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So your question was answered and you resort to making these people of less human value that 'Muricans. How can this be moral? For the sake of your soul, listen to what the bishops are teaching.
I’m sorry, what?

Children in this country are removed from the custody of parents who break the law all the time.
We are not talking about asylum seekers, we are talking about people who are choosing to circumvent the law, by entering the country illegally. There are consequences for illegal behavior. If you don’t want to risk the consequences, don’t commit the crime. Seems pretty simple to me.
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Obviously # 2. And it seems like this is the new plan moving forward in response to the deserved outage.

I am proud of you, Ender, for being capable of compassionate and moral thought. Sort of.
The consequences for illegal behavior do not need to be inhumane.

That’s what this is about. This isn’t defending illegal action it’s outcry for unjust punishment.
Is it unjust when the child of a US citizen who breaks the law is removed from their parents custody?

And to answer the earlier question, yes it even happens with misdemeanor offences if said parent cannot post bail if needed.

Sorry, but this is just more liberal propaganda that is being used to paint one side as monsters and the other as saviors. If you don’t want to be separated from your children, follow the proper procedures and don’t break the law. Easy peasy.
Sorry, but this is just more liberal propaganda that is being used to paint one side as monsters and the other as saviors.
This has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with good vs. evil. This is a human rights issue. Stop making it a political issue. The fact that you confuse the two is scary.

A child being removed from their parents custody is different than what is happening at the border. In the case of asylum seekers, they are separated UNNECESSARILY.

It’s not a hard concept to grasp.
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Asylum seekers do not cross borders illegally.

The children being detained separately from their parents have parents who are breaking the law. Would you prefer the children go to jail with their parents until they are deprorted or their case for asylum moves forward?
Asylum seekers are also having their children stolen from them at the border, not just families crossing illegally.

They need to be detained in an ICE family detention center or released into an alternative detention program together as a family. Separating them is obviously unnecessary and cruel.
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Families who come to a legal point of entry seeking asylum are kept together in family detention centers until their cases are heard.

The people who are having their children detained separately are not doing that. They are cossing the border illegally. Just like any other person who is arrested for a crime with children in tow, the children are going to be detained separately until the criminal charges are answered and either bail is set or the alleged criminal is otherwise released. Would you like the children of these people go to jail with them?
Thus, it is my belief, that for the sake of politics, money, prejudice, or whatever, people are choosing Man’s law over God’s. This position, as it is the position of my bishop, should hardly be faulted by a Catholic.
Provide a quote of your bishop’s comments, because I’m pretty sure there isn’t a bishop anywhere in the world who would say his political opinion on this issue is also the will of God. I might also point out that there is nothing whatever to suggest that this position represents the unanimous opinion of the world’s bishops.
It’s happening to both.

The scam, basically, is that they’re denied the legal right to seek asylum at the point-of-entry, effectively entrapping them into committing the 1325/1326 crime they’re then jailed for, and giving Cruella D’Babymill’s goons justification to take their children hostage.
You do understand this is not a political issue for these bishops, right? You do understand that this is not about politics but about morality? You do understand that your bishops jobs are to save your soul?

Catholics serve Christ, not a political ideology.
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Children in this country are removed from the custody of parents who break the law all the time.
Not in this fashion. The only time this happens on-site is when there is something more serious, like a felony, or an assualtive misdemenor
There are consequences for illegal behavior. If you don’t want to risk the consequences, don’t commit the crime.
You juxtaposed “criminal” with illegal". It may be Trump doesn’t understand the difference either, but this is at the heart at why people ignorant of how enforcement works make mistakes. Stopping someone on a traffic stop, sending their kids to CPS and throwing the parent in jail for the traffic offense is a closer legal analogy that parents going to jail.
opinion of the world’s bishops
The world? That is not how the Church works.
What are they teaching?
For one thing that when we violently take a child from it’s mother’s womb, it is immoral and wrong. When we take a child violently from its mother’s arms, it is immoral and wrong. That was the way Cardinal Dolan described it.

There is this:

“Families are the foundational element of our society and they must be able to stay together…Separating babies from their mothers is not the answer and is immoral.”

For one thing that when we violently take a child from it’s mother’s womb, it is immoral and wrong. When we take a child violently from its mother’s arms, it is immoral and wrong. That was the way Cardinal Dolan described it.
Then you’ll be glad to know that I believe in deporting the entire family to a UN Administered Safe Zone in Mexico.
That would be much more humane. I was unaware there was such a place though.
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