After having met my biological mother, her life was miserable and so were her two kids’ lives. Her daughter always acted up and HATED her b/c she DIDN’T place her for adoption like she had done for me. Also, DON’T assume that you know why your daughter is against adoption (or even why she’s pregnant). DON’T assume anything pertaining to her perspective.I think she’s afraid that the child will grow up and either hate her for putting it up for adoption or be forever looking for her as it’s birth mother. And I do understand that. I have five kids and the thought of giving any one of them up…well, I don’t know if I could do it either. But then, the circumstances surrounding their births were quite a bit different.
I’m very grateful that abortion was never an option that entered her mind.
You both need help b/c there is no relationship there. She can’ t trust you, you can’t trust her. As another poster stated, there was a breakdown somewhere years ago, you both seem to have missed where that was (I bet that she knows, but will not disclose it to you). You can’t do this alone, and you shouldn’t. You may be her mother, but you can’t see through your own emotions to see the source of her pain. That is why seeking professional, Catholic help is SOOOOOOO important. Also, you say you have one child younger than her. Where are your other children? Why aren’t they helping the situation? Doesn’t your daughter mean anything to them? Do they mean anything to your daughter? If they don’t care, then your problems are even bigger than your daughter, it really is a family problem.