Oh, all I am trying to say, is that when you get to the specifics of it. It is quite complex, and not a cut dry answer. With food, even the Bible tells us 2 Thessalonians 3:10 If any one will not work, let him not eat.This still applies to food, water or housing if we assume that those things are “rights.” Everything an individual needs is likely going to be the product of human labour. You could say that food cannot be a right, because it forces the farmer and retailer to provide it.
I’m not really big on the topic of individual rights, I don’t think it makes much sense really. Still I don’t see how the argument of “personal liberty”, works, because everything is a product of human labour, so to say anyone has a right to anything is to basically say that someone needs to produce it for them.
What is a right? Well there are positive rights and negative rights. I get them confused. And then people say that they have a right to “X” when in fact is not a right, but a freedom.